Josh Crumb 🆔++ Profile picture
CEO @abaxx_tech (ABXX) |pod:@smarter_markets| Founder @BaseCarbonInc @mene | Ex-@GoldmanSachs Econ| Jargon #Energy #DigitalIdentity #Gold | Worldbuilder or bust
p rehmer Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 31 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Why did @abaxx_tech acquire @privacycodeinc?

Ten point version 🧵

1) Bringing @mdennedy, CTO Richard Schaefer and team in house. Acquihire for ID++, Abaxx Messenger, FDT & #SmartCommodities rollouts over next 3-15 months.

Michelle, Richard and their former co-founder Kristy Edwards had a lot of foresight and a great vision, we’re excited to unite the clans. 2) Michelle is Silicon Valley’s Chief Privacy Officer #001, literally wrote the book on privacy engineering. She knows where all the data bodies are buried, knows all of the conversations behind closed doors in this crucial sector.

Data security has been in a perpetual bull market, but with GenAI and the acceleration of our Orwellian surveillance world, more privacy & AI regulatory bills are coming and the data privacy bull market is about to kick off.
Aug 17 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
I think the whole LLM #AI boom-bust debate is missing the forest (boom in data supply chain infrastructure and open source 3.0) for the trees (hopes of quickly profitable, agentic magic).
🧵 [tl;dr: just as GS’s AI-skepticism report & the zeitgeist around AI bubbles hit a negative narrative inflection, actual AI tooling & progress is hitting a positive inflection. ..and we belive Abaxx’s 5yrs of development on 🆔++ identity infra & private networks is right on trend]
Mar 19 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Dear #29ers,

I see some of you are questioning a raise here and/or how it was placed. Here’s how we’re thinking about it:

1) Today is a totally different world for early-rev financing (non AI), despite ETF driven large cap flow. I’ve been at this +10yrs, its clearly different 2) last year we were strung along by multiple institutions and had less and less leverage as time went on, so we ultimately had to revert to lower order plans (while me and others personally loaned and funded the company to hold off dilution)
Nov 11, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
Overtime thoughts: a quick story of my profile picture background & relation to smarter markets

Everything is Energy (& Information)

Yesterday I was refining my bits & atoms thesis with Jeff Currie in Abu Dhabi. My underlying macro thesis (that drove me to found Abaxx) is… Image …that we’re in a volatile phase transition of two societal level transformations.

1) The supply & demand networks (& business models) that drive the production & distribution of energy & power (atoms); and
Mar 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The effects of dominating, unmanaged externalities define modern world.

I don’t just mean economic negative environmental-externalities, but also(related) ill-regulated positive externalities—network effects—found in monopoly & centralized, over-scaled governance structures
🆔++ Mass energy-leverage (industrialization), mass-information (1-to-many, many-to-1 comms) & weapons of mass destruction(1-to-many, many-to-1 violence) create asymmetry in externality sharing (positive & negative)
a)identify root asymmetries
b)seek natural system balancing
Mar 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We’re in prisoner’s dilemma stage. Game it out, only *exogenous* deflation can keep system afloat.

To fight inflation, Fed pays interest on bank reserves. 3 ways to pay:
*Sell Assets (price ↘️)
*Treasury (more debt,↘️)

Irrational 0% depositor NIM required to keep solvent The root logic, “inception” of monetary stimulus in pure fiat world is the irrational behaviour of wage-earning depositor (floats with sticky nominal wage & negative-real bank deposit).

Therefore always a game of prisoner manipulation; creates inequality for those who know game