Kate Stott Profile picture
Tech Founder, Previous Scottish Business Woman of the Year. #Longcovid since Mar 20. #Crohns Confirmed Microclots & endothelial damage. #LongCovidKids advocate
Ian Jordan Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 24 5 tweets 1 min read
Things that have helped me get back to part time work after suffering from severe #LongCovid for 4 years 🧵:

Apheresis in Germany x4 rounds
Triple therapy - 1 year and ongoing
Weekly biologics for Crohn’s disease

& finally methotrexate. 1/2 I realise I am so very fortunate to be able to have accessed these treatments and we MUST start having the conversation about repurposing medications that are set out for current disease pathways.

The UK MUST start funding trials. People cannot wait any longer.
Jun 7, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
August 2021

Over the following weeks, I develop a limp and the pain in my hips and lower back creeps in insidiously. I’m now bedbound. My biologics are upped to weekly and I’m diagnosed with Enteropathic Arthiritis. Rheumatology now discharge me. I start to develop ptosis (my eye literally closes by itself at certain points of the day) I’m in too much pain to take notice. I’ve developed tinnitus in my right ear. I feel all my senses are heightened and cannot focus at all.
Jun 7, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Up until now, I’ve shared snippets online of what living with #Longcovid has been like. I realise it’s hard to imagine a disease like this so here’s my story in pictures 🧵 I woke up 19th of March 2020 with a sore throat, a really high fever and the most peculiar feeling of burning painful legs. Over the next few days my glands in my neck swelled and I lost my sense of taste in smell. No cough so I presumed it must be throat infection. Image