Justin Glawe Profile picture
Writer, journalist and creator of @americandoom_. Book coming 2025. Peoria born. All views and opinions expressed here are my own.
Aug 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is big. Kemp is actually listening to calls from Democrats to investigate and/or remove MAGA members of the Georgia State Election Board. Meantime, state Dems and @lucymcbath are currently holding a press conference calling for their removal. Previous coverage:
american-doom.com/p/smears-facts… @lucymcbath Part of Dem complaints is that one of the SEB members, Rick Jeffares, solicited a Trump admin job. I caught him in that apparent conflict-of-interest a couple weeks ago, feels like a couple months ago. american-doom.com/p/smears-facts…
Oct 12, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Since December, pro-Trump Georgia election officials who are election deniers have been ignoring or lying to me about what they've been up to. Today, I can report for @RollingStone that I found them trying to commit a crime. This is them finding out. rollingstone.com/politics/polit… @RollingStone Trump zealots in Spalding County attempted to hire an Atlanta IT company to *illegally access voting machines and other election equipment* in a pathetic attempt to prove nonexistent voter fraud. That's of course very illegal! rollingstone.com/politics/polit…
Jan 30, 2022 10 tweets 12 min read
New from me at the @guardian: Georgia Republicans purged Democrats from a county election board, then cancelled Sunday voting. The board is now led by an election conspiracy theorist whose company does IT and computer work for the county, I've discovered. theguardian.com/us-news/2022/j… @guardian The restructuring of the board — from Black Democrats to White Republicans — came thanks to an obscure law introduced just days before the end of the last legislative session by GOP reps Karen Mathiak and David Knight. CC @PoliticsGPB @stphnfwlr @bluestein theguardian.com/us-news/2022/j…
Dec 24, 2020 12 tweets 10 min read
Merry Christmas: A bunch of your elected representatives in Congress used COVID relief funds to bail out their own companies — then blocked aid to average workers and voted against Monday's stimulus bill. .@Jeremy_Borden and I went through all 535 members of Congress' financial disclosures and compiled a database of their private companies and non-profits. We found Congress bailed out its own companies to the tune of $21m. readsludge.com/2020/12/24/mem…
Jun 15, 2020 26 tweets 5 min read
I’m at the Zone 3 headquarters of the Atlanta Police Department. Officers are in full riot gear, one of them saying in a sing-songy voice as she geared up, “It’s gonna be a riot.” A majority of these cops are black. Scanner chatter keeps the officers apprised of protester movement. A crowd of hundreds is heading here, where an officer told me the precinct had received a threat that it would burn to the ground tonight.