Jonelle Capri Profile picture
Behavior specialist with no clue why some of y'all act like that • undisciplined writer • mostly here to retweet your brilliant ass
Jul 3, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Fixation on a negative thoughts and actions is innate. Your brain is negatively biased and returns to negativity *on purpose*. It's looking for info: "Why did this happen? Could I have prevented it?"

Often, we don't give it answers. We blame ourselves and worsen the cycle.
🧵/1 Purposeful positivity is helpful, but not the most effective solution here.

We process rewarding experiences differently in our brains, so "thinking positive" doesn't really stop or replace "thinking negative" because what your brain is seeking is DATA, not a painted on smile.
Jun 9, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
In scientific terms, your adult life is passing you by because it's a joyless soul suck.

And it's dopamine's fault (OF COURSE).

I already did a thread on the WHY & HOW of low DA sensory time loss👇🏾, and now here's the promised list of methods to help slow your sense of time⏳ 1. Routinize your life. This seems counterintuitive, but routine shouldn't = banal. Many of us lose huge amounts of time to bad habits, job burnout, and procrastination. Autopilot lives here.

Routine helps us find balance and manage time so we can make space in our lives for...
Jun 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The Sensation Seeking Scale helps test recklessness in individuals. There are high and low sensation seekers (HSS & LSS). It was believed that recklessness was an immutable personality trait until one group in particular consistently tested as HSS.

Rich western white boys. Because recklessness is so dependent on amygdala size and connectivity to the prefrontal cortex, researchers initially assumed sex and testosterone levels were predicting factors for HSS. Which, yes.

But other types of dude DO NOT SCALE HSS the way rich western white dudes do.
Jun 8, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
The biggest reason why childhood feels like it lasts forever while adulthood flies by is because society has created an adulthood that's, frankly, a slog with too little to look forward to.

This matters because dopamine, which is anti-slog, controls our sense of time.

A thread. "Time flies when having fun", yep, bc of dopamine. It's neural trickery, speeding your sense of time so you'll spend more of it in high-reward environments doing high reward activities.

But time also flies when you stagnate! This is due to a different dopaminergic mechanism->
Apr 8, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
Negative self talk is a common (sometimes even encouraged) form of mental self-abuse and one of the worst things you can do to the literal structure of your brain. I’ll explain in the thread how mean self talk impacts neuropsychological health, but tldr, don’t do it to yourself. First, there are 2 things you should know.

1. Human brains are negativity biased. They spend more time looking at, processing, and returning to negative stimuli. Not to be monsters (tho brains are absolutely monsters), but as a protective measure.

Dec 23, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Dec 22, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
A lot of people see this lady’s story and think “mental illness”. But her brain is likely standard issue and pulling some very typical neurochemical fuckshit. Because the human brain is a monster, and the process of romantic attraction is terrifying. I’ll explain: In very basic terms, the brain evolved to get high on survival. It doses itself with bursts of feel good when encountering things that assist in staying alive. Food, new information, other people, all of these feed into various brain highs.
Dec 21, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Snitching is a behavior based in conflict aversion. It allows people to displace responsibility. Most of the risk involved in addressing a problem, or managing conflict, shifts to someone else, generally an authority, because the brain HATES being responsible for hard shit. 🧵 We're most conflict avoidant w/ our in-groups. Your brain wants you to stay in the good graces of your friends and family, so being direct with people you care about when they do something wrong feels hard specifically because your brain is processing a risk to the relationship.
Dec 3, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
Twitter is a behavioral addiction & cocaine is a substance addiction. Substance addictions suck b/c they alter neurotransmitter-receptor interaction & change the brain's homeostatic set point. Behavior addictions suck b/c the brain is basically addicted to its own damn self 🧵 Addictions that are BOTH substance & behavioral, like smoking (addiction to nicotine AND to the act of smoking), are surveyed consistently as the hardest to kick.

Spontaneous resolutions to both kinds of addiction do happen. Some people just... stop. But it's NOT typical.
Sep 19, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
For no reason at all, here's a behavioral scientific review of hypocrisy

Definition of behavior: Hypocrites are people who violate standards that they publically enforce. There are a few types of hypocrite that have been individually studied. 1. Inconsistent hypocrite: Telling you to do what they will not (ex: a senate leader telling opponents to follow the norms of democracy while he does not)…
Aug 25, 2020 29 tweets 7 min read
Power is intoxicating & the human behavioral response to it is fucking bonkers. Brains love power. Power=controlled environment=improved survival chances. But the more we have, the more likely we’ll abuse it, and the less likely anyone will tell us “Go home, you’re power drunk” When given social power (the ability to influence others, control resources, and mete out reward/discipline), studies show that we become more goal oriented & less anxious. Cognition increases, as does self-actualization. We reach peak human.

We also reach peak butthole.