Kristian G. Andersen Profile picture
Infectious diseases & genomics. Immunologist in (voluntary) exile. Minimal sarcasm. Fierce HOA (Hater of Acronyms).
Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Myrne Stol (she/they) Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture Brad James Profile picture Deb 😷🦠 Profile picture 6 subscribed
Dec 14, 2023 55 tweets 16 min read
As Twitter has morphed into X, xenophobia, hate speech, and conspiracy theories are being amplified more than ever.

I can't contribute to such a platform, but before I leave, I wanted to reflect on the work my lab has done during the pandemic.

Why? More about that at the end 🧵 Image The photo above is from a recent lab retreat in Joshua tree - a few people are missing in the photo, but you can learn more about the lab here: .

Below, I will outline some of the work this incredibly talented and hardworking group of people have
Dec 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Since this is making the rounds again, just a reminder that the conspiracy theory that an unfunded grant application represents a blueprint for SARS-CoV-2 was defused by the writing of DEFUSE itself.

Why? Let's start with the sub-heading itself 👇.

S2' != S1-S2.

Short 🧵. Image 1️⃣ The section talks about "proteolytic cleavage" in the S2' region, not the S1/S2 region where SARS-CoV-2 has a unique insert. This, alone, kills the whole assertion of DEFUSE being a blueprint - details matter. Image
Sep 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Deeply misleading article @TheAtlantic representing scientists as being insincere.

While science is not perfect, the key issue is literacy and a generally poor public understanding of science.

Ironically, Mazer deeply misrepresent facts and does a real disservice to science. @TheAtlantic For example, @BenMazer states that I "admitted" that we changed our conclusions and this was because we needed to “make some of the language punchier.”

This is a deep misrepresentation of what the peer-review process is and what I actually said.

Aug 31, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Very interesting data from @yunlong_cao’s group, supporting a hypothesis we have been discussing internally for the last few weeks - that BA.2.86 may have a significant antigenic advantage, but intrinsically is less transmissible.

A bit of pondering on that 👇🧵 In such a scenario? The idea is that BA.2.86 has essentially found an antigenic (immunological) niche, where it faces little competition because it’s so distinct from previously dominant lineages.
Jul 19, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
If you're into Lab Leak Lore, I'm sure you have heard of a guy named @WashburneAlex.

Here's what he likes to say in public.

But for full transparency, let me share some of the emails he's been sending me.

I won't editorialize - you be the judge. 🧵👇


We didn't love the paper FWIW 🥹. Image
Jul 19, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
From UFOs over sick lab workers starting pandemics, to quote mining private conversations among scientists. None of this is surprising - the surprising part is that 'journalists' and others keep falling for the same bullshit.

So a little context to Slack message 👇.

Short 🧵 Image First up, the message shows an *exact* example of what conspiracy theorists accuse us of not being willing to do - questioning our own research.

Second, context is extremely important here.
Jul 13, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
There has been an immense amount of misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories around our "Proximal Origin" paper.

Let's dive into the full evolution of a scientific idea from early hypothesis to later published conclusion. 🧵👇

Paper:… ⏰ Jan 31 - Email.

1⃣ "potentially engineered"
2⃣ "inconsistent with expectations"
3⃣ "we have to look at this much more closely and there are still further analyses to be done, so those opinions could still change"
Mar 9, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
👇 is exactly right.

The idea that there was a 'preferred narrative' is false. Read the emails. And papers. In full.

The idea that there was a 'bribe' to change a narrative is beyond ludicrous.

The idea that this was _anything_ other than scientific inquiry is absurd.

End of. I have said it before and I'll say it again. Fauci played no role in drafting the Proximal Origin paper, nor did he "edit" it or "approve" it.

He suggested (i.e., "prompted") that we consider writing a paper, whatever we found. There was _no_ preference for one hypothesis.
Dec 11, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
At sige det her er skræmmende læsning er en underdrivelse.

Meget af det @TyraGroveKrause @SSI_dk @SSTSundhed siger er simpelthen forkert, så lad os tage en kigger på det der bliver sagt og hvordan Danmark, igen, har givet op mht. coronaen.


Lad os starte med titlen på artiklen - det er typisk @IgumRasmussen, som jo også har haft artikler med titler som "skidt pyt" og en helt masse anti-vaccine sludder.

Det er skuffende. Og problemet er jo at når "flere smittes" så dør der også flere.

Men vær ligeglad, ikke? Image