joshua steinman (🇺🇸,🇺🇸) Profile picture
@galvanickco. usn - 2x iraq vet. trump nsc. citizen.
44 subscribers
Jan 19 8 tweets 2 min read
I used to RED TEAM some of the U.S. government’s most sensitive plans as both a MILITARY OFFICER, and then as a WHITE HOUSE STAFFER.

And here’s what has me MOST CONCERNED about inauguration on Monday:


Washington is famous for office badges, but for street based operations, my fear is that a small team with FAKE POLICE or MILITARY UNIFORM poses a serious risk.

Reports from Butler indicate poor ability to tell Friend-or-Foe. I doubt things have changed.

Jan 5 15 tweets 4 min read
I spent 4yrs on President Trump's National Security Council – first day to last – and I fear there are mistakes being made NOW re: NSC that will lead to four years of ineffective governance at best, betrayal at worst.

Out of loyalty to him, I am going public.

Here we go:

Let me start by saying, this isn't about Rep. Waltz or Alex Wang, who I believe love POTUS and mean well.

But it appears they are getting bad advice that will have CASCADING and CATASTROPHIC impact on President Trump's ability to execute his agenda, end war, bring prosperity, etc.

Dec 27, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This has been a huge issue.

I spent a lot of December 2020 and January 2021 putting on workshops for junior political appointees in the Trump admin — doing resume reviews, mock interviews — and then opening up my modest Rolodex to try and get people interviews in tech.

1/ Very few people, both before 1/6 and after, were interested in even talking to folks. There was a single organizational exception that I will not name, out of discretion and respect.

In the end, 80% of those I tried to “place,” did not have jobs afaik.

Dec 12, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Or: “how to prepare for the psyops ahead”

In light of the ongoing and so-far-EVIDENCE FREE “UAV” story spinning folks up, I think it might be useful to give folks a refresher on what is likely to come.

Back in 2016 it was the Russia HOAX, but there were others.

These lies served to do a few things:

1) distract
2) divide
3) disorganize

And if you think the other side doesn’t have something similar planned, you haven’t been paying attention.

Nov 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
99% of people have NO IDEA what a "recess appointment" is, or why it is CRITICAL to a President being able to govern.


1/ Article II, Section 2, Clause 3:

"The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session."

This is (1) useful, and (2) a FORCING FUNCTION

Nov 8, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read

The election is over. The future has been secured.

But the people who wanted to put Elon in jail, restrict for your AI model, keep funneling government contracts to the usual suspects, and more have one last trick:

They’re going to ask you for a job.

This happens EVERY CYCLE. But this time, I propose, it is different.

No administration has been SO HOSTILE to growth as the one now leaving power.

And so, in the coming weeks, you must keep your guard up.


Nov 7, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read

Or: What a 1994 effort by Tom DeLay to level the playing field might tell us about the second Trump Administration in Washington, DC.

The year is 1994.

Republicans re-took the House of Representatives for the first time in FORTY YEARS.

A Congressman from Texas by the name of Tom DeLay – who would go on to earn the nickname "THE HAMMER" – becomes Majority Whip.

And decides to send a message to DC.

Oct 25, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Conservatives are sleeping on the fact that @elonmusk is out building a competitor to Data Trust.

My guess is that, come November 5th, @America PAC will have one of the best "voter files" in all of politics.

And it's going to cause political tectonic plates to shift.

I'm no political consultant, so this might be completely wrong, but from everything I have read "voter files" are the lifeblood of elections.

Campaigns spend MILLIONS to figure out who is in their districts, where they live, what they care about, etc.

Oct 18, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
As @EzraACohen pointed out (tweet below), the “goodbye tours” are underway.

But what does that mean?

Usually when a presidential administration is “over” (defacto or dejure), the senior folks will run blow-out trips around the world.

The purpose is three-fold:

1/6 Ezra pointed this out, but why do “goodbye tours?”

1) say goodbye to counterparts
2) set themselves up for cushy post-admin jobs (dinners with executives, at which the ‘well, what will you do next’ question is met with winks and nods)
3) boondoggle tourism

Oct 14, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
you may not like it but this is what peak psychological operations look like.


Or: How to convince your political opposition of a believable-yet-false narrative, so you can eventually discredit them and kill their momentum.

1/ First things first. I have no idea if Ian Carroll is involved in it, or just doing what he does: making incredibly viral videos.

That said, let's talk about the op that is unfolding right now. It starts here:

first: Something about this @ feels "off" to me.

2/ Image
Sep 14, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
At his rally in Las Vegas tonight, @realDonaldTrump is going to reveal details around one of his most exciting policy ideas:


1/ Image Why do we need new cities?

The average Americans spends between 20 and 50% of their post-tax income on rent or a mortgage.

And that percentage has been increasing.

It’s most people’s biggest expenditure!

Sep 8, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A century ago, America was run by a relatively small, cunning group of men who shaped the world.

They trained their top staff officers to succeed them. Less creative but had hustle (eg Jobs>>Cook).

THEY trained a bunch of sycophants.

Who trained the current generation.

Image The current team are literal midwits.

Unaware, ignorant, and dismissive of human nature, they know neither power nor wisdom. They were bred and selected for physical and spiritual weakness.

So ask yourself, when these “elites” tell you that decline is inevitable, “why?”

2/ Image
Jul 14, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts:


Many of us have been talking privately about this possibility for months, but didn't want to speak it into existence. It is here. And not going away.

Read what the Marxists are saying online.
More violence is coming.


Eight years ago they fabricated the appearance that candidate- and then President Trump was somehow a "Russian Agent."

They haven't stopped lying. About everything.

Today is the intended response.

May 21, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Debunked stories like this (see @NeilPatelTDC’s post explaining that the story is fake) are often used by political leaders to get the intelligence services to spy on their adversaries (in this case, pro-Trump conservatives).

Here’s how it happens:

1/8 It all starts with political frustration.

When the powers that be are unable to “best” their competition legitimately, they turn to the intelligence services to dig up dirt (or to create the illusion of dirt).


They can’t do it directly. So instead…

Feb 12, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
I routinely get cold inbound from aspiring founders, and my biggest take-away is that the BIGGEST skill unlock for an early-stage CEO is the ability to COMMUNICATE.

When I run into someone who is having issues,


1/10 Image From 1975-1977, a man named George Heilmeier ran the the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

That's right, the team that builds wild, out-of-the-box technologies like THE INTERNET.

Heilmeier had a test -- a "Catechism" -- that he used to evaluate new ideas:

Feb 4, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
In my four years on the National Security Council, I interviewed over one hundred people who wanted to join my team.

And I only ever used ONE interview question.

A thread, on how to hire for the most EXTREME cognitive circumstances.

Working on the National Security Council is, for many, the apex of a career in national security.

For me, coming from Silicon Valley, it was an accident.

Former military, I could blend in at the White House. But wasn't a policy wonk.

Just someone who could get stuff done.

Feb 4, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
What do I mean when I say that we are engaged in "high dimensional competition" with the ÇÇP?

Allow me explain with the aid of renowned physicist Carl Sagan.

We love Carl Sagan, even though he fell for KGB psyops like "nuclear winter" which was invented by Russia(read "Comrade J" for details).

That said, he is VERY GOOD at explaining interesting concepts like FOUR DIMENSIONAL SPACE.

Here (please watch!):

Feb 3, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Everybody wants to do inbox zero but nobody wants to GET STUFF DONE.

So let me break down for you how my data entry strategy helps me drive @GalvanickCo EVERY SINGLE DAY.

For me, email is a transport layer. The real question is what happens AFTER email.

Enter: my database

@GalvanickCo Say I get an email from @Jai__Malik introducing me to a fellow founder. What to do?

> @Superhuman CMD+SHIFT+i for instant intro (obv)
> “Hey [x], would love to chat … @calendly… etc”


I’m gonna talk to this person in two weeks. How can I make sure I’m READY?

Feb 3, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
What the heck, I’ll just do a quick thread to open-source what few people know but don’t want to admit:

How this op often gets run in Washington.

(thread on how to “work” the current system in DC)



> Pick out a few key think tanks and start running regular programs there.

> You want “BROOKINGS LUNCH AND LEARN ON [your topic] [presented by ~company~]” events every quarter

> Target top hill staffers with free lunch

SBF was all ofer this

Jan 28, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read

I didn't go into finance after college, but sometimes wish I had. Thanks to @jnconkle, who flagged this epic talk by a senior Goldman Sachs investment banker – James Donovan – covering TEN SKILLS he thinks are CRUCIAL to closing deals:

1/ @jnconkle I watched this video wearing my CEO hat.

And the SIX TANGIBLE, and FOUR INTANGIBLE SKILLS Mr. Donovan highlights here are important NOT ONLY for investment banking, but doing deals in the private sector as well.

Here they are:

Jan 8, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
This highly irregular story about SECDEF being out of commission for almost a week, with few in the chain of command knowing, is the latest in a string of incidents of OPERATIONAL incompetence.

Let's dive in...

1/ This isn't a partisan issue.

The Secretary of Defense is, by federal law, "the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to Department of Defense... [and has] authority, direction and control over the Department of Defense."

And what have we found out?
