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Shturm with Motorcycles Stored equipment spreadsheet:
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Sep 9 4 tweets 2 min read
According to this information, Russia should be able to restart production of W-46 engines needed to refurbish old T-72 Urals/As. This means that they'd be finally able to refurbish those tanks, that until now have barely been touched, as shown by @HighMarsed.
Sep 1 34 tweets 13 min read
1/ Small thread on Russian stored ARVs and their dynamics. Image 2/ Armored recovery vehicles (ARVs) are armored vehicles used during combat to tow or repair ofdamaged, stuck, and/or inoperable armoured fighting vehicles. Image
Aug 31 16 tweets 9 min read
1/ So, some more Russian smaller storage bases being depleted. I mentioned the one at Novaya Stanitsa this morning.

2/ Just 8 BTR-60s, some engineering vehicles and 18 D-30s. plust the usual local truck fleet.

Aug 13 57 tweets 18 min read
1/ Thread on future prospects, trends, predictions and refurbishment and production rates of Russian AFVs. Image 2/ First the numbers from the most recent AFV count done with @CovertCabal and @HighMarsed.
Aug 10 34 tweets 14 min read
1/ Last thread about the mid-2024 AFV count update in collaboration with @CovertCabal. This one is about MT-LBus and also BRDM-2s, as those don't seem worthy of a thread for themselves. Image 2/ As usual, first the video:
Aug 9 32 tweets 13 min read
1/ Thread on the status of stored BTRs in mid-2024 with the collaboration of @CovertCabal. Some trends starting to appear in storage bases regarding older BTRs, and they are very interesting. Image 2/ As usual, first here is the video with Covert:
Aug 8 21 tweets 8 min read
1/ Thread on the state of Russian BMDs in storage in mid 2024 in collaboration with @CovertCabal. Some interesting trends to analyze here. Image 2/ First of all, here's the video with Covert:
Aug 6 45 tweets 19 min read
1/ A summary of the state of Russian storage bases and stored BMPs in mid-2024 with the help of @CovertCabal. 2/ First of all, here are the overall numbers of stored Russian APCs and IFVs, and also a comparison with the tally in early 2024. As you can see, over half of the prewar amount remains, and over a thousand have been pulled out from storage since this year began.
Aug 6 5 tweets 1 min read
Ta daaa! It's here! Hope you guys enjoy it, lot of data here. I'll get a thread posted on here whenever I can.
Here are the numbers from the video. Image
Jul 22 38 tweets 15 min read
1/ A couple days ago @CovertCabal released his MT-LB count video, done in collaboration with me. I was celebrating my birthday AFK this weekend, but now it's time to make a thread about it. 2/ First of all, here are the current numbers: Image
Jun 29 4 tweets 1 min read
Time to reassess my predictions and see how far off I was this time. For one, the numbers aren't that different. They apparently have stopped unmothballing stored BMDs and most BMPs are so broken that they are still in storage, but they do have started to take a lot of BTR-70s, MT-LBus and also MT-LBs are mostly gone.
Jun 28 6 tweets 3 min read
Looks like other bases such as the 1295th are practically empty too.
There might be some equipment left at the 187th after all, tho.
Jun 21 9 tweets 2 min read
A kind soul (not sure if he wants to be mentioned here) just sent me a lot of recent footage. Many interesting things. The 187th is completely empty now.
Jun 18 5 tweets 2 min read
A few days ago someone said that I didn't have a chart showing all AFV numbers together, so I'm reposting this tweet. Numbers have changed a bit, I'll update it ASAP, although there hasn't been any breakthrough footage so far.
Jun 2 23 tweets 10 min read
1/ Small thread on some insights on stored Russian military trucks. Image 2/ Like I said in the past, Russia has an immense number of stored trucks, probably in the 40-50k ballpark. However, most are junk, parked there for decades without proper maintenance.

May 30 16 tweets 5 min read
1/ Some more updates on depleted Russian storage facilities thanks to @waffentraeger (this time with his consent, heh). First the 7027th base at Pospelicha. Not a single piece of equipment left there, just an active surveillance radar station from the 590th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment.Image
2/ It was already mostly depleted by late 2022. This base stored mostly engineering equipment, and specially pontoons.
May 18 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ Russia keeps removing armored vehicles even from artillery depots, including MT-LBu artillery support vehicles. 2/ Take a look at some spots:
May 6 28 tweets 9 min read
1/ Thread about my estimations on what currently remains in Russian storage. Consider that even the most recent footage from @Vishun_military is already 2-4 months old, and almost everything else is far older. Image 2/ Here you have my most recent AFV count: Image
May 4 44 tweets 19 min read
1/ It's time to show the rest of BMPs and BTRs left in Russian storage. Here's my final thread on AFV counts. Image 2/ Here you have the numbers at the remaining storage bases storing BMPs and BTRs which I haven't covered until now, with outdated dates in orange. First BMPs:
May 2 50 tweets 22 min read
1/ Updated 2024 BTRZ count and analysis. This time with actual updated footage thanks to @Vishun_military and @waffentraeger. Image 2/ First of all here are the updated numbers of all BTRZs, plus the main Russian armor factories: Image
Apr 28 41 tweets 18 min read
1/ Analysis on @Vishun_military footage of the 22nd, 227th/769th, 1295th, 111th, 1311th, 3018th/6018th and 2544th Russian storage bases. Image 2/ Here you have the numbers of all bases and the comparison with the prewar numbers @HighMarsed and I counted. First, BMPs: Image