Cake or Death Profile picture old white dude with suspect opinions and two cats
3 subscribers
Nov 6, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I live in WV and the state has been showered with funding and there are factories popping up everywhere and the state has 1b surplus and dems defended pensions and black lung funding and they voted 70% for Trump so shut the fuck up…
Sep 11, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
One of the things i have talked about on my excellent blog ( full of people smarter than me- low bar, admittedly) multiple times that really had an impact on how the debate went down last night is the fact that Kamala's entire political Is in the post Prop 187 era in California. I forget if I have talked about this here because I am old and feeble minded so I will just say it again. California was a red state for years (you know this one guy named Reagan) and was at best purple until this guy named
Jul 28, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Don't mistake the sugar high of all the fun stuff going on online with the Harris campaign as all we need to do. This is the fun part. There is still a TON of work to do and YOU are the one who has to do it. You have to volunteer.
You have to help staff events and put up signs.
You have to help people get registered.
You need to write postcards.
You need to network with friends and family.
You need to phone bank.
You need to canvas and knock on doors.
Jul 1, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Look, I'm a straight white dude who doesn't believe in God but was baptized as akid. I'll survive the christian caliphate history will come to know as the 4th Reich. If kids, Jewish People, and Muslims want to let Trump win to teach Biden and the Democrats a lesson, have at it. I'm sick to my stomach about all the good people who are going to get hurt but I don't know what else I can do. Y'all are dead set on acting the fool and there ain't nothing I can do to stop you.
Jun 29, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
One of the biggest problems with Democratic elites in the media ecosphere is that they are far more concerned with everyone perceiving them as independent thinkers than they are with the outcome of their actions. Notice the concern is on the perception of independent thought, when the reality is they all mostly serve up the same hot chode
Sep 8, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
RE: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis writing a letter for Danny Masterson

Many, many years ago I interned in a probation office in Morgantown, WV. It was supposed to be just a summer thing, but I enjoyed the work so much I was there for a year and a half. One of the things that we had to do was Pre Sentence Investigations. These were for the judge to read before sentencing (after conviction), so they could get a picture of the individual. At the time I was there, there were a number of sexual predators in the county jail
Oct 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Equally flummoxing is the Republicans opposing the meager aid we are profviding Ukraine.

We spent 290 million every day in Afghanistan for 20 years.

105 billion a year We are getting so much more for our money by orders of magnitude. And the money we are spending isn't really all going to Ukraine.

The ammo and weapons we are sending are not cash. They are depreciated assets that we will replace with newer ammo and weapons.
Sep 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
It's anecdotal and this is not one of the worst I have seen, but one of the thing that stands out to me in every video of abandoned Russian positions is that the soldiers were living in complete filth. There is just trash everywhere, no policing of debris, etc. Yes, war is hell and all that, but if you are in a set position for a while you maintain your AO for a variety of reasons, including just maintaining basic discipline.
Aug 2, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Look- you're just not going to understand the mindset of sociopaths like Greitens, Mastriano, Mike Flynn, and a lot of the scumbags coming out of the operator class in the US Military until you understand the School of Americas and all the right wing death squads they trained. It moved from Panama to Benning after being expelled, and while we're still training latin american fanatics, we're also training our own.
May 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Increasing the amount of white babies and delaying the loss of the white majority. They use jails to lock up black men now that lynching is unacceptable and remove their franchise for felonies and while they are in. This combo increases white % of vote. Others in the coalition are straight up christofascists who have bought into the narrative shift about abortion since the Reagan conservatives used the biblethumpers to maintain partisan rule
May 8, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
My general opinion is that protesting outside Kavanaugh's house and shit is that it is ineffective because it lets him be the favorite thing these whiny twats like to be, which is a victim. But am I going to say a thing about it? No. Because people are living under minority rule for a while now and now have an opus dei commission navigating their private parts, so fuck them.
Nov 9, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
750k deaths many of whom were in service industries, many people looked how they were treated as “essential workers” and said screw this, lot of people re-evaluating their choices, easier to lay people off during covid than to hire back, employees are less likely to take shit pay again, this is really an existential crisis for both employees and employers. Employees are en masse deciding “this sucks and is not worth it” and employers are, for the first time in decades, experiencing workers in the driver’s seat and they literally do not know what to do
Nov 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
beyond not funding colleges enough and getting people addicted to student loans, the biggest education mistakes the last few decades is the growth of MBA programs and teaching kids high self esteem instead of accurate self esteem. I’d also add not funding technical and trade schools, letting college become a prestige ticket punching experience and allowing programs to train to work instead of train to think, devaluing english, history, art and philosophy over hard sciences
Aug 16, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
what the fuck did people think was going to happen in afghanistan when we left I mean the reason we stayed for at least the last 15 years was because we KNEW just this was going to happen so we spent trillions of dollars and countless American lives training the Afghan army to defend itself when we left.
Aug 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
if my kid were unvaccinated or under 12 I would not send them to school. And if my kid were vaccinated but someone in my house was immune compromised and could not be vaccinated, I would not send them to school. Abbott and DeSantis can go fuck themselves. The End. I’m vaccinated and live alone and I wore a mask to the orchard to pick up peaches today and it was only me and two women there at the shop and I used hand sanitizer before getting in the car not because I am afraid but because this is a pandemic.
Aug 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
It's more dangerous for kids to go to school this year than at any time during the pandemic now that the covid variant is proving dangerous as all hell to kids, and we're just plowing forward as if everything is ok. As someone who does not have kids, it's really weird watching the way this country uses and abuses kids. You all do shit to your kids I would never think of doing to my pets.
Apr 14, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Our whole system of policing is broken. From the reason he was pulled over to the behavior that led to his death, everything about the policing approach is broken. Why did they pull someone over for such a bullshit reason? And even if he had a warrant, why was it a fucking national emergency that he be arrested right then and there? So what if he goit in his car and drove off home. Follow him at distance. You know where he lives. You have fucking radios.
Apr 13, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Cops who pull people over for expired tags or things hanging from your mirror are the real life version of online trolls, but deadly and state sanctioned.

They're the reply guy in every popular woman's mentions, but for minorities and armed.

It's systemic and it has to stop. It's the same systemic racism and policies designed to make life miserable for minorities that were detailed in the Ferguson report. The goals are harrassment, funding government so wealthy people don't have to pay taxes, and letting the undesirables know who is boss.
Mar 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This is obscene.

“I’m Afraid to Open Twitter”: Next-Level Harassment of Female Journalists Is Putting News Outlets to the Test… And I know there are people who are going to say "They're journalists they should have thick skin." And I know there are people who will rightly point out that I have AND WILL AGAIN told journalists to fuck off for being wankers.
Jan 12, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
FWIW- a large element of the Republican party wanted to do all the shit they are doing now when Obama was elected. There is a reason I left the GOP in 2006. I saw who they were from the inside, which was believe it or not, uglier than the view from the outside. It was supressed and people kept to themselves, and for the most part the elected Republicans were content to just reap the proceeds of their radicalized base, maintaining they were still in control.
Jan 10, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I keep seeing my rightwing friends saying "Oh sure you want to unite now" acting like it's up to Democrats to make nice with them. Let me be clear. Get fucked. You got four years of free Presidenting because of an antiquated electoral system designed to protect slave owners, and you got three Supreme Court seats, you got your tax cuts, and you trashed the economy,