Jones Musara Profile picture
Dec 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Mining News

President ED Mnangagwa yesterday officially commissioned Sabi Star Mine in Buhera.

The mine will produce 300 000 tonnes of concentrate per year and generate bumper benefits for Zimbabwe.

In terms of employment, the Sabi Star Mine is expected to generate hundreds of jobs at the Mine and across the mining value chain.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The mine has already begun improving infrastructure in the local area. They are also building a clinic and school for the local community as part of
Dec 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
International News Analysis

The USA is persecuting through sanctions Emmerson Mnangagwa Jnr, Tagwirei's wife, Tagwirei linked companies and all Zimbabweans at large for their patriotism and positive contributions to nation building. Apparently the USA in its Image self-appointed delusional role of world policeman wants to make it a crime to associate with Tagwirei.

The latest sanctions imposition by the USA coincides with the USA and Africa Summit which was supposed to be an opportunity for the USA to give Zimbabwe and USA
May 3, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read

The principle & idea of the 2nd Amendment is brilliant. Its to democratize appointments of Youths MPs, Women MPs, Judges, VPs and Presidential successor.

The challenge is to make IDEA EXECUTION as principled & brilliant as the IDEA 2/ How does the 2nd Amendment democratize appointment of Youth MPs, Women MPs, Judges, VPs and State Presidential successor?

For the answer, follow this thread.
Mar 31, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The legitimate MDC Executive as per the just announced Supreme Court Order has Khupe as Acting President, Mwonzora as 2nd most senior as Secretary General,
Morgen Komichi (National chairman), Paurina Mpariwa (deputy secretary general),Theresa Makone (treasurer general) and 2/
Charlton Hwende (deputy treasurer general).

The other members are Abednico Bhebhe (organizing secretary), Thamsanqa Mahlangu (deputy organizing secretary), Obert Gutu (secretary for information and publicity), Thabitha Khumalo (deputy information and publicity secretary),