@JohnMashey@mstdn.social, John Mashey Profile picture
Semi-retird CMPSC/tech exec-Bell Labs,UNIX,MIPS,SGI;Big Data ~1994;AGU,AAAS,APS;Invstgtv reporting~$ climate&tobacco anti-science,politics;block Dunning-Krugers
3 subscribers
May 18, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
@Ceist8 @robbswallace @TullimonstrumC @MartinJBern @RogerCoppock 1/ John Daly was an economics teacher at Laurenceton College (despite name, that's 11th-12th grades), a "science advisor" for the Western Fuels Association (Powder River Coal) 2000-2003. Dishonest academic frauds were crucial in his hockey stick attacks.
desmogblog.com/2017/07/23/wes… @Ceist8 @robbswallace @TullimonstrumC @MartinJBern @RogerCoppock 2/ The his original "The hockey stick - a new low in climate science was posted 11/12/2000:

(He didn't date the posts, but the date can be found in):
Sep 16, 2022 18 tweets 9 min read
TT1/ Trump Tactics vs {complaints, lawsuits, prosecutions} are predictable, based on study of TrumpU actions, just ABCD:
Admit nothing, stonewall
Bash plaintiffs/prosecutors
Corrupt (at least try) legal system - judges, AGs & witnesses
Delay legal proceeding via filing blizzards Image TT2/ This Wikipedia page is a reasonable overview of the cases against TrumpU, including examples of <ABCD>.
It is missing many money flows to government officials <C>, covered later.
Jun 23, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
In hearings today, one name I hadn't heard before was Clark's helper Ken Klukowski, @kenklukowski (who doesn't have a Wikipedia entry, yet), but a few mentions:
glaad.org/gap/ken-klukow… Image Klukowski worked for First Liberty Institute, of which @JaneMayerNYer wrote in
newyorker.com/magazine/2022/… Image
May 25, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Adolescent brain development varies, often continues as long as 24.
Google: "adolescent brain development" gets hits that explain, like:
Lacking a simple adult-brain test, ages 18 or 21 are societal approximations. AG2/ Example: nicotine addiction, which for most works only during adolescent brain development.
Almost no one starts after age 24. National Academies(2015) documented the strong science:
Search PDF for adolescent brain, see (annotated) Fig2-3 p.45.
May 6, 2022 171 tweets 87 min read
LA1/ Roe v Wade, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Ohio etc.
This 🧵 assumes:
a) State goals as restrictive as legally possible.
b) Any tactic that survives challenge will be copied by others. LAWYERS, HELP? Which tactics likely?
I started 🧵but then great paper popped up, see LA7. LA2/ I assume goals, w/ tactics usually tried already:
A) ANY fertilized egg is legally a child (LA HB213).
Visitor + Plan B illegal
B) No legal in-state abortions for any reason, rape, incest, health of mother (including ectopic pregnancy, OH), i.e., fetus >>health(mother)
May 5, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Do I read this right (I'm not lawyer): if Roe overturned & this Louisiana bill becomes law, abortion any time there = murder.
This says murder punishable by death when victim under age of 12... (but maybe jury says life sentence).
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_p… Maybe lawyers can look at the proposed LA text and explain if this sort of thing would likely hold up if Roe is overturned to extent Alito & co want to?
Succinctly: could a state decalre an abortion homicide and invoke death penalty or at least life imprisonment for it?
Sep 14, 2021 4 tweets 42 min read
@Jaisans @Lo_VVriter @BrknMan @Spencerfletch0 @FillmoreWhite @B_Bolshevik100 @FChecker76 @sueytonius @aldavidson99 @roger_clague @Kenneth72712993 @variegated2 @glinch72 @FlowerandFist @JohnDublin10 @RoyPentland @mentalmal1 @ejwwest @OscarsWild1 @TomPlesier @MikeDel21893959 @PaprikaLady @flyonthewall182 @BJChippindale @BubbasRanch @FriendsOScience @LouisCy72344053 @Robert76907841 @SteveJenks63 @Veritatem2021 @Realnotdreamer @xxghostface420 @aSinister @njbtweet @Ceist8 @JoshSehn @JR4_Truth @rubiginosa @DocSnow1 @Homer4K @FactSparrow @Roark_Architect @ZombiePiano @OzzmanOsgood @jefftonna1 @fagandr1 @DawnTJ90 @DaveWRose @gjcats @Tangomitteckel 1/ ~2005 I heard Stanford (Nobel physicist) Burt Richter give a general-audience version of this talk on climate & energy for small group in our nearby town.
When Q&A came, 2 eager-beaver guys started peppering him with classic denier meme questions. @Jaisans @Lo_VVriter @BrknMan @Spencerfletch0 @FillmoreWhite @B_Bolshevik100 @FChecker76 @sueytonius @aldavidson99 @roger_clague @Kenneth72712993 @variegated2 @glinch72 @FlowerandFist @JohnDublin10 @RoyPentland @mentalmal1 @ejwwest @OscarsWild1 @TomPlesier @MikeDel21893959 @PaprikaLady @flyonthewall182 @BJChippindale @BubbasRanch @FriendsOScience @LouisCy72344053 @Robert76907841 @SteveJenks63 @Veritatem2021 @Realnotdreamer @xxghostface420 @aSinister @njbtweet @Ceist8 @JoshSehn @JR4_Truth @rubiginosa @DocSnow1 @Homer4K @FactSparrow @Roark_Architect @ZombiePiano @OzzmanOsgood @jefftonna1 @fagandr1 @DawnTJ90 @DaveWRose @gjcats @Tangomitteckel 2/ He answered them easily, then said they were just repeating bad arguments, some by physicists he knew personally, who he thought had gone to the dark side ((I had a pretty good idea who he meant, read Merchants of Doubt.)
The two guys shrank in their chairs.
Apr 3, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
@DustyBowl @MethaneThiol @niko_tinius Interesting! You probably know winelandsofbritain.co.uk/lecture.htm but in some sense an even less-noisy (simpler geography/history) climate:wine correlation is the Northward expansion of vineyards in Lake Okanagan area in British Columbia over recent decades.

bcbusiness.ca/bc-wine-countr… @DustyBowl @MethaneThiol @niko_tinius Amusingly (given WSJ OpEd hostility to climate science) here was a decent article in the Okanagan valley wine expansion (Tappen is actually further North of the Lake).

Mar 19, 2021 24 tweets 20 min read
KA1/ Roger Stone is an infamous trickster, but it's a bad mistake to blame him for attack on @alfranken (or anything else w/o evidence).
His infamous Tweet distracted people from examining real origins at @KABC790. Most didn't realize, until @JaneMayerNYer's July 2019 expose. Image KA2/ Key references
May-June 2018
P1-32 Summary
N1-227 #1 Tweeden
July 2019:
Fresh Air [Mayer2]
Feb 2021
S1-21 Senators

Dec 20, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
@mattblaze AFAIK the only group to discover Ken’s hack was us in PWB/UNIX. One of the other guys noticed C prepreprocessor had gotten bigger, looked at binary namelist, found symbol not in source code. I got onto Ken’s system, found the code, very clever. @mattblaze A bit latet, I was in Lab 127’s terminal room, talking to dmr or bwk, and overheard amusing conversation between ken and Robert Morris Sr, who sometimes consulted for NSA.
(RM Jr of worm fame was just a kid then.)
Aug 6, 2020 23 tweets 10 min read
CB0.1 Two fine books arrived Tuesday, the first recommended to me a few days earlier by @ProfPCDoherty, the other I’d pre-ordered months ago. I was amused to find on the first page of their Preface, @CT_Bergstrom and @jevinwest a quote Frankfurt's book, a classic I'd missed. CB0.2 These will join the stack I sometimes use as examples of influential books on critical thinking.
As @CT_Bergstrom has noted, there are issues with Huff’s book for current use, but I included it for historical significance.
Jun 29, 2020 23 tweets 11 min read
@Cloudflare SSV1/More to the SIGSEGV story.
UNIX 1970/71 was implemented on PDP-11/20s, which had no memory mapping of protection, although BTL research later got an 11/20 with the KS-11 mapping option:
bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/od… @Cloudflare SSV2/UNIX Third Edition apparently didn’t have signal(II)
bitsavers.org/pdf/att/unix/3… Unsurprisingly as few PDP-11/20s in Bell Labs would have had KS-11s.
Apr 10, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
i1/ 04/09/20 @Bob_Wachter @UCSF Grand Rounds
(April 2 = typo), about 80 minutes.
He mentions past 2 Ground Rounds have gotten about 100K Views! Desire for good information.
This whole session is relatively low in medical jargon.
youtube.com/watch?v=Odngvc… Image i2/ Update on COVID-19, at UCSF and around the Country
This is mostly status report, which change rapidly.
Apr 8, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
h1/ Trump needs COVID Conqueror PR scheme for reelection:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for masses, avoid controlled clinical trials.
Most people have mild cases or recover anyway, but many who take HCQ will swear Trump saved them,
although sugar pill might have worked as well. Image h2/ Visual representation of COVID Conqueror scheme.
HCQ has side -effects, requires great care with dosage.
Real experts are very cautious, want trials.
Trump makes it harder:
Doctor: trial? We’ll randomly give you HCQ or placebo.
NO, I want Trump’s drug! (already occurred). Image
Apr 4, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
f1/ Trump keeps pushing people to (Hydroxy)Chloroquine.
I’ve been collecting & annotating credible information from @UCSF experts on COVID-19, as it appears, in the subthreads of
This thread selects those relevant specifically to HCQ & CQ. f2/ 03/19/20 @annieluet discussed potential treatments of COVID-19, in internal meeting primarily geared for doctors. I’ve annotated to help general public.
Take a quick look at the tweets, then watch video of her presentation.
a5-a10.2, a13
Apr 2, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
(Temp replacement for )
I try to summarize recent info by Infectious Disease (ID) experts amidst rapid change
This is not on vaccines (~year off), but proposed treatments to lessen likelihood or severity. Image CV2/@UCSF’s Chair of Dept of Medicine @Bob_Wachter daily tweets helpful COVID Chronicles, enumerated here:
Also, read his books.
Apr 2, 2020 14 tweets 16 min read
BW1/Starting 03/18/20, @UCSF's Chair of Dept of Medicine @Bob_Wachter began posting COVID Chronicles daily, credible, instructive reporting at one of our top medical schools.
This thread gathers them in order, instructive reading for anyone, creates great history. FOLLOW HIM. BW2/03/18 – 03/22
1 a-h
2 a-g4 explains below
3 a-d Panel
4 1-6
5 1-5 Image
Mar 22, 2020 24 tweets 13 min read
1/ @UCSF is one of the top medical schools in US, think {Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Penn, Stanford, UCSF, in some order or other, depending on topic}. @Bob_Wachter is Head of Dept of Medicine (& author of fine books Internal Bleeding, The Digital Doctor...} He does daily updates. 2/ On March 19, he ran a panel of @UCSF experts.
This is well-worth watching, although non-expert eyes will glaze over at a few parts. Don't worry about that.
There's important stuff, like on drugs being hyped before serious trials happen, as per Trump.
Dec 27, 2019 9 tweets 6 min read
@cnnbrk 1/ For most, nicotine addiction only works during adolescent brain development (peak -5-19, but varies ~10-24 years, yes often into early 20s). See esp CA3-4 in
Adolescent-brained people do not always make good decisions, even if physically adult. @cnnbrk 2/ Big Tobacco has known this for at least 4 decades (see CA4/ on 1980s origin for Joe Camel) & Big Tobacco has some of best & well-funded marketeers in world, sble to convince adolescents onto path to eventual miserable deaths (lung cancer, COPD. At least heart attacks quick.)
Mar 26, 2019 6 tweets 6 min read
N218 Lies
N219 Interview
N221 Baker => @jaketapper
N209 McIntyre
N213 Arnold
N10.2 Arnold+Stone N223/ @JaneMayerNYer's fine reporting answered many questions about @KABCradio:
She said @LeeannTweeden had been on Hannity show "dozens of times".
I found 35 separate shows in blogs or tweets ( she often tweeted several times for same show, needed check)