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"Be the hammer, not the nail". *I'm NOT really John Huber* but you can still send tips: undercoverhuber@protonmail.com 🇺🇸 "Investigative whiz" - Andy McCarthy
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Nov 4, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Special Counsel John Durham has now alleged in a federal indictment that Clinton paid shill Steele’s primary and only real “source” *fabricated* that Trump, Carter Page and Paul Manafort were involved in a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” with Russia

THREAD The FBI literally cut and pasted that exact wording of a “well-developed conspiracy” into a FISA warrant and multiple renewals

(Including one signed off after Robert Mueller took over)
Oct 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
It’s beyond tiring to have to keep answering obscurantist questions like this. But in short, yes. Yes they did. Question for Weigel: would it be better or worse for Biden if multiple right leaning outlets published allegations *anonymously sourced* to the Biden laptop & emails (with occasional direct excerpts) or if the whole hard drive was provided so everyone could decide for themselves?
Oct 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
One of these guys did a “monograph focusing on the representation of female characters within status competition and the economy of prestige that obtains within the fictive aristocratic courts of Middle High German narrative” and didn’t even work at Notre Dame while ACB did BREAKING!
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
“On the obstruction of justice, Mueller declined to make a determination because of a long-standing Justice Department policy that sitting president cannot be indicted”

100% false and Mueller testified this isn’t true under oath. Great fact checking! theatlantic.com/politics/archi… “the special counsel shied away from subpoenaing Don Trump Jr. to testify about his notorious June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower”

This is ridiculous as well

The reason Don Trump Jr. wasn’t subpoenaed is that the FBI interviewed the key participants who all backed up Don’s account
Sep 19, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
A total of 61 SCOTUS justices have been nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court since the turn of the last century (1900)

70% of these (43 Justices) were confirmed in *under 46 days* (the amount of time remaining until the Nov 3 Presidential election)

THREAD Nominee & days to confirm from nomination:

Lewis Powell —45
Ruth Bader Ginsburg —42
Sandra Day O'Connor —33 (*the vacancy)
Harlan Stone —31
Wiley Rutledge —28
Harry Blackmun —27 (*wrote Roe v Wade)
Arthur Goldberg —25
Robert Jackson —25
John Roberts —23 (*became Chief Justice)
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Considering Democrat plan to contest election regardless of the result, and potential for the legal cases to go to SCOTUS, Trump has to nominate, and McConnell has to confirm, an RBG replacement BEFORE the election

Cannot leave possibility of 4-4 decisions on election result McConnell would fill vacancy:
Sep 9, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Okay @petestrzok has now admitted he got it wrong that the Australians watched Trump’s “Russia if you’re listening” press conference on July 27 and *then* contacted the FBI (they actually reached out the day before)

But there is an even bigger problem

THREAD Strzok opened CH on July 31, supposedly on the basis that @GeorgePapa19 (or other Trump figures) may have been told about the Russians having info on Hillary (and Obama, bizarrely) and this may have been related to the DNC email hack or the missing Hillary emails
Sep 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
**ATTENTION: Congressional candidates/voters interested in energy policy**

Given the blackout risk in California and Biden’s comments on Fracking, energy policy is likely to be a more prominent talking point over the next few days...(until another riot at least) ...I’d urge any Congressional candidates who follow me to to check out energytalkingpoints.com by @AlexEpstein.
Sep 5, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
The @petestrzok also says the Steele dossier “didn’t talk...much about Paul Manafort” when the central dossier allegation is that Manafort ran the Collusion conspiracy. So he’s either lying or getting it wrong, kinda like the FISA he helped with Strozk interview in @TheAtlantic: “The Steele report...It didn’t talk...much about Paul Manafort”
Sep 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Just a reminder that the official line is that the investigation was never into the Trump campaign. Comey denied that under oath. You slipped up here, which is a tell The official line is that FBI opened an investigation into four individuals, linked to the Trump campaign, as part of a broader investigation into a supposed “enterprise” that may have existed between them & Russia

I know, the lies are hard to keep track of
Sep 4, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The media in just the last 24 hours

THREAD ATLANTIC: “LoserGate” Hoax from only anonymous sources, contradicted by multiple on-the-record eyewitnesses AND contemporaneous email FOIA record Marine One wave off was due to bad weather AND testimony of multiple vets/families who’ve met Trump in private AND even John Bolton
Aug 27, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Mueller testified under oath he did NOT interview with Trump for the job of FBI Director on May 16, 2017

Yet new FOIA'd emails show DAG Rosenstein sending an email the very next day, May 17, saying that "Mueller" has now "withdrew from consideration for FBI Director"🤔

THREAD Mueller's testimony to the House. Mueller is clear that he was never "applying" for the job of FBI Director, he was never under consideration, and his "interview" on May 16, 2017 was just to give his "input" on "what it would take to do the job"

Source: nbcnews.com/politics/congr…
Aug 15, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
In Oct ‘17 the FBI’s Bill Priestap appears to have been telling Adam Schiff in undisclosed House Intel briefings that the Page FISA wasn’t almost entirely reliant on the Steele dossier AND in Feb ‘18 he was also telling Senate Intel that Steele’s “primary sub source” was legit 🚨 👇
Jul 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
More delays - DC Circuit WILL rehear Flynn case en banc with the full court... For those asking, this ain’t good. A majority voted to rehear the case. You have to assume for now that the same majority will vote to kick the case back to Sullivan and let him carry on his clown show, maybe with a slap on the wrist which means nothing
Jul 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Primary Sub Source interview memo confirms that the FISA relied on Steele, Steele’s Primary Sub Source, “six” of “his” sub-sources and Stefan Halper. That’s it. 👇
Jun 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Donald Ayer just called Jeff Jensen a “political crony” who politically intervened in the Flynn case. Absolutely outrageous. Jensen is a 20 year career official

He also says Barr has “refused” to appear before Congress. He’s appeared before AND has accepted another request

🤡 Of course “lying” is his main charge against Barr...
Jun 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Strzok notes out 🔥🔥🔥

—Obama, Biden, Yates, Rice, Comey all discussed Flynn/Kislyak calls: “unusual times”

—Comey admitted they “appear legit”

—OBAMA ordered: “make sure you look at things” with “the right people”

—BIDEN appears to be one to raise “Logan Act v[iolation]?” That doesn’t match Susan Rice’s notes which confirms the National Security Advisor wrote them in a way designed to be misleading...someone now needs to ask why
Jun 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
WRIT GRANTED. Case dismissed! @GenFlynn Ruling was 2-1, Henderson and Rao ruling for Flynn. Wilkins dissented.

Me a few weeks ago after Sullivan’s attempted “defense” to the writ:

“Strong chance of a writ of mandamus being issued for Flynn 2-1 after this hot garbage” 👇
Jun 3, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I know nobody cares, but @SenFeinstein’s claims that the opening of Crossfire Hurricane was based on quote, “dirt”, or “emails”, is false

THREAD The FBI Electronic Communication opening Crossfire does not mention the word "dirt" (and Alexander Downer, who was part of the tip, denied that he ever used the word, as did Papadopoulos.)

The EC does not mention "emails”, whether DNC or Podesta, or *any* emails
Jun 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Newsflash for the news. You saw a smoke bomb while you were doing live cable news. You called it tear gas in the heat of the moment and because you don’t know the difference

This influenced the witnesses and sources you later spoke to “confirming” the tear gas Also, a priest - or any civilian - isn’t especially qualified to know what tear gas smells like, or tastes like, or the difference between that and a smoke bomb, or the effects on their physical well being
Jun 2, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Park Police Chief goes ON THE RECORD: no tear gas or rubber bullets used to disperse DC protest/violence before Trump speech. Officers attacked with bricks, found staged weapons, intel suggested vandalism, and destruction imminent, 3 loudspeaker warnings: nps.gov/subjects/uspp/… CNN, CBS, MSNBC and everybody else now either need to prove the Park Police Chief a liar with actual evidence (let’s say a physical tear gas canister or rubber bullet, which should be easy if a protest was crushed by them), or retract the coordinated fake news they unleashed