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The techniques were hidden from me at first.
Jan 15 96 tweets 13 min read
Forget Kondylis.

A critique of “Power and Decision” by Panagiotis Kondylis - 🧵 Image
Sep 12, 2024 89 tweets 13 min read
Quotes from Lars Lih's "Lenin" (in my opinion the best short theoretical and biographical exposition of Lenin's overall thinking) -🧵 Image "During Soviet times, a workman trying to find a better solution to some difficulty might say optimistically ‘Well, we’ll go another way, Sasha’."
Sep 8, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The Official Groyper Sutra by @Calliounes1

Distribute any of these koan-segments for the 10% possibility of Immediate Enlightenement for the Groyper - 🧵 Image Image
Jul 6, 2024 25 tweets 6 min read
I've been looking at this concept-image I've made based on the Pappus chain for quite some days now and I think it is the best possible way to represent Hegel's system in a single object. I can outline what each of the elements correlates to - 🧵 Image At the start of the investigation of the figure (or the unified mind/reality), everything is blurry and we do not know what we are dealing with (left). But with the clarification of the first step, we can focus on the immediate element (right). Image
May 28, 2024 30 tweets 5 min read
Solving the immigration question.

Why Marx opposed mass immigration and the subsequent profound stupidity of both ethnic nationalism and leftism -🧵 Image A lot of talk on nationalism, racism, and immigration is completely off the mark for the simple fact that it analyzes the phenomenon merely as a contingent choice of the elites and not as constitutive of modern society itself.
May 16, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Since I have seen many philistines on the Right claim they are "above Marxism" and should thus avoid reading Marx, here is a collection of quotes by the ideological founders they claim to follow on Marx - 🧵 Image "It is astonishing how quickly and confidently the young Marx, led by philosophy, or rather Hegelian philosophy, became aware of this process, which nowadays is easily understood." -Carl Schmitt
May 14, 2024 100 tweets 17 min read
@LandsharkRides is completely wrong about Marxism.

I recently got access to Landshark’s account. Since he apparently is some hero of the right wing. I collected every critique of Marxism he has ever pronounced to demonstrate how wrong it is - 🧵
I started with the critiques with easier content and more normie-consciousness so I could answer them on a ground which would also answer usual misconceptions. Since Landshark is the big Ray Peat guy, let’s make something clear here: We are on the high ground.
Mar 3, 2024 50 tweets 9 min read
"Flowers of the Red Army"

A response to @KeithWoodsYT's recent article and the disillusionned right-wing's critique of Marxism - 🧵
Recently, I have been engaging with a lot more right-wingers… and what a revelation! They have no idea what they are doing as much as the current left! Their critiques of Marxism are outdated while they're being outpaced by figures such as Hinkle.
Feb 21, 2024 40 tweets 9 min read
To this day, the liberal scientific establishment vehemently hates Soviet biology. Wonder why?

Introducing American biologist Ray Peat.

He used the Soviet dialectical method to completely shift the American paradigm of biology, discovering the cure to cancer in the process -🧵
First off, we have to understand Raymond Peat as an inherently revolutionary thinker. His thought makes no sense without the overall critical aspect of it (here I mean critical in the philosophic and revolutionary sense of the likes of the German idealists).
Feb 6, 2024 30 tweets 7 min read
How Islam is perfect continuity with the Prophets:


Islam is a competing universalism against Christian universalism. In the same way Christianity interprets the whole of History leading up to the sacrifice of the Messiah - Islam upholds a COMPETING claim that all of History is the History of Submission to God.
Oct 9, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
How Hamas completely debunked the Bronze Age Mindset - 🧵
There has been a lot of discourse among the American Right about the recent Hamas attack on Israel. This specific attack has caught this attention of the "vitalist Nietzschean" sphere of the Right, often followers of Bronze Age Pervert. Image
Aug 16, 2023 83 tweets 15 min read
The Bronze Age Mindset is a book that has divided the right wing and revived interest in the Nietzschean outlook.

But, there is a specter haunting it - a fatal crack in its worldview...

Here's the complete and fatal critique of the Bronze Age Mindset -🧵 Image The kernel of this critique will be biology, since it is the basis of BAP's understanding of society. The logic of the biological outlook will help us make a broader critique of the book.
Jul 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I hate the word "egalitarian" to describe communism.

Communists want a COMMON, not "equal", basis for humanity. Bourgeois society is one that wants equality before the Law.

In that sense, communism is the most radically anti-egalitarian methodology there is. -🧵 Image And also following that logic, Nazism would be the most radically "egalitarian" ideology as it wishes to formally regulate *individuals* instead of the content of society.

It is perverted as it claims to touch the *social* human essence that goes through production directly.
Jul 29, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Just watched the Dark Knight Rises. Bane is very clearly a communist while Batman is the dark conservative hero of the Order that still believes in saving it.

The whole movie is set up to be a critique of the Bolshevik revolution.

Here's how - 🧵 Image The Dark Knight Trilogy can be seen as a defense of the Empire through its encounters of all its possible refutations. Batman is the trained defender of the Empire, he knows the "Shadows" and all its tools. He was trained by them.

But he believes in reforming and saving Gotham.
Jun 4, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
"If homosexuality disappears, fascism will vanish"

This is the infamous line from the Soviet political thinker Maxim Gorky.

Here's how a Communist arrived at a typically *Christian* morality and why that's relevant to our current context - 🧵 Image This line was written in Gorky's article titled "Proletarian Humanism", where he argues that the ruling class organized fascism in Europe to counter the immanent working class revolutions that would happen inspired by the USSR's rise to power.
Jun 1, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Be wary of anyone claiming they can measure your intelligence, then classify and compare you with society and the "international community".

Specifically if it involves race, nationality or religion.

They are lying.

Here's how IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle - 🧵 Image The "IQ" test actually only provides substantive informortion with regard to a person's level of extreme stupidity and, to a lesser extent, their aptitude for passing specially devised tests made by academics.
May 24, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Nazi scientists and the race realists of the 20th century absolutely hated Soviet biology. Wonder why?

Let me introduce the Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko.

He firmly proved that the modern concept of the gene is superfluous and thus permanently destroyed eugenics -🧵 Image The modern conception of the gene is as such: there exist distinct single “heredity units" that all phenomenologically manifest themselves in the species possessing them.

It was first advanced by Mendel and adopted by various race realists to structure a race-based society. Image
May 5, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
For Marx's birthday, here's a thread addressing the common misconceptions and myths about his thought -🧵

Starting with a controversial one; religion. Image Myth #1: Marx wanted to attack religion.

Some conceive Marx as the precursor to Richard Dawkins. However, Marx, while not believing, did not spend his time doing polemics against religion.

His famous Opium formula is often quoted without its full context: Image