Primarily support 🇺🇦 Warriors of Light via @Y_Chornomorets 🎯
Also supporting:
@wilendhornets for FPV drones 🐝
@69thSB for trucks 🛻.
Mar 3 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
I have to applaud the Irish vatnik community and their brothers in hamasnik community. You won! The Irish government is finally bowing to the constant pressure that you exerted. We're getting a squadron of modern fighter jets! I hug you and kiss you for your efforts 🫂
It all started when the vatnik geniuses over at the Ditch started seeing visions of Israeli weapons being transported over Irish air space from the US. There was nothing Ireland could do about it given that we have no jets capable of air interception.
Jan 5 • 23 tweets • 9 min read
The grand tour of Vatnik Ireland part 9 🧵
On 6th Oct 2024, The Times revealed that Russian Intelligence used a honeytrap operation to recruit an Irish politician - alias "Cobalt" - who still has not been named publicly. A main suspect's name circulates in private circles.
The Irish public was initially confused - The Times story indicated that Cobalt offered to connect the Russians with Loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland during Brexit talks. It didn't make sense. No Irish politician had connections to paramilitaries loyal to the UK.
Apr 1, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
How “from Vladivostok to Dublin” became a central mantra of Russian fascism 🧵
It might come as a surprise to 🇮🇪 citizens to discover that 🇮🇪 features explicitly and frequently in Alexander Dugin's book "Foundations of Geopolitics" which influenced Kremlin strategy.
I doubt many in 🇮🇪 have heard of Alexander Dugin. Some may have first heard of him in Aug 2022 when his daughter, Darya, was killed in a car bomb in Moscow. Alexander is thought to have been the target but he travelled in a separate car and arrived at the scene soon after.
Mar 2, 2024 • 25 tweets • 11 min read
Why are elements of the Republican party aligning with Putin’s Russia? 🧵
The common assumption is that Trump is to blame but there is another figure who can shed light on the shared interests of the Kremlin and sections of the Republican party. Rex Tillerson.
Rex Tillerson served under Trump as the United States Secretary of State from 2017-18. He was fired via Twitter by Trump after only a year in the position. It was widely reported that Tillerson referred to Trump as a "moron" in a meeting with aides in July 2017.
Jan 30, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Screw it. I don't care about Mick Wallace or Clare Daly anymore. The Irish electorate has now been given every warning that they are the worst creatures this country has ever produced. If you don’t vote them out in 2024 elections then you’re thicker than MAGA Trump voters. 1/7
Here is one of the worst things that Mick and Clare have done. There is no excusing this. 2/7
I'm going to explore the 🇮🇪 comedian and actor Tadhg Hickey. Tadhg has come to prominence in the last few months, in particular after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7th. His posts have quickly progressed from rage farming to propaganda
Tadhg has raised many eyebrows amongst his audience since Oct 7th for his questionable tweets about Hamas. We should note that Tadhg has been tweeting about Palestine for many years before Oct 7th. I'll pin some of his old sketches at the end of this thread.
Nov 17, 2023 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
Through NAFO, I get to know all the characters around the world linked to Kremlin propaganda. It shocks me when they pop up in Ireland meeting Irish politicians. I was reading this article by Gabija Gataveckaite about Sinn Fein and what name popped up only "Dan Kovalik"
I suspect that only a handful of Irish readers know who Dan Kovalik is so mention of his name in the Irish Indo article might not get much attention. NAFO Fellas bonking Kremlin propaganda know who Dan Kovalik is and his name immediately sets off alarm bells 🔔🔔
Aug 13, 2023 • 21 tweets • 10 min read
Vatniks in Ireland part 7 - The Far Right 🧵
In this thread, I will explore the activity of the Irish Freedom Party (IFP) and the National Party (NP). We'll also go on a far-right treasure hunt for their gold bars that went missing recently. Actual gold bars.
Until recently, I was not aware that 🇮🇪 had any parties that would be considered far right. 🇮🇪 never really had a NAZI problem apart from a paramilitary grouping nicknamed the "Blueshirts" (1932-35) which served to protect the Cumann na nGaedheal party from IRA attacks.
Jul 7, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Mick Wallace will likely lose his seat during the 🇪🇺 parliament elections in 2024. I've spoken to multiple political analysts to try to understand what direction Mick's career will take. They all agreed that Mick has a few choices. In this thread 🧵, I examine Mick's options 1/7
Option 1: Strawberry Picker
Mick Wallace's home county of Wexford is famous in 🇮🇪 for its strawberry farms. Picking 🍓🍓🍓 all day will mean that Mick's fingers are too busy to be tweeting authoritarian propaganda. I do expect Mick will skim 🍓🍓🍓 off the top though. 2/7
Jun 27, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
The grand tour of Vatnik Ireland part 6 🧵
I’m going to look at Peter Dooley; previously an 🇮🇪 election candidate representing People Before Profit. Peter is an example of how Grayzone’s poisonous propaganda can even rot the brains of 🇮🇪 citizens.
Peter first ran in 🇮🇪 local elections in 2019 under the banner of the People Before Profit party in a Dublin constituency. Peter was not elected, having only achieved a couple of hundred votes. I can't imagine why.
Jun 18, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Personally, I don't really care if President Higgins intervened in the debate about Ireland's neutrality even if I disagree with him. I believe all senior figures in 🇮🇪 government/opposition should lay their cards on the table in an open manner without attacks.
🇮🇪 politicians wear a mask on the subject of our neutrality or NATO membership. 🇮🇪 governments consistently tell the people what they think the 🇮🇪 public want to hear, i.e. 🇮🇪 is neutral. They then enact defence policy that is absolutely not neutral.
Jun 5, 2023 • 22 tweets • 11 min read
What are the motives of 🇮🇪 Mick Wallace, Clare Daly, Chay Bowes, Paddy Cosgrave and John Moran 🧵
They've all come to my attention for the wrong reasons over the last year and I've been scratching my head trying to figure out why they do what they do.
The common accusation I see levelled against Mick Wallace and Clare Daly is that they are simping for authoritarian regimes for 💵. If that was the case, then I have never seen any evidence to back up that theory. Let's look instead for evidence in what they say.
May 27, 2023 • 26 tweets • 14 min read
The grand tour of Vatnik Ireland part 5 🧵
I’m going to look at John Moran; ex Irish Press; now a "citizen journalist". Most Fellas will recognize him shilling for 🇷🇺. John also makes an attempt at military analysis and we’ll see that he’s connected to a network of 🇮🇪 shills.
John seems to be one of just four 🇮🇪 citizens that Dmitry Polyanskiy (Representative of 🇷🇺 to the UN) considered important enough to follow on Twitter. At first glance John's importance to the Kremlin doesn't make a lot of sense.
May 10, 2023 • 22 tweets • 9 min read
Why are the Russians interested in Ireland and what is their strategy? 🧵
This might seem like a strange question. The war is in 🇺🇦, the other side of Europe. 🇮🇪 has no involvement. We're not in NATO. We have almost no army and we’re neutral.
Let's recap on events. Four officials of the 🇷🇺 embassy in 🇮🇪 were expelled, 🇷🇺 planned to expand its embassy in 🇮🇪 , 🇷🇺 warships are frequently sighted off the Irish coast, Irish MEPs have been listed as 🇷🇺 propagandists and the Ditch website has been accused of links to 🇷🇺
May 8, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Usually, when investigating 🇮🇪 🦇niks, it makes for rather dour reading 😩. The exception is Paddy Cosgrave and Chay Bowes. They are like the Laurel and Hardy of 🇮🇪 🦇niks. Any newspaper article about them is either pure drama or comedy gold 😂.
Two days ago, Paddy took aim at another Irish journalist who wrote an article about him. This is what Tech Gemma does. He mentioned that this was a "second attempt" article so I went looking for the "first attempt" that seems to have wound up Paddy 😉
I’m going to explore the divisive figure, Paddy Cosgrave; founder of Web Summit. I never suspected Paddy was a Vatnik but due to recent suspicious behaviour and links to known Vatniks, I thought I’d investigate...
Paddy has gained a reputation in Ireland as a disruptor of Irish politics due to his links to the controversial political news website, The Ditch, and his bizarre confrontational tweets.
Apr 21, 2023 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
The grand tour of Vatnik Ireland part 3
I’m going to examine Chay Bowes in this thread. He will be familiar to most Fellas but he’s not as well-known as the infamous Mick or Clare. Bowes is flying under the radar though. Few seem to understand his motives.
To understand Chay Bowes' significance let's take a detour and look at the twitter account of Dmitry Polyanskiy. Dmitry only follows a couple of hundred accounts and only 4 of them are Irish: Mick Wallace, Clare Daly, John Moran and you guessed it......Chay Bowes.
Apr 15, 2023 • 25 tweets • 8 min read
Irish Neutrality, NATO membership and the Triple Lock – Part 2 🧵
In this second thread in the series I’ll explore Irish Neutrality, which is closely linked to, but separate from, Ireland’s Triple Lock system (covered in Part 1 🧵linked at the end)
First, let's examine reference to neutrality in the Irish constitution. That’s simple enough as there is no reference to neutrality in the Irish constitution and there never has been. There is also no reference to neutrality in Irish Statute law. See
Apr 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Fellas, I failed in my mission to get a photo with President Biden and my Ukraine flag when he visited my home, Co. Louth, on Wednesday. The price of failure is donations to Ukraine. Therefore I donated to the new Kraken fundraiser and bought one more uniform for FrontLineKit. 1/
Please consider donating to the @frontlinekit fundraiser 👇#RageDonate 2/
Irish Neutrality, NATO membership and the Triple Lock - Part 1 🧵
A debate has begun in Ireland about our stance on neutrality, the possibility of joining NATO and even the state of our own defence forces. I’ll try to provide some clarification starting with the Triple Lock.
Ireland’s Triple Lock system is unusual. In plain English, the Russians and the Chinese can veto, as members of the UN Security Council, a decision to deploy Irish troops abroad. Irish troop deployment generally requires a UN resolution. Sounds ridiculous? Welcome to Ireland.
We’ve all seen the tweets lately where #Fellas were targeted by phishing links and other malicious links so here is some tips on how to bump up your online security using free and subscription software for both your phone and your laptop/pc.
See what a hacker or phisher can do when you click a simple malicious link sent in a DM for example; as happened many #Fellas recently.