How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App they chose to try to steamroller through, without scrutiny (& using terrible slanders & witch-hunting) a quasi-religious dogma that risks not only undermining womens rights & the rights of same sex attracted people (as well as stigmatising trans people like me), but also>, irreversible surgeries & treatment should be a last resort, fully informed adult option for treating gender dysphoria. Cruelly long waiting lists for healthcare support must be shortened with resources, with evidence based care & by action against harmful gender norms> me the quality of an argument does not rest solely upon who says it & from which demographic they come from, though that can obviously matter as a general rule and often it can matter a great deal. >’s nothing wrong with gnc kids. What’s wrong is an adult society whose narrow, false & oppressive notions of what boys & girls should be/wear/do makes feminine boys & masculine girls feel utterly rejected & illegitimate as boys & girls. No child is born in the wrong body every anti-social, alienated degradation there is, from bestiality to paedophillia & from there to an even bigger welcome mat & path for far right reaction than the bulk of the organised left has already provided by disgracefully abandoning (or worse) the field of battle > all, this group of people, more than any other, more even than a small number of mentally/emotionally vulnerable or ideologically compromised identity-over-sex activists, (that’s not the same thing as trans at all) has been responsible for unleashing a tsunami of misogyny > soon as I get some fitness back I’ll be joining a male 5-a-side football team openly & proudly as a trans player. Such an approach is truly progressive. It fully respects diversity & inclusion including the differences & uniqueness of women, of trans players & men but without many of these people realise that believing in an innate, essential identity which supercedes sex in every instance is not at all the same as being trans and MANY trans people disagree with parts or all of these claims? women in a dv shelter are far more likely to be accused of bigotry than their concerns are to be addressed or reported and you just don’t care. the UK the only group in this debate whose existence is under threat of erasure are women as a sex with rights & autonomy of their own. You’re stoking a counter-productive culture war & lending legitimacy to the vilest wave of woman-hating I’ve ever seen. It feeds transphobia claim TWAW & in all circumstances is fundamentally incompatible with our understanding of biological sex & logically requires the erasure of sex & therefore the political, social & eventually legal erasure of women as a sex, as a meaningfully independent category. > doesn’t preclude targeting ‘women & transmen’ or having separate targeted campaigns for ‘transmen’ etc but erasing women risks costing lives. Education should make aware in accessible ways that only people with female reproductive biology between 25 & 65 need screening. it's outrageous, particularly from a supposedly left-wing MP to imply that those of us who aren't in denial of the scientific validity & reality of sex, of socialisation & their enormous significance, especially to women in a sexist society, should be excluded from democracy> to slander as ‘hate’, women’s just defence of their own reality/rights including their right to organise independently as an oppressed sex, is hugely unjust & set to continue to divide & weaken us. It’s been disastrous & is fuelling, not fighting transphobia. Toilets & changing rooms are the terrain which proponents of selfID prefer to limit discussion to in order to try to trivialise the issues, but in general, though rightly an important concern for feminists, the greater concern is for women in rape crisis, prisons, >