Kael Profile picture
Splyft team @jomsplyft. Engineer by day. French teacher by night. Climbs (V2-V3), hikes and sings. Movie, TV and games junkie. Mikasa’s hooman. 🇲🇾-🇫🇷
Mar 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
MAJOR SPOILER ALERT filem Imaginur. Siapa yang dah tengok let me know your thoughts:

By the ending of the film, we knew that the reason why Zuhal couldn’t wake up from his coma(?) is because he couldn’t move on from the trauma of losing Nur for good.

But what if… …the reason why he couldn’t wake up is because his subconscious (atau minda separa sedar) doesn’t want him to wake up? What if his subconscious purposely makes him stay in the continuous loop so that he can feel the feelings & be with Nur again & again (even when he forgot Nur)?
Feb 23, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
As a son of a dementia patient, Imaginur hits just too close to home.

It’s an instant gem, a sci-fi/romance that is both heart-wrecking & beautifully told. Be patient for the final reveal, the wait is truly rewarding; making this easily one of the best Malaysian films ever made. ImageImage Imaginur reminded me mostly of Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. The popular film The Notebook comes to mind, also a small chunk from Inception, and A Man Called Otto (based on Danish book & film A Man Called Ove).

Also I’m glad Imaginur is not a remake of another film! ImageImageImageImage
Jan 6, 2018 25 tweets 14 min read
Ini thread Episod-Episod Terbaik siri TV ke-2 kegemaranku selepas Game of Thrones, iaitu Black Mirror. Jika anda peminat genre sci-fi/drama/thriller yg mindblown, thought-provoking, haunting & penuh dgn plot twist, aku sarankan tonton siri ni! (Tapi 18+ guys!) #RekomenSiri Rekaan Charlie Brooker, seorang satiris & penulis British, aku cukup kagum dgn idea genius beliau membayangkan dunia-dunia distopia & dunia masa depan yang kelam. Siri ni mempunyai 3-6 episod per season. Netflix mengambil alih bermula drpd Season 3.