Jonathan Hib Bird 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Mar 22, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
In celebration of soup-centricity, here's my personal Top 10 of Central Eastern European Soups 10. Ciorba de Perisoare 🇷🇴 - Romanian meatball soup

Ukrainians also make a version of this. It's yummy.
Feb 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I don't know what's weighing on everyone's mind of the one year anniversary of Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine. The previous Saturday I hassled my mother in law and sister in law who were still in Kyiv. What was their plan if it all starts? They were rabbits in headlights My wife and I insisted that they make plans to leave. I expected maybe airstrikes rather than a full scale invasion, but I was beginning to not like their odds. We flew them out on Monday 21st. My mother in law had a UK visa so came to us, my sister in law and son to France
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's mythology. Mythology in which the towns on the fringes of a multiethnic territory were only Hungarian towns known only by Hungarian names. There were at least 7 other ethnic groups. Hungary is merely showing here that they were perhaps poor stewards of such a diverse domain. There's a memorial plaque in Bratislava to Slovak children who were taken to Central Hungary and forcibly Hungarianised. If that isn't an uncomfortable echo of present day events in occupied Ukraine I don't know what is.
Jan 13, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
With a free day, apropos of nothing I'm travelling the entire Bakerloo Line, including the yet to be built extension (!), from Harrow & Wealdstone to Hayes So sort of like one of those Beeching railway rambles, but in reverse.
Jun 3, 2020 61 tweets 26 min read
THREAD. With the 100th anniversary or the Treaty of Trianon upon us, here's my ten forints on the subject, if you have nothing better to read, about whether Hungary was hard done by, what’s myth and what’s fact, and minority rights. It will probably make me enemies on all sides. And what qualifies me, a foreigner, to talk about it? Well, I spent 3 years spent in Hungary hearing about it constantly, 1 year in Slovakia, where about 10% are ethnic Hungarians, and 6 years in Ukraine, which also has a small Hungarian minority. But anyway... #Trianon