Kadey BJ Schultz Profile picture
🇨🇦 litigator•Managing Partner of Schultz Frost LLP •Brd of Directors w/ Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital Fndn•MAMA fighting to end DMD•WIFE•she/her
Mar 25, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
It gets worse. @AirCanada refused to let me fly after I showed the flight attendant Air Canada’s own email about the law & policy for storing Emery’s wheelchair in the closet. Then they kicked @lilygelissen my 17 yr old daughter off when she asked for the flight attendant’s ID… to file a complaint. @AirCanada said they were kicking my disabled son Emery (who has #DMD) and husband off too. I quietly and calmly explained that we didn’t have enough meds for Emery to not get home (no certainty of when we would get home) and he could go into cardiac arrest…
Sep 4, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Apart from retweeting where to get vax’d I haven’t said much on Twitter so far about the pandemic. That might be me trying not to rock the boat, it might be fatigue and low grade D, but the anti-vax protests affecting access to hospitals has driven me to the brink 1/ In December I lost most of my vision due to a brain lesion. Spent 2 weeks in neuro ward, recovered slowly over next couple months. Losing your vision is scary as shit, it also resulted in me having a super heightened startle response - an unanticipated move or sound 2/