Jorts (and Jean) Profile picture
Jorts the cat. Jean helps me.
5 subscribers
Jun 12, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Ok so, about yesterday an orange cat looks surprised. he is outside,  under one arm of the person holding him I was just getting some fresh air and I noticed a bug. I crammed my large and heavy orange body under the slightly open window and climbed the window screen.

May 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Can anyone guess why this expression cost $700? Lmao out of focus picture of an orange cat’s face, he is looking off to one side A sudden change in peepee behavior in a cat can be a sign that something is seriously wrong.

A check with the vet is a good idea, and if you are concerned a thorough work up isn’t a bad idea. That could include special boxes to collect urine, bloodwork, ultrasounds etc…
Feb 12, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Iowa and MN are working on bills to allow children to work in SUPER dangerous work like industrial laundry and meatpacking, and limit liability if kids get hurt or killed.

They’d rather use child labor than improve the jobs and pay to retain adult workers… Minimum wage in Iowa is the federal minimum. That sure seems like a more reasonable place to start
Feb 8, 2023 44 tweets 4 min read
Ok time for the Joe President tv show which previously has not had singing An orange cat is sitting in a darkened room watching tv Dr. Biden kissed a guy on the lips in this pandemic and right in front of his wife (which would make a cool song)
Dec 31, 2022 30 tweets 2 min read
Oh that seems like a nice cozy house on this tv show, especially since it’s so cold and snowy outside An orange cat is alert and focused, bathed in the light of t That seems like an important letter. You’d think he would send a text
Dec 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
‘Twas the night before Jortsmas
and all through this app
We reflect on the hilarious
Jokes — and we clap The year has been bonkers
Full of weird stuff and jerks
(What rhymes with bonkers?)
Learning rights where we work
Sep 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Remember this man pretends he was chosen by a god to sit on a heaping hoard of stolen treasure while the rest of us struggle, AND the country pays HIM for this. He doesn’t serve the people, he “rules” the people Direct payments, upkeeping sprawling estates, “royal tours” visiting places they enslaved and colonized. Maybe a lavish coronation, a RELIGIOUS CEREMONY, affirming some “holy” entitlement?

All of it on the backs of folks who can barely keep the lights on…
Jul 24, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I learned some things about feline poxvirus as an EXAMPLE to talk about a similar virus. If a cat gets a catpox, it can spread to cat people.

If there’s an outbreak & only cat folks can be tested, it will seem like ONLY cats or cat people get it. Cats start getting dirty looks. An orange cat is looking at... Let’s say Cheryl lives in a town that is starting to be kinda mean to cats and cat people. Bad for cats!

Cheryl doesn’t even know any cats. When she gets some catpox symptoms, her doctor says it is something else and no precautions are taken. Bad for Cheryl and her whole town!
Jul 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Esteban Chavez died while working in extreme heat. Nobody should die from working We need federal heat protections to help keep people safe as we are exposed to increasing extreme co siri is. Here’s more info about Stevie Chavez, the UPS worker:…
Jul 18, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Here is a thread with some FAQs about picket lines outside of a coffee shop or other local establishment An orange cat is screaming in solidarity in front of a crowd Q: I support the workers that are picketing. Do I go in for coffee anyway?

A: No
Jul 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
If you try to scoop me up it would be like cuddling spaghetti that’s a baby An orange cat is asleep on ... 😻
Jul 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
I started drafting this thread a long time ago, maybe one of you can? I got too tired.

🧵 You might see labor twitter talking about “rulemaking” which I think a lot of people don’t understand. I asked Jean to help me talk about “rules” and the rulemaking process An orange cat is in the cla... Generally speaking, lawmakers set a broad policy mandate by passing a law, then agencies create more detailed regulations through rulemaking. Federal examples of agencies would be the @USDOL or the @USDA…
May 12, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
I have a theory. I’ve been thinking about how younger workers have a higher regard for unions compared to older folks. It’s not just because they want better for themselves 1/ A thoughtful orange cat is upside down. In the background tw Even though they have way less wealth, younger generations of workers are remarkably generous and empathetic compared to older generations. They’re also more ambitious in their empathy.

They want things to be better for everyone. They also believe they CAN make a difference Two captioned photos of young worker leaders.  New York Time
Apr 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Well, another week ahead. What are we doing? What’s the plan comrades A orange cat is wearing an Amazon Labor Union bandana. Next Ok I like @DerrickPalmer_’s plan, great plan right here. What else? I am sure we all have so many good plans
Apr 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I was very very hungry a lot when I was Outside, so I still get worried about there being enough food even here Inside. This is not a food or eating issue. It is a feelings issue, so l learned some things about that… An orange cat’s face. He is laying with his head dangling This contributes to my trash can mishaps (but also sometimes I’m just having fun tbh). I also don’t eat my meal right away if nobody is around, in case they don’t come back to ever feed me again.

Know how I learned this? We spent time with an expert in cat thoughts and feelings
Mar 21, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨OK JORTSDOM: I need ALL of you to step up for farm workers. On Cesar Chavez Day (3/31) United Farm Workers asked CA Governor Newsom to meet with them… and HE SAID NO.

They have a really important message, so we have to help them be heard. They feed us! A graphic with an orange cat holding a United Farm Workers f What could POSSIBLY be more important on Cesar Chavez Day than meeting with the farm workers?!

Here’s a link where you can find and sign up for your local action on March 31. If the events aren’t local, join remotely or have your OWN event where you are! A graphic with an orange cat holding a United Farm Workers f
Mar 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Many of you said you’d join worker actions. Great news here’s one for the southern California Jortsdom.

Join the rally for animation workers! Sunday(3/20) in Burbank. Support a #NewDeal4Animation! Details and RSVP:… An illustrated graphic of an orange cat’s photograph with Here’s some more info about this awesome sounding party:
Mar 2, 2022 23 tweets 3 min read
I’m glad this isn’t one of those cooking shows where everyone yells and I can’t even smell the food A wide-eyed orange cat in a dark room with the light of a te Imagine having a whole person walk in front of you and announce you’re about to walk into a room. Walking IN is the easy part
Feb 26, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I met a friend of mine because they DMed me asking about their job. They were quitting soon, but they knew their coworkers couldn’t quit. They were experiencing labor abuse and wage theft. “Before I quit,” they asked, “how can I help my coworkers?” They read up on their state laws about last paychecks. They talked to their local wage and hour agency for advice. They gathered screenshots and emails and other documents.

They talked privately to their coworkers to get their contact info. Then, they quit. (Because they could)
Feb 21, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Wage theft is the most expensive crime in the USA. Fifteeen BILLION dollars are stolen from American workers per year. What is wage theft, and why is this still happening? 1/ A photoshop illustration of an orange cat and a tortoiseshel Wage theft is when workers aren’t paid the full amount they are owed. For example if you aren’t paid for the full time you work when you have to come early, wait around, or stay late. It’s STEALING from you…
Feb 20, 2022 16 tweets 2 min read
I don’t know why these TV guys are looking at an old picture, but the building looks spooky A photograph of an orange cat in a dark room. There is bluis I don’t know what “coagulated” means