How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App… are some of the top virologists and viral epidemiology experts, concluding zoonosis is most likely and lab scenarios don’t make sense. In Cell, one of biomedicine’s top journals:…’s unclear what, if anything, a blue check means today. The value, AFAICT, is mainly that the platform confirms that its users exist as real people. I wouldn’t pay to be verified, but as an advertiser I’d appreciate knowing the platform confirms identities. regret to inform you about milkshake duck’s views on gay representation and marriage equality (addressing an episode of Arthur where a teacher marries a person of the same sex).… furin cleavage site (FCS) is a feature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that makes it more virulent in humans, confers little (if any) benefit in bats, and is not a feature previously seen in the closest relatives of SARS. 2/, the IC doesn't separate "zoonosis in the field to lab workers who were exposed to what farmers, hunters, miners, hikers, etc. face routinely" from "someone stuck a poop swab in their nose" from "devious experiments created a monster that cinematically escaped the lab."