How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App it is fair, and not cynical at all, to point out that a HUGE chunk of what the “forbidden knowledge” types complain about boils down to not being able to openly dehumanize certain marginalized groups.’s clear that outside payments—whether direct cash payments or cozy “teaching” gigs overseas or sudden land sales—are a non-trivial form of SCOTUS compensation., this is an issue where reverse causation is really, really plausible—the vulnerability to schizophrenia CAUSES the self-medicating use of marijuana. Which makes correlational-only so so risky. coverage of this, from every source, has made the consistent, deadly, dehumanizing error of equating disorder with danger., by going to the opera w Scalia rather than shaming him, those who went w him failed to impose any costs for this racist behavior, despite being among the few anywhere who could. Which only likely encouraged him more. you point to Horton-like outcomes, the One Bad Case that sank a candidate? Probably.’s governor has proposed restructuring all sorts of local powers (clearly to target one bee reform DA). the argument that not having someone there in person is the thing that is not the same, not the substantive outcome of the case? course, to those who do not live in the communities impacted by crime, it really is just about the absence of crime, since they feel the (usually-overstated-for-them) fear of crime, but likely feel none of the benefits of others' well-being. while I'm generally not surprised Vallas's support is strongest where crime is the least, I think it could also be the case that for mayors there is still room for a "Locking Up Our Own" candidate: someone like Johnson on a lot of issues, but also pushing for more policing. who live in the safest areas tend to be those who make the “severity is safety” argument the most, bc it feels intuitively correct, and they often lack the sort of extensive lived experience with that intuition being wrong/far less accurate than they think. is the history of Fed grant programs, like the 94 Crime Bill (70% of grant funds went untouched and only 4 states said the grants mattered) or SORNA (majority of states took the small cut rather than change their sex registry laws). we armed only 10% of all teachers. We'd need the promise that 99.93% of those guns would never kill a child to make sure that the costs of arming the teachers < costs of not.