JudithCardamone Profile picture
Retired educator, who loves those kids; artist, lover of peace, justice: SILENCE IS COMPLICITY https://t.co/L8417uQ3wI…
Aug 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
BRAVO, BRAVO @TiffanyDCross You are amazing. One of the few, maybe only, talking heads to speak truth to power re: Liz Cheney. Yes, I AM GLAD she is doing the right thing NOW. FINALLY. But the media is rarely honest and I am frustrated. Hearing you say what I have been to many of my D friends who have fallen under the "Liz is a hero" spell. It frustrates me to no end. DOING THE RIGHT THING SHOULD NOT BE VIEWED AS HEROIC. I am a retired teacher. I taught 6th grade students. One of my constant goals was for the students in my class to
Aug 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It has been clear to me, for most of my adult life, that the @GOP was the party of greed, of liars, cheats, and bullies; (yes, I know the Ds have had their share too), but for the last forty years, the GOP is the party that used racism, sexism, homophobia and theocracy to push an agenda that keeps people poor, that kills democracy in the workplace, that kills the "commons" (from public schools to libraries). I HONESTLY thought people would catch on; I did not understand how deep the racism and sexism ran and how it threatened so many. SIGH. What I
Nov 23, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
@matthewjdowd @NicolleDWallace I agree. SOMETHING needs to happen. But what? Some of us have been screaming about the lies and cheating of the GOP since Nixon, since Reagan took cheating, lying, racist divide and conquer to a whole new level. How could we have stopped Reagan? We COULD NOT because white grievance has been so powerful, RR merely saying "Welfare Queens" had more than a few well educated white people repeating the myth of that black woman at the grocery line using "food stamps" to buy steak, or some poor white women buying lobster with
Nov 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
@l78lancer THANK YOU. People like them, the NEVER TRUMPERS, the former Rs, need to hear this: The GOP built the Trump administration; the GOP planted the seeds back in 1980 for the emergence of Rush, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, all the white supremacists. While evil effing Reagan only @l78lancer dog whistled his racism, he was feed it, along with feeding the wealth hoarder despicables and deplorables. He resurrected robber barons, killed unions using racist/sexist dog whistles about labor; used theocratic nut balls to destroy public ed. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE for so many
Nov 23, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
@SenatorSinema Clearly you are right about "not being an enigma". Since you CLAIMED no one knows what and enigma is, here's the definition; ENIGMA: a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand. There is NOTHING mysterious about you. You are not the least but puzzling; YOU ARE A GREEDY, albeit, immature, as bad as any adolescent raised in bigoted home/environment, RACIST. It shows in everything you say and do. Your greed, of course, supersedes your conscience, your duties, your oath to the constitution. You have chosen
Nov 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
@Sen_JoeManchin's words: "“We’re going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, but we need to work together. That’s not a way of working together.” Either Manchin is a full fledged idiot, a liar, or a greedy wealth hoarding jerk. TAKE YOUR PICK, Mr. Manchin. Every damned GOP member has been playing "JUST SAY NO" since Obama's inauguration. They OPENLY gathered to make sure PARTY OVER COUNTRY, OLIGARCHS OVER THE PEOPLE always came first. So YOU sir, are either WITH THE PEOPLE, or against us. You will either give a damn about women, the infants,
Aug 28, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@chrislhayes The purpose is $$$$$$$. We are, and have been for most of our history, a county based on VULTURE capitalism. The New Deal and its endorsement of unions started some change (tho' not inclusive at all) toward an actual republic. IMO this gave room for the Civil Rights, Voting @chrislhayes Rights, women's rights movement to begin to grown. And their success scared the bejesus out of the vultures. The stealth movement that had been percolating since the 1930s took on urgency; the dark money pushed harder, groups like ALEC, Heritage Foundation, Federalists got hold
Aug 27, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@MSNBC @CNN @ABC @NBCNews @CBSNews I get it. What has happened in Afghanistan is horrific. Losing 13 Americans to mad bombers of ISIS is horrid. But I need to say this, and I know I may get flack. I do not care. Afghanistan warring, along with all wars in the middle east have have been horrific for as long as I can remember and at 75, that is a long time. Americans (and all humans) dying at the hands of mad bombers and/or shooters are horrid whenever and wherever, from Oklahoma City to Columbine, from The Twin Towers to Sandy Hook. No one wants this;
Aug 25, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
Dear Media: @CNN @MSNBC @NBCNews @ABC @CBSNews @nytimes @washingtonpost Stop calling these people: MODERATES. THAT is a misnomer. @CaptMarkKelly , D-Ariz., @SenatorHassan , D-N.H. @jontester , D-Mont., @ChrisCoons , D-Del., @TomCarperforDE , D-Del., @SenAngusKing I-Maine, are NOT moderates. They are ENABLERS OF ANTI-DEMOCRACY, oligarchal wannabbee tyrants. They are giving power to the greed, the betrayal, the nastiness of @Sen_JoeMancin @SenatorSinema whose actions betray the idea of a republic. A republic is governance OF, BY, FOR the
Aug 24, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Media, @NPR @CNN @MSNBC @nytimes all seem to have dropped Trump’s early 2020 unilateral surrender to the Taliban down the memory hole. They have also chosen to pretend that the withdrawal could have been anything but a disaster given the bare skeleton crew of US troops left after Trump’s late November 2020 draw down to 2,500 troops in the country. AND Trump made sure the processing of visas for US allied personnel was a shambles. STOP IT "talking heads and pundit class". STOP YOUR stupid kissing up to the far right, to the oligarchs.
Aug 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Same rant it seems every night. FOUR FREAKING YEARS of corruption, incompetence, bullying and lying, but NOW the press, @MSNBC @CNN are doing pants on fired coverage of Afghanistan? Where the h*ck were you when "rah, rah, rah America" and oil-y Halliburton man Cheney were lying us into war, and outing CIA operatives who called out their lies. Where was the pants on fire coverage when lying Pompeo was negotiating with the Taliban to set up this mess. If a D potus had let even one Taliban out of jail, you would have gone off the rails nuts over it...but
Aug 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
@allinwithchris Why a republican pollster; an apologist for DeSantis? Seriously Chris; we know you want to bend over backwards to let the right know we will treat them fairly. IT'S A WASTE OF TIME. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. LIARS LIE; Rs will spin and lie until h*ll freezes over. 600,000 people dead and you are trying to give DeSantis, an obvious sadist, a ridiculous narcissist an out...and this r woman is playing "yea but.." Seriously, progressive media folk need to be HONEST, tougher and call out the misery being created and do not give voice to those
Aug 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear Corporate Media: @MSNBC @CNN @NYT @washingtonpost We know you're OBSESSED WITH BLAMING BIDEN FOR THE AFGHANISTAN MESS (even though it was started by W, Cheney for all the robber barons of big oil, defense contractors (after all getting rich needs wars). We get that many veterans want Afghan allies rescued. Again you all LOVE BLAMING Biden (because that keeps both siderism in tact), even though dumb*ss DJT, and his dumb*ss Sec of State Pompeo created this kind of ending; and YOU know, or SHOULD KNOW if DJT and his minions were in charge
Jul 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
@TiffanyDCross THANK YOU for having Tommie Smith as a guest. In 1968 I had just graduate college. I was leaning left politically, had been since my sophomore year in college (before that I supported many MLK Jr marches; anti war but I don't think I had much of a voice. My parents who had been FDR voters every time, had voted for both Eisenhower and JFK, seemed to me to be pretty apolitical. A close aunt, though, even after having voted JFK (cause "catholic") had been moving right and in 1968 turned real right. She was so angry at the protest
Jun 7, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
@TheJusticeDept WE, THE PEOPLE are on the verge of losing our republic to the racist, sexist white supremacy party and you DOJ, seem to be putting the "Institution" above the people. Bill Barr was and remains a criminal. His criminality goes way back to the 1990s. Just because he has the weight of the Justice Dept behind him DID NOT MAKE IT MORAL, LEGAL OR OK. I am so sick of hearing about how you "institutionalists" are doing what will preserve the institution! What he h*ll good is an institution if we lose our republic. For much of my life
Nov 4, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
@CallieSpeaksUp @upine HRC was mocked for calling out the "vast right wing" conspiracy over thirty years ago. But she was right on. Nixon, then Reagan set the table for the robber barons of media, Murdoch and Ailes and their ilk. Fox grew and grew and then came Breitbart, OAN and now Qanon. @CallieSpeaksUp @upine Trump is not the cause..he is the result of the "Reagan Revolution" an absolute farce used to pit the middle class whites against the poor (especially people of color). I know a lot of people who STILL do not get how much damage was done by Reagan, Bush and son W. When even the
Oct 17, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
@Conch_Out @JoshuaVanDuyn @glennkirschner2 For over five decades Rs have put money, power, and white patriarchy ABOVE country, citizens and the notion of WE, the people. I am sick of people acting the pos potus, as stupid, obnoxious and nasty he is, started this: HE is the result of DECADES of republicans racism, sexism, @Conch_Out @JoshuaVanDuyn @glennkirschner2 greed and STEALING ELECTIONS. Going back to Nixon, the Powell Court, ALEC, the libertarian greedy racist R party went on steroids under Reagan. From Iran Contra to WMDs lying us into war, the cast was the same. Stone started with Nixon, worked for Reagan/Bush with the likes of