Julie Bell Profile picture
Wife. Mother. Missionary. Nurse. Doula. Herbalist. SJW. Feminist. Anti-Fascist. Environmentalist. Queer-affirming. Oh man, I'm in so much trouble ...
Feb 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The foundational errors of sexism & racism in the evangelical church conditioned us to accept lies, delusions & conspirational/magical thinking, & led us all the way to Qanon, Trumputin, J6, GRT, Covid/climate/election denialism & Christian Nationalism. If we had a faith that offered:

- Biblical equality of women & men

- Anti-racist abolitionism & equity for every tongue, tribe & nation

- Reconciliation for first nations & those harmed by imperialism

- Justice for the poor & opposition to exploitation & oligarchy
Feb 21, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
What a contrast!

I can confirm the first approach works.

Emily grew up being taught the male supremacist doctrine in the second slide, but she got out. Emily' blog is called Thriving Forward

Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is kind of "magical thinking" that turns people right off.

This kind of false & ridiculous comparisons cause polarization & drives people further from the Gospel.

1/ One is a performance that condemns a man cheating on his wife as "unholy".

The other is a religious event (a good thing per se) but nevertheless, a religion that has lectured the world on morality while covering up untold thousands of cases of sexual abuse ...
