How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App’s sitting on the right hand side. “Hanging out with Viv, Elon Musk, Gali, Sofiaan, Vincent, K10, Me, and Kimbal Musk January 2020”, I’m going to stand up for the wrongly persecuted even if that means I stand alone. #FreeGhislaine took Ben out to kosher food — it was some weird Chinese restaurant — and he told me he imagined a world in which there were no more Palestinians. I was threatened if I spoke out about Ben’s behavior and ties that I would be fired. I had breakfast with Flynt his associate Arthur Sando handed me a file with the man’s name, address, everything.'m proud to support my country just as you should be to support yours. I do understand that it's getting hard now that Bibi is being toppled but you'll manage. You can always go back to Romania or wherever it is that you're from, Costin Alamariu.