Kristina Harrison Profile picture
Socialist. Trans & proud. Neither anti-women ‘identity-over-sex’ bigotry NOR a bigoted right. Autonomy, space, safety, dignity & equity for Women & Trans people
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Mar 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The right wing offer anti trans politics with traditional patriarchal gender norms all dressed up as women’s rights.

The liberal establishment offers anti women politics with new patriarchal norms dressed up as trans rights.

Progressives don’t fall for either of these > discriminatory, divisive & ultimately pro-establishment dead ends. Progressives are for the rights of all oppressed groups to autonomy, space, equality, freedom from prejudice, violence and life-limiting gender norms. This is the territory the left should be on. >
Jun 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Good thread. As some of us have said before, there has been widespread goodwill towards trans people in the UK for years. Stonewall et al could’ve galvanised & unified mass support for better healthcare, services & practical advances that didn’t infringe upon womens rights. > Instead they chose to try to steamroller through, without scrutiny (& using terrible slanders & witch-hunting) a quasi-religious dogma that risks not only undermining womens rights & the rights of same sex attracted people (as well as stigmatising trans people like me), but also>
May 20, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
When politicians, medicine & the courts eventually have to confront the true scale of detransition & perhaps then also those with ‘transition regret’ who don’t detransition because it’s “too late”, perhaps then they will recognise affirmation-only policies as a form of abuse > Drastic, irreversible surgeries & treatment should be a last resort, fully informed adult option for treating gender dysphoria. Cruelly long waiting lists for healthcare support must be shortened with resources, with evidence based care & by action against harmful gender norms>
Aug 26, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
Real shame @PeterTatchell has pulled out from the debate, presumably under pressure from the ‘no-debaters’ of ‘identity-over-sex’ authoritarianism. As none of them are willing to discuss how we can move forward, this could’ve helped constructively illuminate some of the issues.> For me the quality of an argument does not rest solely upon who says it & from which demographic they come from, though that can obviously matter as a general rule and often it can matter a great deal. >
Aug 13, 2021 28 tweets 5 min read

A cry of trans reason NOT trans treason.

Stop unproven & harmful ‘wrong body’ framing by ‘trans identity’ zealots & by @scotgov
It reinforces widespread adult prejudice/stigma & rejection of gender-non-conformity in children & in some cases panders to anti-gay parents There’s nothing wrong with gnc kids. What’s wrong is an adult society whose narrow, false & oppressive notions of what boys & girls should be/wear/do makes feminine boys & masculine girls feel utterly rejected & illegitimate as boys & girls. No child is born in the wrong body
Aug 12, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Woke de-anchoring from reality, from collectivist values, feminism & from a progressive movement rooted in representative, life affirming, socially positive sexuality rights, risks opening the door to every bigoted slander ever falsely associated with LGB people or trans people,> with every anti-social, alienated degradation there is, from bestiality to paedophillia & from there to an even bigger welcome mat & path for far right reaction than the bulk of the organised left has already provided by disgracefully abandoning (or worse) the field of battle >
Aug 11, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
The liberal (capitalist) elite, the liberal wing of the ruling class, (represented by the Democrats in the US) whose views dominate liberal discourse in general, are not principled opponents of sexism & misogyny any more than they are principled opponents of any oppression. > After all, this group of people, more than any other, more even than a small number of mentally/emotionally vulnerable or ideologically compromised identity-over-sex activists, (that’s not the same thing as trans at all) has been responsible for unleashing a tsunami of misogyny >
Jun 20, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
With the galactical hypocrisy to which we’ve become accustomed, a central logic of the identity movement promotes the idea that women who don’t conform to sexist stereotypes are *not women*, whilst simultaneously claiming it is Nazi-level hatred to tell men they aren’t women>. Image Unlike the true, feminine, male ‘women’, female people who aren’t passive during intercourse aren’t really women (& submissive gay men are not really men) by this bigoted logic!

Know your subordinate place women!

This isn’t progressive, it’s age-old, limiting prejudice>
Oct 10, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
We aren’t being shut out from sports but from unfairly competing with women. We should push for men’s sport to be inclusive & open with facilities/dignity for all. Yrs ago I played in women’s soccer. Thanks to the women’s movement I see today that it was wrong to have done so. As soon as I get some fitness back I’ll be joining a male 5-a-side football team openly & proudly as a trans player. Such an approach is truly progressive. It fully respects diversity & inclusion including the differences & uniqueness of women, of trans players & men but without
Sep 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
“We stand with you, we hear you, we see you, we accept you, we love you. The world is better for having you in it,” they said.

How many of these people realise the ideas they’re actually supporting unjustly EXCLUDE many proud trans people as illegitimate cos we don’t deny sex? How many of these people realise that believing in an innate, essential identity which supercedes sex in every instance is not at all the same as being trans and MANY trans people disagree with parts or all of these claims?
Sep 22, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Liz Truss statement - "The Equality Act 2010 clearly protects transgender people from discrimination. The same act allows service providers to restrict access to single sex spaces on the basis of biological sex if there is a clear justification."… re: consultation- "gender recognition reform, though supported in the consultation undertaken by the last government, is not the top priority for transgender people. Perhaps their most important concern is the state of trans healthcare."
Sep 20, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
The following quote is from the slanderous letter to Liz Truss

“several countries have implemented similar reforms to their gender recognition laws without any negative impact to cis women whatsoever.” When women in a dv shelter are far more likely to be accused of bigotry than their concerns are to be addressed or reported and you just don’t care.
When women are vilified, dehumanised, threatened with rape & their deaths are fantasised about simply for daring to state they >
Sep 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
You don’t speak for me, imo you’re exploiting a vulnerable population’s belief in wishful thinking, in self-soothing, but sexist dogmas & a very specific conception of gender identity, held as fixed, innate & erasing sex in every & all instances regardless of consequence to women In the UK the only group in this debate whose existence is under threat of erasure are women as a sex with rights & autonomy of their own. You’re stoking a counter-productive culture war & lending legitimacy to the vilest wave of woman-hating I’ve ever seen. It feeds transphobia
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
@Manaxium Yeah, 22yrs happily transitioned but Im regularly told by followers of the new identity religion I’m not a valid trans person, (unlike someone wanting to keep their cock, their bushy beard & their contempt for women) because I don’t share their beliefs that ‘identifying as’ > @Manaxium a woman magically makes you female. Those in thrall to gender ideology talk about love, acceptance and inclusion but they want domination, not discussion, submission not consent, their inclusion is about erasing and excluding others. They abuse language & truth so routinely >
Aug 7, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@AnkersGhost @zarahsultana If a minority succeeds in changing the law & in changing what is politically & socially possible to say because they have the backing of large parts of the establishment & have hoodwinked most of the left, then of course their philosophy of denying, delegitimising, even > @AnkersGhost @zarahsultana criminalising sex based rights & those fight for them can succeed. The very presence of males in all female spaces, if holding the whip hand of the backing of the law, the state & all officials politics would render feminism & sex based rights policeable ‘hate speech’ as it is >
Aug 7, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
@AnkersGhost The fact that women/females are not specifically mentioned, literally erased from their own biological reality/health risks in cervical cancer messaging will endanger many women & possibly even some transmen who do not know they have a cervix. It’s regressive & undermines women> @AnkersGhost Meanwhile what you suggest below means women have to fight issues which *are* connected by biology & oppression as if they aren’t, as fragmented, isolated campaigns, echoing the fragmented language of chest feeders, cervix havers which the erasure of the ‘woman’ holistic imposes>
Aug 1, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Agreed, but absolutist ideas at the core of gender ideology set up a dynamic working to preclude pragmatic compromise, demanding total domination of gender identity framing over the reality & significance of sex without exception, regardless of impacts on women> The claim TWAW & in all circumstances is fundamentally incompatible with our understanding of biological sex & logically requires the erasure of sex & therefore the political, social & eventually legal erasure of women as a sex, as a meaningfully independent category. >
Aug 1, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Erasing (excluding) ‘women’ from all mention is NOT inclusion. The group overwhelmingly affected by cervical cancer should be foregrounded in every general awareness campaign. Millions more women know they’re women than know they have a cervix. Clear messaging saves lives > That doesn’t preclude targeting ‘women & transmen’ or having separate targeted campaigns for ‘transmen’ etc but erasing women risks costing lives. Education should make aware in accessible ways that only people with female reproductive biology between 25 & 65 need screening.
Jul 25, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
It's shocking that you imply women's existence as an oppressed sex, protected under the Equality Act explicitly, is merely a belief, not a biological (& socialised) reality, one which in Britain is the only category under threat of erasure as a political/social & legal category But it's outrageous, particularly from a supposedly left-wing MP to imply that those of us who aren't in denial of the scientific validity & reality of sex, of socialisation & their enormous significance, especially to women in a sexist society, should be excluded from democracy>
Jul 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Instead of monstering 1,000’s of women for having the temerity to want to discuss/oppose the claimed supremacy of ‘identity’ over their sex, trans people’s interests would be far better served attacking the Tories & fighting LGBT cuts, for prompt, quality, evidence-based services Continuing to slander as ‘hate’, women’s just defence of their own reality/rights including their right to organise independently as an oppressed sex, is hugely unjust & set to continue to divide & weaken us. It’s been disastrous & is fuelling, not fighting transphobia.
Jul 16, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
Constructing a genuinely neutral set of questions is a challenge for surveys on this topic but using the starting point that these *are* ‘rights’, which you either oppose or support is not neutral. Avoiding asking about the most controversial spaces & situations is not neutral > either. Toilets & changing rooms are the terrain which proponents of selfID prefer to limit discussion to in order to try to trivialise the issues, but in general, though rightly an important concern for feminists, the greater concern is for women in rape crisis, prisons, >