Jon Boeckenstedt de la Azure Cheque Profile picture
Please read link below before following. Fan of German Lagers & college access. Called an unpleasant character by some. This is a personal account.
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Sep 10, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread: If people want to talk about public universities going out-of-state to generate revenue, just remember public education used to be adequately funded and mostly free for residents until this guy convinced people in California that was a bad idea. Image And remember that access to high quality public education was most likely at the core of an amazing ramp up of educational attainment in the US (in 1940, only about 4% of adults had college degrees).…
Aug 29, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Thread: We're hearing about male college enrollment again. And yes, it's going down. Is it a crisis? Maybe.

But there are stories beneath the data. First, people often equate "enrollment" with "first-time, full-time enrollment of 18-year-olds." They are decidedly not the same. Let's take a look at my institution, Oregon State as an example.
Aug 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Counselors are not happy with @CollegeBoard who seems to turn a deaf ear, and who seems to want to force high schools' hand to offer more free labor and space via School Day Testing, all in service to the Highly Rejectives. (used with permission and redacted for privacy).
This is what our HS colleagues go through to give the highly rejectives a teeny, tiny little more confidence in allocating their precious admissions slots.

Those institutions and College Board hoist the entire cost of their demands onto high schools and volunteers.
Feb 7, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
Thread: It seems I'm spending more time telling people why I'm not too interested in the Dartmouth decision than it would take to just put it here. So here goes. I hope this is the last I'll say about it. First, I've long said that if a college finds value in the SAT, they would be foolish not to use it. I just ask that they do the research, which Dartmouth did. And the lowest-scoring students at Dartmouth end up with a GPA of 3.1 or something like that. Horrible.
May 3, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Post-May 1, aka the death of May 1:

A friend sent this Image This is the result of the DOJ investigating the NACAC Statement of Principles of Good Practice, which would have allowed this if the student had not withdrawn, but would have forbidden it if the student had notified the offering school that they had deposited elsewhere.
May 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread: When someone tells you about the big drop in high school graduates, remember 2014. Because by 2037, we'll be back to numbers like we saw in 2014. Image What's really compelling is the mix: America will be more diverse, and because different ethnic groups have different college participation rates, that's the big thing going on behind the numbers. Image
May 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread: The numbers.

I've never received so many emails about my writing in CHE as I have for the most recent one about "The Number."

But here's a little insight into that. Sunday morning, I logged in and checked our Tuition Deposits for Fall first-year students.

By Sunday evening (12 hours later) that number had gone up by 3.7%.

By this morning, it had gone up another 3.2% over that.
Feb 10, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Don't be shocked when I tell you this. It takes a lot of people some time to figure it out, and sometimes a little longer to sink in:

College Board is a business. It's a not-for-profit business. But it's a business. Not-for-profit means they don't have owners or stockholders to collect excess revenue as profits.

It's not a charity. That's not what not-for-profit means.
Feb 9, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

Hey, everyone: This is pretty big.

The Daily Caller (ugh) has memos from the Florida DOE suggesting they were influencing @CollegeBoard on the AP African-American Studies curriculum as early as January 2022, and at the very minimum, July 2022. So, to everyone who somehow believed that College Board made its own, independent decisions about the framework/curriculum and wrapped it all up in December, 2022, before DeSantis went public: Read this.…
Feb 7, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Thread: There are some people who apparently find The College Board explanation of AP African-American Studies plausible: That the framework was revised in December, and thus wasn't influenced by Florida or Ron DeSantis.

That's your right, of course. But here, to me, is the more plausible explanation.

That sometime--probably soon after AP AAS was announced, people in Florida got wind of the framework. And whether it was genuine, good-old fashioned racism, or political opportunism, the wheels started spinning.
Feb 2, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Thread: College Board, which has a history of blowing it, has blown it.

You know about the Parkland email. You know they told kids to sit in a McDonald's parking lot during COVID to take AP. You know about millions in bonuses during COVID, when revenue dropped $400M. You know about taking out ads disguised as journalism. You know about their Communications staff working on a book of "research" about the SAT. You know about the disastrous launch of the redesigned SAT.

And now you know about AP African-American Studies.
Jan 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread: I don't know about you, but I'd expect that if you went from president and CEO of a not-for-profit in 2018 to just president in 2020, you might not get a--hold on--million dollar raise? ImageImage I have written to the Trustees of the College Board before, telling them I thought it was time for them to part ways with David Coleman.

They never answered...or maybe they did? And it was just a two-word answer?
Dec 1, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Will colleges go back to the SAT? Yes. So let's look at how important California is to their enrollment.

I looked at 2018 IPEDS data (the last pre-COVID year for which data was available at every institution) to see how important the state is to them California is first in everything, when you count numbers, because of its size. So of course it's the largest exporter of students in the nation (but not highest on percentage exported).

In 2018, California kept 87% of its students in-state. 13% or 38,000, left.
Oct 3, 2022 21 tweets 3 min read
Thread: I know a lot of parents follow me, so some advice about the college essay. Free, of course, so consider that.

You may know my wife is a writing tutor and because she worked in college admissions, she gets a LOT of requests for essay help this time of the year. She talks about the kids, but I never see the actual work. So this is a summary of my advice as someone who's done this for 40 years, and her experience as a tutor (college essays are not her main line of business, btw).
Sep 10, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Thread: Having just talked about retention and graduation rates today, a few thoughts to add some perspective. Have a cup of coffee and settle in for some reading. First, there are three ways to "increase graduation rates." The first is to do a lot of work with your current students. This is the student services angle on it; the premise is that graduation rates are largely a function of what happens in college.
Jun 20, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Thread: A play, in four acts: Some say that I am actively trying to persuade people not to use test prep. I don't think I've ever said that; I might think it's a bad idea, but I don't tell you how to spend your money.

You might think I'm dumb for paying to have my oil changed when I can do it myself.
May 5, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Thread: How we in EM think and work.

Yesterday we closed the class and stopped taking freshman applications for fall. That's unusual at OSU, as we've typically stayed open most or all of the summer.

So, the summer is relaxation time, right? No, for lots of reasons. First, you made a decision. Was it the right one? Or do a lot more students have double or triple deposits than usual? What's melt going to be like? Is our post-COVID admission world going to behave differently than pre-COVID?

Are we even post-COVID?
Apr 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Thread: I don't think Sal Khan is a bad guy. But this article is full of College Board propaganda, as you might expect from someone who is indebted to the College Board.… I will leave the #HateRead to @akilbello but let me just point out one thing in a quote from the article, and a piece of reality: ImageImage
Apr 28, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Thread: May 1 (or 2, this year).

This week a counselor contacted me and asked what percentage of freshman deposits came in very near the deadline, and whether there was any data on this phenomenon.

She had a parent who was worried because a child had not yet deposited. So, as I often have to tell people,"no there is no data published on this little narrow but interesting question, sorry." But then I talked about my experience: Depending on the place I've worked, you might get 25% of your freshman deposits in the week leading up to May 1 (or 2)
Apr 26, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Thread: I tweeted about this yesterday (sort of sardonically), but of course this is picking up some steam now, as you knew it would. Image First, students have always included destination in their list of things that are important. I remember a counselor in Florida in the 80's telling me that "Boston had become hot" for her students.

It's always in the top three among student motivators.
Apr 2, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Be watching for articles and opinion pieces with the new narrative that "The SAT helps poor students." They're starting to pop up like flowers in the spring.

Why? Here's my take on it: First, spend three minutes on this video. It's about what College Board did when the UC system tried to eliminate tests the first time, in the early part of this century. It is well worth your time. It's from @thetestdoc…