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Investigator - Physics - Engineering #MH370x Science Live Streams M/W/F 8pm EST - Views expressed are mine alone.
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Dec 23, 2023 6 tweets 8 min read
**MH370x Dave Rossi Science**

Dave 'Zed' Rossi, Hard Truths guest and DoD contractor specializing in advanced propulsion technology has written a research paper titled "Quadrupole Mass Oscillations: High-Frequency Graviton Induction by means of Symmetry-Breaking," that builds upon several preexisting works by scientists such as Eric W. Davis, H. David Froning Jr, Terence W. Barrett, Paul A. Murad, R.M.L. Baker Jr, Salvatore Pais, and others.

This thread will be my interpretation of the works, with quotes and images from the paper. The full body of the research paper can be found in the link below. Here is the introduction from the paper;

Heaviside (ca. 1880's), Einstein (prior to the 1915 publication of his General Relativity Theory) and Thirring (1918, 1921) showed that General Relativity Theory provides a number of ways to generate non-Newtonian gravitational forces. These forces could be used to counteract the Earth's gravitational field, thus acting as a form of antigravity. We see that through the enablement of a 3+1 Lagrangian model (3 spatial dimensions and one time dimension); such gives rise to a generally covariant and gauge-invariant higher symmetry torsion EM field interaction, i.e., an orthonormal set of tetrads that exist within the local vacuum but are not immediately realized (nor observable) unless the local vacuum is implemented to be treated as that of a physical system, and not just as some form of a nullified barrier that gets in the way of both calculations and experiments. This package attempts to enlighten those whom may not be familiar with the alternative, yet rich literature that has acted as the ‘silent concomitant’ alongside mainstream publications. The author tries to provide the reader with a cohesive understanding of the fact that, through the decades, papers have been published on gravitational wave emission that have then quietly been either retracted, or simply remain public - but go nowhere past the confines of basic publication.


#MH370x #Science #UFOtwitter…Image Curving Spacetime to Enable Anti-Gravitic, Higher Symmetry Electromagnetic Phenomena

Several papers are shown including one by Eric W. Davis, where he writes;

Einstein's General Relativity Theory allows for a beam of gravitational radiation to be used as a propellant because gravitational waves are ripples on the curvature of spacetime such that we can use this propellant to attain acceleration simply by ejecting one hard vacuum into another.

Rossi notes;

We see, that papers such as the one written by Dr. Eric Davis, seem to not only support such an approach in which would give rise to anti-gravitic phenomena, but also supports the notion that there is indeed more than one way to access this form of energy.

#MH370x #Science #UFOtwitter #UFOxImage
Sep 15, 2023 13 tweets 19 min read
**MH370x Breaking Update**

The Real Story of MH370 - All Pertinent Evidence

The Videos
Archive Satellite -

Archive MQ-1C Thermal-

- Filmed in 2014, with technology from 2014.

- Spy Satellite video (presumed from USA-229) from Regicideanon is the earliest archived source, received March 12, 2014 (description), or May 19,2014 (upload date)

- 3D Stereoscopic video (technically a third video), which means we need 2 satellites in close proximity and on the same orbital trajectory

- Satellite perspective changes 8 times as do the coordinates, with coordinates visible in 6 of them, showing us the location and direction of travel (South and East)

- Thermal layer of MQ-1C Gray Eagle posted by Regicideanon, Received June 5, 2014 (description), or June 12, 2014 (upload date)

- Cameras on this equipment are made for filming these events

- Matches the mission purpose for SIBRS and SIGINT, tracking boats and planes, electronic signals monitoring, intelligence, and battlefield awareness

- Alternate sources in higher quality exist that point to none of these users being the original source;

- Speculation : Original source may have come from a private forum, or left on the dark web to find

- Videos show coordinates in them that change but not when the mouse moves

- Videos show satellite designation, presumed to be NROL-22 due to seeing "93" and thus ruling out '3s'
Coordinates and satellite designation in the video

- Satellite video explained by remote terminal access

- Mouse Drift explained by a jog wheel/trackball that does not have the "click" activated.

- Screen capture of terminal running at some resolution/30fps

- Citrix remote terminal running at default of 24fps.

- Streaming a remote/virtual desktop at a different resolution/24fps

- Viewing custom video software for panning around large videos

- Mouse moves off the screen in the bottom left and top right, indicating a large field of view

- Remotely navigating around a very large resolution video playing at 6fps

- Plane is making a left hand turn and descending consistent with a circle formation consistent with capabilities of a 777-200

- Plane's altitude is low based on how close they are to the cumulus cloud formations

- There is a heat signature near the center bottom half of the plane

- There is exhaust or smoke coming from the plane, which is likely too low for contrails

- 3 'orbs' approach the plane seemingly not affected by gravity

- The orbs have cold trails that are in front of the orb, leading the orb

- Speculation : Orbs may be changing the pressure of the atmosphere, or absorbing energy from it (cold trails)

- Orbs enter a locked formation and begin a pattern, and change patterns

- The orbs pattern encircles the plane over time

- Orbs may not be visible to the human eye, both cameras are IR

- A 'zap' occurs as the orbs bend and move towards the plane

- The 'zap' is a cold event in the thermal

- The 'zap' accurately illuminates the clouds in the background and foreground

- The plane completely disappears after the zap, including the plane's visible trail

- The MQ-1C is cropped out of the Satellite video, just out of view

- The user closes the window after the plane disappears, indicating this was not recorded in real time

- Requires knowledge of classified military systems

- Person who recorded/leaked these videos is likely in prison

(Continued in next reply)

#MH370x #MH370

Why this is MH370

- Only missing 777

- No Debris field found

- Official flightpath has it running out of gas, there's nowhere else for it to go.

- Official search searched everywhere along the final ping arc and along the flightpath, even the Nicobar islands area.

- Thermal matches the exact silloutte of a 777-200ER
Perfect match to MH370

- The color tone matches that of Malaysian Airlines

- Satellite coordinates put it on the flightpath of MH370 at around 18:40UTC in the Nicobar Islands (The Smoking Gun)

- Note this is the suspected location of the "turn into the South Indian Ocean."

- NROL-22 released in 2006 is presumed to be a relay satellite due to it's Molniya orbit and clear view of the satellite that took the video

- Smoking Gun : USA-229 at the right location, time, apparent angle, with a sister 'debris' satellite capable of taking the stereoscopic video at ~18:40UTC

- Purpose of SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) and SBIRS (Space Based Infrared System) is to track airplanes like this

- US Military had to have tracked MH370, we've proven they had the satellites in the area

- US Military, "confirmed SBIRS provided data to the intelligence community to help solve the mystery of MH370"

- FOIA about the DSP detection of the impact of Flight MH-370 was ignored

(Continued in next reply)

#MH370x #MH370

Sep 12, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
**MH370x Breaking Update**

(1/4) Superconductive Harmonic Orbs

In Traversable Wormholes, we discovered that wormholes large enough for humans to travel through, are supported by theoretical physics.

I'll add, we may be seeing Black-body radiation on the MH370 videos.

"A black body at room temperature (23 °C (296 K; 73 °F)) radiates mostly in the infrared spectrum, which cannot be perceived by the human eye, but can be sensed by some reptiles. As the object increases in temperature to about 500 °C (773 K; 932 °F), the emission spectrum gets stronger and extends into the human visual range, and the object appears dull red."

Focusing on the orbs, immediately noticeable, they seem to be propelled from the front.

This has been explained as a laser being used to create an electromagnetic force to simulate a gravitational effect.

This theoretically solves one part of their movement, they actually are being pulled forward by a 'gravity engine.'

The byproduct of this is that the atmosphere's pressure is changed. It's cooling down.

This has also be explained absorbing energy from the surrounding environment.

#MH370x #MH370
(2/4) Automation

One requirement for the wormhole is that we need to be able to create the 'mouth' of the wormhole itself.

When I watch the MH370 videos I get the impression that the pattern the orbs are making has purpose. It doesn't appear to be random. The fact that there's three may be the minimum requirement to generate the portal on a 2D surface.

The orbs in the MH370 videos appear to be controlled by automation, or Artificial Intelligence.

It's hard to believe humans could maintain a formation like this precise in 3D space. We have to remember these videos are from 2014. This is 9 years before the AI we see now. So whatever it is, it's extremely advanced.

Watch the satellite as the first orb approaches the plane. It floats and accelerates and whips back around like it's homing on the plane. It appears to exhibit superconductive properties while locking on as two additional orbs quickly join it.

The orbs lock-on in formation and begin their pattern. After they encompass the plane they enter a new formation similar to a ring around the plane.

Finally, in the moment before the zap the orbs flatten and close in on the plane from all sides.

The shell of the plane goes cold. The wormhole appears to be completely encompassing the plane.

#MH370x #MH370
Aug 18, 2023 16 tweets 12 min read
**MH370x Breaking Update**

The Real Story of MH370 - Part 1


In the Preface we proved that these videos are real by showing that they were taken from a real Citrix session logged into the us gov’s intel database. Now we will show that the government also lied, distorted, and possibly falsified data to hide it.

Ignoring the orbs, these videos still prove the US Government had eyes on MH370. Only they know exactly what happened to the plane. No matter how you look at it, videos real or fake, the victims are gone.

The families of the victims have my deepest condolences. The trauma of being gaslight and lied to about the death of your loved ones is one of the worst things a human can do to another. Yet that appears to be exactly what happened in the case of MH370.

The pilot did not 'suicide' MH370. He was not an Islamic terrorist or whatever racist crap. He didn't have the route planned out. He was flying to the closest airport that could handle a 777 emergency situation.

He was likely a man put in an emergency situation that ultimately later led to their doom. Read my piece on the Evidence Against The Suicide Pilot Theory for more information on the pilot and route.

We never know the exact circumstances of the plane, but with these videos, we have a lot of clues.

Establishing the plane is MH370 is the only way to vindicate the victims. So that's what I hope this piece will do.


#MH370x #MH370 #UFOx #UFOtwitter 1/The Smoking Gun

It's the only known missing 777.
The satellite video has coordinates as the user scrolls over the screen. This clue was given to us with intent. They wanted us to know where look.
There are two possible locations and the community strongly believes the southern location to be the correct one (highlighted on the map below). Either the video is cropped to remove the minus sign in the coordinates, or the coordinates don't use minus for South.

Last weekend I personally went through the entire 300+ page WSPR report made available in Dec 2021. I was shocked to find that coordinates in the video match to coordinates in the WSPR data's known route for MH370 while the plane was going South through the Indian Ocean. The leaker/hoaxer couldn't possibly know WSPR data would put the plane in that exact spot because it came out 7 years later.

I believe strongly that the southern possible position from the satellite coordinates is correct, because it matches the WSPR data, the general cloud pattern in the area, as well as the time of day in the video (morning).

For further details see my piece on "Strong Evidence the plane in the video is in fact MH370"

#MH370x #MH370

Aug 17, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
**MH370x Breaking**

The Real Story of MH370

Preface - "It's not CGI"

Quick facts - 'RegicideAnon' is the oldest archive upload date May 19, 2014. Description says received March 12, 2014. That leaves just ~2 months to produce TWO perfectly synched high quality military classified videos that have no visual flaws, whose satellite technology wasn't even known until Trump leaked a picture in 2019.

It's impossible for anyone non-Military to know what these Satellites are even capable of, let alone a random hoaxer. Furthermore, because there's two videos from two angles they would have had to render a complete 3D environment to get it all to sync perfectly. That leaves us just scenarios; Military produced or Real. Lets look at the evidence together.

Assumptions - Colored FLIR is taken by MQ-1C predator Drone, Satellite footage is taken by NROL-22 or relay satellite 4000km in space.

Linked below is the oldest archive satellite footage we know of.

#MH370x #MH370 #UFOtwitter #UFOx

1/I want to start with the most compelling - the flash from the event in the video. You can see from these screenshots that the flash perfectly mimics what we would expect the illumination on the clouds to be. This is daming evidence that the flash is in fact real.

From /u/kcimc - who we'll hear from again later

"To the lower left of the flash there is a front lit cloud, which implies it is farther from the camera than the flash. Parts of this cloud that are farther away are less illuminated by the flash."

"Another cloud at the bottom right is not blown out, and there is no obvious halo, which implies that it is also farther away from the camera than the flash."

"If this is a hoax, the artist cared enough to accurately simulate the details of how clouds at multiple altitudes would be illuminated by a flash of light."


Aug 13, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read

Extremely strong evidence that the plane we see in these videos is in fact MH370.

The coordinates from the satellite video give it a possible location in the south Indian Ocean and tell us they're taken by NROL-22.

The WSPR data puts the plane passing DIRECTLY THROUGH the southern assumed position.

The WSPR data was not made available until Dec 31st, 2021, over 7 years later.

Before then all we had were the Inmarsat pings, which only tell us the distance to the satellite, and thus arcs we presume it could be every hour, not specific location.

A hoaxer could not possibly know to detail in the exact later known position of MH370 while it was flying rogue in the middle of the Southern Indian Ocean.

Further proof is this news recording April 6th, 3 weeks after the video first is dated back to, which mentions new data revealing the plane turned around the coast of Indonesia, but not exact positioning. AND another report done in 2014 that again only shows the ranges not specific route.

"Why is there no negative sign in front of the 8"

It could be that South is positive for this software, like Minecraft is or it could be that the satellite is running in some type of 'reverse' mode due to how it rotates and travels the entire globe and both hemispheres. Needs confirmation.
Aug 12, 2023 24 tweets 11 min read
**MH370** - The evidence against the Pilot Suicide Theory

Why this has come up - see this video.

Zaharie Ahmad Shah has been blamed and vilified under the claim that he flew the plane into the ocean. Based on what we know about MH370's flight path this…… 1/ Last communication the pilot made was 1:19am - 'good night MH370'. The transponders turn off 64 seconds laster. WASPer data shows that's not enough time for a hijacking to occur. There are four separate transponders that could not have been disabled in this time period……