Mère x3 et pianiste / Ancienne élue @MTL_Ville / Maîtrise en Mgmt et #devdurable HEC-Mtl / Chroniqueuse #polmuni à Radio-Canada @le1518
May 27, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I had the opportunity to study free public transit in depth for an economics project at HEC. Although my colleagues and I were initially favourably biased towards free transit, our study led us to conclude against it. Here's why (thread) @TaylorNoakes#STMcultmtl.com/2022/05/30-dol…
1 - Modal transfer. Based on reseach from cities where free public transit was implemented, modal transfer is often quite low for drivers (20%) and higher for active transit users, like pedestrians and cyclists, many of whom are already occasional transit users.