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Maybe I'm making it all up. Screenshot that. (Justin Coleman, I don't do anonymous)
Jun 7, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Between two different prisons, I once had the unique opportunity to meet two different men who were involved in opposite sides of the same crime and it's a hell of a thing. Confused? It'll make sense by the end. We'll call them "Dad" and "Dan". I met Dad first and honestly knew him better out of the two. He was a middle aged man, largely kept to himself, worked on crafts making things like jewelry boxes and such out of bits of wood he'd get his hands on. There were times he'd throw down but largely he was a quiet man.
Mar 28, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I don't know much about guns so I stay out of it.
I also don't know much about the identity stuff so I stfu there too.
But I do know killers. I know them the way y'all know your own children.
I'm going to rant here because people are being dumb as fk and I'm over it. It makes me sick to my stomach to see something like this school shooting and the only response is pushing political agendas and tryin to dunk on the other side. When a killer is telling you your moral compass is fk'd up, you need to take a seat and appreciate your garbage status