Kristin Goss Profile picture
Duke public policy professor; coauthor, The Gun Debate; author, Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America & The Paradox of Gender Equality
Oct 16, 2018 9 tweets 6 min read
In an era of democratic dysfunction, people are looking outside the political system to solve problems. Wealthy individuals and philanthropic foundations are stepping into the breach. Here's a thread on #philanthropy - the *other* kind of money influencing public life. (1/9) When looking to solve problems, philanthropic donors give away tens of billions of dollars per year. But donors do more than contribute money to charity. They also help decide whose interests matter, and they advance these interests. (2/9)
Feb 26, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
Close to 20 years ago, I began work on a book that would be subtitled "The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America." At time of the first wave of school shootings (Columbine & precursors), 3 things were stymying the movement. 1/14 1) lack of money; 2) unrealistic policy goals; 3) and a message that just wasn't inspiring everyday sympathizers. 2/14…