Joolz Denby Profile picture
Award winning novelist, published poet, internationally selling artist, spoken word and recording artiste, audio book reader, tattooist. ALL VIEWS ARE MY OWN.
Feb 12 7 tweets 2 min read
I see the Right have discovered ‘self defence for girls’. This is the biggest myth going but yet it persists. ‘Self defence’ classes are great for encouraging fitness and the ability to run but the plain fact is unless a girl is a highly skilled martial artist with many years of proper training she will not beat a man in a fight or struggle. How do I know? Because I’ve been there repeatedly. I am - or was I’m too old now - a good fighter, my father trained me in unarmed combat. In the many fights
Jan 16 6 tweets 1 min read
The fantasy folk are out in droves screaming at people for wondering who knew about Neil Gaiman and said nothing, or didn’t want to know and turned a blind eye. They refer to these people by their first names as if they know or knew them in real life. This is exactly the type of parasocial relationship to people fans have never met and only know through their books and carefully curated online presence that allowed Gaiman to access victims with such ease.
Oct 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
A woman who was sexually assaulted as a child, raped as a teenager, sexually exploited and abused as an adult who engages in all manner of awful self destructive behaviour thereafter, including hurting others. A woman very far indeed from the Perfect Victim we all hear about so much - the blushing virgin who bravely fought off her attacker who was unknown to her, who is modest, ladylike yet calmly brave. The Imperfect Victim is hated & despised by the very men she tries to impress so they won’t hurt her
Oct 14, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
I wrote this in 2014. I posted it in Facebook, publicly.

‘I've been researching child sexual exploitation in the UK recently. Yes, I know, too horrible to think about, not the sort of topic for polite conversation etc. Don't worry I'm not going into details mostly because they really are awful. Anyway a couple of things have struck me particularly during my reading. Firstly that the historical record shows child rape and exploitation is very far from new and that the victims have always been blamed.
Sep 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I have noticed even nontrans men are getting bolder about ignoring women’s boundaries. At the airport a man walked into the women’s toilets with his young daughter and stood looking around as she went into a cubicle. It was a tiny restroom and he could see her without a problem if he stood just outside the door. I told him this is a women’s toilet, stand outside and wait you can still see your child. He looked furious at being crossed and so I repeated myself and he started to shout so I gave him
Sep 1, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
A Man’s Guide To The Menopause.

A man asked me what the Menopause was like: let’s imagine your nuts dropped off aged 40. Your GP only suggests losing weight as a cure for your consequent physical and mental disintegration. You beg for testosterone, and get told you don’t need it. You try again and the GP says ‘oh libido gone? The wife complaining? OK but only this very weak cream to rub on your dick’. You say - joint & muscle pain, headaches, depression, tinnitus,
Aug 24, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Interesting to see recently men disparaging womens fears of travelling alone or walking home at night alone etc. Apparently men think women 'exaggerate' to get attention or sympathy. So here's a little illustration to enlighten them. Once upon a time I was working on a TV show with a woman now a beloved household name. I was incredibly thrilled to be asked to be on the show as a poet, it was a career changing opportunity. I lived in the North and went down by train the night before alone,
Jun 22, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
In the series: Abuser Behaviour. A 🧵 on holidays. So it’s that time of year when some people may be able or want to go away on holiday. Normally this is an exciting and joyful occasion, even sometimes a romantic one. Not so if you are in an abusive relationship because being away from familiar surroundings and put under the stress of making arrangements - though generally abusers insist victims do this so they can have someone to blame if things go wrong - and travelling
May 22, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
In the series Abuser Behaviour: a very sensitive topic so please scroll on if you are easily upset. However this is a terrifying reality for many victims of domestic and activist abuse, and it’s the weaponising of suicide threats. Obviously there are some people who genuinely suffer from the awful mental health condition, suicidal ideation, and most of us know someone, often more than one person, who has committed suicide. It’s extremely serious and devastating for those who loved the person,
Jan 19, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read

The inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. *More widely, the devaluation of various traits of character or intelligence as 'typical' of particular peoples.* The reason victims of grooming gangs and rapists don’t get help is because the authorities feared/fear being called racist. That’s bad enough on its own but it’s compounded by racists spoiling for a fight to boost their own sense of self righteousness
Dec 24, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
This Christmas, while the family is resting after dinner watching Chicken Run Dad has nipped upstairs. He’s watching porn in the bathroom because he’s an addict and can’t go for long without his hit. Porn has been around forever, but not in the hyper industrial quantities now easily available on every smartphone. The modern situation with porn is not comparable to porn of the past. ‘Science is only just beginning to reveal the neurological repercussions of porn consumption.
Oct 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A man asked me what the Menopause was like: let’s imagine your nuts dropped off aged 40. Your GP only suggests losing weight as a cure for your consequent physical and mental disintegration. You beg for testosterone, and get told you don’t need it. You try again and the GP says ‘oh libido gone? The wife complaining? OK but only this very weak cream to rub on your dick’. You say - joint & muscle pain, headaches, depression, tinnitus, brain fog, exhaustion etc etc. GP says, ‘try yoga’.
Oct 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Billy Bragg isn’t a bumbling clown who limped his way to a career as a singer. He was picked up by an extremely competent and experienced professional manager. He had a huge fanbase of dedicated followers who chose to ignore the red flags regarding women in his work because no one cared about that in the 80s and 90s. He was crafted to be perceived as an honest British chap singing his heart out for the common man. I know men who absolutely adored him. However, he could never have the thing he wanted
Aug 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Interesting to see recently men disparaging womens fears of travelling alone or walking home at night alone etc. Apparently men think women 'exaggerate' to get attention or sympathy. So here's a little illustration to enlighten them. Once upon a time I was working on a TV show with a woman now a household name. I was incredibly thrilled to be asked to be on the show as a poet, it was a career changing opportunity. I lived in the North and went down by train the night before alone,
Aug 3, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
People sometimes ask why I don’t publish my writing anymore. Here’s a few reasons:

When I was nominated for the Orange Prize a memo went round saying a woman like me should never be included again. Apparently my appearance and life experiences were considered unsuitable.

At an Orange Prize event a woman asked me why I mutilated myself like that - she was referring to my tattoos.

At another literary event a person associated with the organisers told me to make the most of my ‘chance’ because ‘people
Jun 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The problem with university graduates from nice homes dealing with criminals especially sex offenders is they mistakenly think they’re not very bright & they, with their degrees, are the superior intellect. They aren’t. They’re naive, & dead easy to con. Don’t mistake not having a degree and a taste for a nice Chablis as stupidity. Native cunning ranks any kind of academic achievement. These men and they’re mostly men, have been manipulating and grooming people since said graduates were in nappies.
Jan 29, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Minna-Maria Antikainen used to be a man named Markku-Pekka. He decided at 59 he wanted to be an ‘Ice Princess’ figure skater, one of the hardest and most technical sports disciplines. He was allowed to carry the country’s flag during the opening ceremony for the European Figure Skating Championships in Espoo, Finland, on Wednesday. When I saw this I assumed it was a spoof, or a comedy routine by the notoriously quirky Finns. Apparently it wasn’t. It was an exhibition of appalling mental derangement
Nov 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Some thoughts on being kind. Various abusers I was unfortunately involved with all had a recurring put down. ‘If only’, they’d say with a sad expression, ‘other people saw you as I do, they don’t see you as kind and caring just as harsh and gobby, but if you were quieter, less opinionated and did what I said, you might get people to like you’. Well gosh yes indeed. Because that’s the point. Abusive misogynist oppressors like TRA don’t really want women to be kind they want obedience. They want
Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Journal of Prince Luca Frostfyre

My friends, my Journal, it’s been a whole week now since I came to live with my Human and I must wonder, where did the time go? Obviously, as a Prince of the Blood Royal I was pledged to my Human long before we actually met as is customary amongst the feline tribe. She was sent various portraits of myself as tokens of my love and affection which I believe she received with joy and delight. Ours was a meeting of Souls, and as Aten Cathotep says in his Scroll Of The Blown Leaf -
Oct 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Mermaids. Some thoughts.

So a couple of homophobes, pretty ordinary, not child experts or doctors, decide to castrate their Gay son and make him into a fauxgirl to stop him being a Gay boy. The mother then starts a ‘charity’ like so many people do on Facebook for example but in this case to justify what she’s done. Where’s hubby, the one that allegedly slapped the child for being Gay? Anyway the mum does her little charity, all nice and glittery and twee,
Oct 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The Journal Of Luca Frostfyre

The Journal Of Luca Frostfyre


Today, my dearest friends, has been a day of learning, of elevating my thoughts and acquiring knowledge so that I may go through life in a manner my dear Papa and Mama would be proud of. This morning I was overtaken by a wild and almost delirious mood. The restless Autumnal winds blowing the scarlet leaves hither and thither, the ripe scents of blackberries and foxes borne in through the nooks and crannies of my mansion drove me