Jay Perk 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Profile picture
fight racism proactively | cancer survivor | higher ed lawyer | Philly enthusiast | @TempleUniv @UVALaw | tweets my own—NEVER employer’s views, nor legal advice
Chris Finn Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 15 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
So, today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day✨

If you are a white person in 2024 but do NOT make daily, proactive efforts to shed racism's benefits—to call-out and combat all the racism you see—please know Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is VERY disappointed in you.

Here's why🧵 Image Per Dr. King, in order to fix racism, white people MUST humble themselves and proactively examine [their] racism.

White people are the ONLY race w/the power to dismantle systemic and institutional racism. Period.

And Dr. King said this! Yet, today's white people ignore him. /2 Image
Jul 10, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Serious question for well-meaning white people. When you show up at a get-together like this, do you notice there are zero Black people, or nah?

If so, do you say or do anything about it? To who? Please be honest. This is a safe space (unless you say something dumb or racist).☺️ @Maverickk324 @ohioborn48 I can post about Meghan and Harry EXCLUSIVELY until the end of time, if I please. You don't dictate my posts.

I recently started posting about Meghan + Harry when I realized the vitriol and wouldn't you know, that's EXACTLY how I encountered you.

You are the problem. Not me.
Mar 7, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
U.S. history of "concentration camps" must be taught.

For example, white Americans caged 120k+ Japanese Americans in 10 camps btwn 1942-45.

Growing up in Mississippi, Dad taught & I've since studied Devil's Punchbowl where UNION Army murdered 20k newly-freed Black ppl. THREAD: In 1865, just after the Civil War ended, the town of Natchez, MS saw an influx of newly-freed Black people.

As the town population ballooned, enraged white residents panicked.

Union soldiers appreciated the collective white residents' uproar. So, they hatched an evil plan. /2
Mar 5, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Gave the Hounds an old chair cushion and now their usual fancy elevated dog bed is apparently hot lava.. Francis Image
Jan 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
yikes He said, at a Stop The Violence rally, I blast gats 💀💀
Jan 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Pt of my neurodivergency means I don’t experience much nervousness or immediate fear—I’m also 6’3 245lbs.

Yet, whenever cops detain me (walking or in my car) my hands tremble in fear.

B/c I know they’re waiting for me to slip up and do something they’ll say warranted my death. Police will even point this out to try to encourage dialogue. It usually sounds like:

“You’re shaking, son, are you nervous for some reason?”

I don’t talk to them, so I never answer.
Jan 17, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The United States illegally overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy, taking their queen hostage, 130 years ago today.

Teach history, please. The U.S. basically just said “sorry,” like a century later via President Bill Clinton. No reparations, no nothing.

Today, many Native Hawaiians consider Hawaii occupied by the U.S. And I agree with them.

U.S. History is so, so brutal and cruel.
Jan 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This feels very racist, to me—on MLK Day, of all days. Smh. This would be Gracie craning her neck off the side of their bed
Jan 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Gracie turned 8 this past Friday 😫 Image iDie 💀 Image
Dec 10, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The phrase “knocked up,” referring to pregnancy, originated with U.S. slavery. The Oxford English Dictionary traces the expression back to 1813.

Back then the price of enslaved African women was “knocked up” by the auctioneer when she was pregnant—promoted as a deal for buyers. When we say racism is all around us, please believe us the first time. Receipt:
May 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
remember, if you’re a white person, no matter how racially competent you think you are, it’s impossible to know everything about something as intentionally complex and insidious as white supremacy—particularly if you’ve never been victim of it. antiracism is a lifelong journey. say less, observe more

insist less, ask more

right-size yourself in race discussion

acknowledge your continued role
May 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
side note, to the white folks who insist on [still] appropriating AAVE.

when there’s an emotional change to facts or experiences, that thing may now “hit different.”

not “differently.” you sound dumb. Cc: @jonfavs - free advice, since you’ve given me so much
May 4, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
On slavery and abortion:
The right to abortion codified in Roe v. Wade relies on the 14th Amendment, which was designed to correct for chattel (people as property) slavery.

The idea was to identify foundational rights that allowed formerly enslaved folk their *actual* freedom.🧵 In the years that followed, the Supreme Court went to work identifying and establishing these unenumerated rights, necessary to live a free life in America.

The idea of family & bodily autonomy, the ability to have a family how you want, was the cornerstone of their framing. /2
Feb 8, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Just after the Civil War ended, the influx of newly freed Black people caused the town of Natchez, MS to mushroom 12-fold. Enraged residents panicked.

This Black History Month, you'll learn of Devil's Punchbowl, a horrific 1865 event purposely whitewashed from history. THREAD: Appreciating, agreeing w/ town uproar, Union soldiers—the side we're taught fought slavery—sought to eradicate the thousands of fmr slaves.

So they hatched the idea to build a concentration camp inside Devil's Punchbowl, a deep bowl-shaped gulch, walled off by jagged cliffs. /2