Jonathan Case Profile picture
Your friend/cartoonist! Dear Creature, The New Deal, Little Monarchs (Eisner Nom), Over the Garden Wall(s). + BatSTUFF, The Creep, Green River Killer -Eisner🏆
Oct 19, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
Thread time: This morning I'm gonna break down the technique I found yesterday for digitizing watercolors. My end results may differ from what you'd want for yourself, but the benefits of this approach still hold up against tweaking colors and levels in Photoshop. Here we go... First off, what's the a big deal? Why do we need this? Well, digitizing watercolor can involve a lot of post-production to get good results representative of the original. I've spent lots of time trying to make adjustments to my scans in Photoshop to clean/color tint/mask/etc...