Kriss Profile picture
Retired teacher, mom of 3,grandma of 4, Cub fan,proud DEMOCRAT Biden/Harris will lead us forward! 💛🐝Prez Harris 202_On threads-kmc4wauk
Feb 15, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
🧵One of the strengths of the BidenHarris administration is their wisdom in choosing 1 of the most experienced cabinets I’ve ever seen. Each one chosen for their expertise/knowledge. Please follow their work!. (Thanks @QondiNtini) Let’s begin w/Sec Raimondo
#DemVoice1 Working with allies across the globe
Oct 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵Here we go again! I’m going to address a few things Astead Herndon writes about in another*Where is Kamala*nonsense article for the @nytimes . A section caught my eye b/c I was at the event in Chicago where he interviewed her. That he even posed the question after being there.. Image I was at the event for 8 hours. The thousands of people there couldn’t wait for @VP to speak. I was fortunate to get a pass to meet the VP and while I waited in line several groups of young people were ushered in to speak with VP. And they spent considerable time w/her while
Sep 18, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
A 🧵
I find this one line so telling. The word*begrudgingly* is so appropriate because herein has been the problem all along. The media decided a long time ago that @VP wasn’t their gal. They were all agog w/her prosecutorial skills as senator. She got a high praise for
Image her questioning of Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions & Kavanaugh but then she went a step too far and dared to run for POTUS. And why not? Her path was full of experience as DA, 6 years EXECUTIVE experience as AG of the 2nd largest DOJ in the nation and now senator but the press put the
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Dear @MSNBC I was in the car for 2 hours today & thought I’d catch up on some news since Trump has dominated your programming for days now. Well, guess what it was just more of the same. And if it wasn’t Trump it was GOP prez candidates. Did it slip your mind that we have a a very hard working Biden/Harris administration who are seeing their hard work/policies coming to fruition w/visible, tangible results due to the major legislation that’s passed. How nice if we’d see a news story covering the good change & progress. Might want to try it!
Feb 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵So I’ve noticed no matter how hard she works @VP continues to get racist misogynist attacks from of course Republicans,MSM media,even Dems who proclaim to be her *friend*
At Tyre’s funeral we saw the strength, the soul & the kindness VP brings to leadership. So I did a thing Image
Nov 12, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵 So I have noticed all the pundits on @CNN and @MSNBC are dancing around how very wrong they were about these midterms. All I heard was economy, inflation & unpopularity of the administration. Oh yes Biden had a *problem* Honestly they covered the midterms like they have covered the first two years of his presidency. POTUS and VP never get credit for their wins, their accomplishments. It is always someone else. Someone always *made* them do it, pushed them into it. And usually it is some loudmouth Progressive who they end up praising like Warren
Nov 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I think the Republican*fear factor* plays well with White people especially women. That’s why Youngkin & DeSantis were effective. Youngkin traded on children & education. He used Critical Race theory to make suburban women truly fear their children would be indoctrinated against their pristine perfect white upbringing. He played them, they bought it and led the attack against hardworking teachers. It was manufactured fear and it worked so well that DeSantis perfected it and threw in *Don’t say Gay. Hell don’t be Gay* to instill more fear. WW with terror
Jul 21, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts on this poll.
1. It is clear that talk of 2024 should end right now. (I know it is only one poll) The two highest vote getters are VP & Sec Buttigieg, both fight hard for the Biden/Harris agenda. Democrats might have complaints but they are supportive of this team Also VP is doing an exceptional job of centering issues Democrats care about ie basic human rights and Justice in all areas of our lives including women’s, POC & LBGTQ rights, public education, workforce, criminal Justice, voting rights, immigration, climate & giving voice to
Jun 30, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
A 🧵
So I am pretty upset that a narrative that the administration wasn’t prepared, isn’t doing enough has been floated by bullhorn politicians & some media so a thread of actions being taken by Biden/Harris led by @VP Here goes The work began months ago, not when the decision came down
Jun 29, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
A thread 🧵
I heard @AOC was quite the splash last night on #StephenColbert. Let’s see; she goes on *late night* to trash the administration & got rave reviews, claiming if Biden just came out for expanding the court, term limits for judges & nuking the filibuster. Bingo problems solved! NO not one solved. But the administration led by VP has met with countless leaders from all over the country to look at practical timely solutions. She has brought together an army of ACTIVISTS who are working right now, not going on Colbert but WORKING. VP has
Jun 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵
Democrat senators and representatives, put the bullhorns down, go home and organize the communities in your state and district. Helping women who need abortions and live in Red states is already in motion. @VP announced yesterday that they have been and are working on safely getting women to established clinics in Blue states where they will be welcomed. VP stated the most vulnerable will have the financial support needed. Since the leak she has convened influential groups representing many fields including pro-choice activists, women’s health
May 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Short thread: When every single day we witness @VP doing an insanely good job fighting for everyday people, meeting with countless advocacy groups, community leaders, small& large business leaders, women’s groups, Civil Rights leaders, congressional groups, foreign leaders and lifting up voices never or rarely heard from, we have jaded reporters focusing on internal gossip mostly from unnamed sources but who really cares? We see her, we hear VP and we see how she connects with people from all walks of life. She has not just charisma but sincerity. VP
Feb 20, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
A thread about our @VP in Munich and how watching her lead on the world stage emphasizes that we have the right leader who will bring us into the future where new strong, diverse voices are needed to bring our world together, not tear us apart. No matter how hard the press tried to cast doubt on VP’s ability to lead, calling it the biggest test of her vice presidency, we saw a steely resolve to unify and to lead. VP led w/grace, warmth & understanding that the need for a *community of united nations* is the message
Jan 14, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
A thread in the state of the nation:

I believe all of the media is missing or taking for granted the perilous state our nation was in when Biden/Harris took over. Trump and gang had gutted the gov’t. They had destroyed or totally ignored basic programs that had been set in place by previous administrations. We saw it in health, education, HUD & of course immigration. But there were others too. The entire structure was weakened because everything depended on Trump. His lack of knowledge & respect of foundational pieces of our government weakened
Jan 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Honest question to @jemelehill. Why today when Dems are trying to unify on Voting Rights, take a UNITED front are you back tracking to defend the squad on their no vote that would directly hurt their districts & basically slap down a hardworking administration & Dem Congress. Is this your way of defending voting rights activists who decided it was *smart* and *about time* to once again stand up against an administration & Dem Congress who are working day & night to pass voting rights? Are you saying it’s us against Democrats? Are your egos so big you
Dec 15, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
I find it disturbing that for the most part the media is obsessed with critiquing @VP on a very personal childish level. They write entire articles using inane junior high tactics to criticize her mannerism, speech patterns, shopping habits or even her choice of ear buds. It’s 1) But even more disturbing is the lack of substantive coverage on channels like @CNN & @MSNBC. This is blatant example of erasing her work as VP leading people to say *what is VP doing; where is she?* Two recent examples of an endless string of omissions were real time coverage 2)
Nov 12, 2021 21 tweets 6 min read
Because of this trash inaccurate reporting about VP’s trip to France, I have decided to show you what real reporters and dignitaries are saying. This is a small sampling & shows @politico is once again full of BS. This is their trash take
Oct 20, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Happy Birthday @VP I want to celebrate your table today. In 9 months you have opened your table to oh so many groups whose voices need to be heard. Your table has welcomed their ideas and hopes. You have given so many #ASeatattheTable Here are a few. Thanks from a grateful nation Dreamers