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Francesco 🍊🍊🍊 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 25 16 tweets 8 min read
Some libtard wrote a thread a couple years ago about how fitness, health, and wellness are a construct of far-right fascism and I’m going to copy it verbatim because it’s a great thread and every point she makes is correct
🧵 Image “Wellness came out of a movement called physical culture, created by history’s first fitspo influencer, Bernarr Macfadden.

He used aspirational images of his own rippling physique to sell followers on a lifestyle of regimented diet and exercise.”
Oct 29, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Ok here is what I’ve put together from talking to my dad’s doctor regarding massive improvements in his symptoms of Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia. Mental faculties, memory, mood, appetite, and tremors have all progressed significantly. This is my best interpretation and should not be taken as medical advice.

Lactulose is a laxative. Due to the nerve degeneration of Parkinson’s, the functionality of the bowels degrades and gut motility slows tremendously. There has always been a marked decline in condition during prolonged interruption of movements, with a similarly noticeably improvement after resumption. Can be taken orally and/or rectally. Other laxatives used are Natural Calm Magnesium, Senna Plus, Pure Body Institute Cleanse Purify Colon Program. Enemas can be used as needed. Cannot stress enough the importance of clear bowels no matter how uncomfortable a topic it is. My mother mentioned to me an expression she grew up with in Iran “If on the back of a horse and the need to go to the bathroom arises, do not wait to get off the horse to go.” Don’t hold it. I think this has been the most significant in immediately improving his state.
Apr 22, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Everyone inherently understands physiognomy. It’s the only way cinema could ever exist. You know exactly what’s going on here. Image You know exactly what’s going on here. ImageImage
Mar 13, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
There’s always debate in both the mainstream fitness scenes as well as the schizos on here on what makes the ideal or most aesthetic physique, but it without a doubt has to be based on the lats. The lats are the second largest muscle in the body and connect your shoulders to your hips. If they aren’t functioning well, your body will be a mess. This along with health risks associated with abdominal fat give you the pleasing functional aesthetic of the V taper.
Mar 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
What if I told you that the war in Ukraine is actually a proxy for Central Banking and Industrial GMO Agriculture?…

🧵THREAD🧵 In 2014 there was upheaval in Ukraine over President Yanukovych’s refusal to sign an EU association and free trade agreement, tied to a $17bil loan from World Bank & IMF, whose terms lifted bans on sale of Ukraine’s agricultural land to corporations, as well as GMOs and biotechs.
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I tracked macros for 7 years with great results in aesthetics/performance. But my health didn’t really take off until I learned to completely follow my cravings, trying to eat as seasonal and local as possible of meat, dairy, eggs, fruit, honey, and starch. Never felt better. Image Emphasis always on quality, my body has become very good at telling me what it wants. Haven’t tracked in over 2 years now. Body composition follows what is needed for optimal health at any given time, but when appropriate, maintaining lean physique has never been more effortless.
Jan 24, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Most of you know by now how incredible raw milk is, but not enough is talked about whether milk is A1 or A2, the beta casein proteins in milk. It’s arguably just as important.

🧵 THREAD Cows are seemingly the only mammal that produce A1 casein that we know of. This mutation from A2 occurred roughly 8,000 years ago in both Taurine (bos taurus) and Zebu (bos indicus) species of dairy cattle, which descended from Auroch (bos primigenius) around 100,000 years ago.
Nov 6, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
The idea of “lactose intolerance” is one of the largest misconceptions in the world.

THREAD 🧵 Many people today believe they are lactose intolerant, and will avoid dairy. We are told that most people stop producing lactase after infancy, and therefore must stop consuming dairy. Yet when these people go get raw milk from a farm, they have little to no issues. Why is this?
Nov 5, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Don’t sleep on all the milk hate.

They call it a “treat”, mock the poor for not being able to afford it, say it’s unhealthy.

Milk is the single most nutritious food on the planet. It has everything you need. It’s the only food in existence that was literally designed to be food People today have never even had real raw cream top milk. They’ve never seen it done right. They have no idea how a milking animal can save an entire family.

They drank blue skim milk as a kid and think it’s the only thing that exists. It’s gross. You’re gross.
Jul 7, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
People really need to realize how little we understand about the body, especially as we try to isolate and oversimplify mechanisms.

Imagine telling a Mongolian they can’t digest dairy, which their culture has been consuming for 5000 years. They would laugh at you. Image And wouldn’t you know it, it all comes down to bacteria. Their lives are filled with it. No sterilized surfaces, substances, or bodies.