Justin Kohler Profile picture
VP Products @Specterops. Father of 4. Biking is life. He/him.
Jul 25, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Do you know who owns your #ActiveDirectory Domain Controllers? Find and fix this common Attack Path in 5 minutes with #BloodHound in this 🧵 Creators of AD objects are the default security owner, here's a common example:

1. Bob creates a computer, Bob now owns this object in ADUC
2. Computer is promoted to a DC
3. Bob now owns a DC
Mar 1, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Our #BloodHoundEnterprise customers really value measuring the exposure of any given #AttackPath so I figured I'd do a quick 🧵 to explain how this works We'll start with an example, Riley (a regular user) has rights over a Domain Controller (Tier Zero / Critical Asset): Image