Israel killed US President John F. Kennedy (short thread)
The reason John F. Kennedy was killed was not because he wanted to dissolve the CIA. He was killed because he wanted to stop the state of Israel from developing nuclear weapons. (1/14)
The State of Israel stole highly enriched uranium 235 from the Apollo NUMEC plant that was to be used on USS Nautilus, the world's first nuclear-powered submarine. In 1968, CIA operator Carl Ernest Duckett conducted a study in Dimona, (2/14)
Jan 29, 2024 • 38 tweets • 6 min read
The War On Gen Z.
Pop culture represents such a one sided spectrum of the world. The hypersexualised , materialistic , artificial and liberal side of society.
This creates such a big divide amongst the children of today's society.
On one end , we have children that are hypersexualised , material driven and liberal minded and on the other , we have children , that resonate more with such things as traditional values of the past , they are not hypersexualised or material driven.
Jan 25, 2024 • 28 tweets • 4 min read
Dear Trans-"women" & radical lgbt feminists.
You don't get to appropriate womanhood from women , just because of your little feelings and make up.
The epitome of hate for women is trying to take their womanhood from them. Their actual being ; the one thing the universe gave them to solely keep forever.
Now a man with make-up gets to be called a woman too ?