Kaitlin B Curtice Profile picture
Award-Winning Author, Poet-Storyteller//Public Speaker//Author of #LivingResistance @Brazospress & Kids series @randomhouse //Citizen Potawatomi Nation//
2 subscribers
Nov 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
How do we resist?
We resist by breathing,
by gardening,
by telling the truth,
by reading banned books,
by singing love songs,
by grieving,
by trying again,
by not giving up on ourselves,
by challenging what we think we know... ...by knowing that love is always there,
by trusting future generations,
by drawing pictures,
by fighting ableism,
by petting dogs,
by telling your body they matter,
by sending flowers to a tired friend,
by reaching out when you might need flowers...
Feb 20, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
“We tried to talk to them about the Religious Freedom Act,” Bear-Schneider said. “We tried to talk to them about our sovereignty. They didn’t want to hear anything.”

An officer can be heard in the video saying, “Sovereign stuff is not valid."

freep.com/story/news/loc… So, here's where we're at. A group of Anishinaabe/Potawatomi leaders gathering a group of people to teach them traditional ways of tapping trees, and police show up because they shouldn't "be in the park after dark," and threaten arrest if they don't leave.
Oct 31, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
It's that time again, when I get questions from parents about how to approach teachers/schools about problematic teaching regarding Indigenous peoples.

Here's a 5-step plan:
1. Name the problem
2. Share Indigenous resources
3. State your ask
4. Infuse with books
5. Stay invovled So, step number 1: NAME THE PROBLEM

Tell teachers/administrators what's going on and why you're worried about it. Make it clear and name exactly why you're concerned. Don't shy away from the truth about America's history toward Indigenous people. Do research ahead of time.
Jan 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
So, the title of this article is super problematic, because it once again insinuates that we are nothing but those "merciless Indian savages" unless we learn how to cooperate with or embed ourselves into the settler-colonial government of America.

nytimes.com/2021/01/01/opi… Will Haaland have some serious power in this position? Absolutely. But let's not perpetuate the stereotype that we are nothing without this government. It's been my personal struggle with voting and participation in democracy--how do we truly exist in this nation?
Sep 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
This morning I woke up just pissed at white American Christianity, at all the trauma and hate and death it's caused & the toxic individualism that continues to wreak havoc on our most vulnerable and our society's well-being.

That's it.
Today, I'm just angry, and I get to be. All the shit we do in the name of God, in the name of Jesus, that is simply a tool to steal one another's humanity and sacredness. So much suffering, throughout history, at the hands of people who are sure they're doing God's bidding.

It's a damn shame.
Sep 10, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
Using Schitts Creek GIFs, here are the things I *wanted* to say when asked or told inappropriate things by Christians- a thread.

At my wedding shower, told that for the rest of my married life, lingerie is always for my husband to feel happy. After speaking at a church, asked why I seem so hopeful but other Native Americans they’ve met just don’t
Sep 4, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Sept 4, 1838, the beginning of the Trail of Death, the forced removal of Potawatomi peoples from Indiana on a 2-month long trek to Kansas. Day one is chronicled here, as well as the days that followed:

potawatomi.org/chronicling-th… In light of everything happening in the world, in America, do I really want to focus on this? No.
But, it is a part of me. It is a part of our history. It is why I won't give up telling the truth about the legacy of white supremacy in the United States. Image
Aug 31, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm sharing this new short film by @John_A_Little about stereotypes and representation of Indigenous peoples in American culture but also the way we are represented in places like museums. Please watch it.

It really struck me when @FrankWaln talked about a person being surprised and confused when he told them he was Native, because they assumed we don't exist anymore.

I've had these interactions, and it's painful, and reveals the ignorance/lack of education of so much of America.
Aug 18, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Here's what I'll say about Nick Sandmann and the RNC: I'm not at all surprised.

I wrote in #NativeBook about the situation last year. I write:

"The taunting faces of white oppression continue generation to generation, in small and large ways." He played the victim and news outlet after news outlet gave him a microphone. Now he will be a prominent face of the Catholic church & republicans.

(I wrote a thread about this last year)

Aug 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I remember in March being grateful COVID wasn't happening during fall/holiday season. And here we are, with a still HORRIFIC lack of good leadership, and we need to get ready for what's coming.

How are we preparing for the gatherings that will be happening in a few months? Like, how is trick-or-treating going to go? If we hand out candy, will we wear gloves? Wipe down the doorbell after every group of kids? Hand out masks to kids who don't have them?

I really don't know how we're going to do this as numbers continue to rise.
Jun 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Today I’m sharing my coveted kale chip recipe with you because that’s what online friends do. My kids love them, and at parties people pull me aside to ask how to make them.

Here’s the before picture: Image Kale chips:

Preheat oven to 375.
Take kale off stems and put on pan. Use cooking spray and LIGHTLY spray the kale.
Sprinkle salt over kale.
Cook 13-15 minutes, checking it toward the end until it’s not soft anymore.
Will turn a light brown color and smell weird. 👏🏼 Image
Jun 4, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Honored to be listening in with my partner to the #raceandjusticeconvo. Follow along with the hashtag. ✊🏼 “This moment is an opportunity for people of color in settler societies to support one another’s efforts.”
@Ayo_Laniyonu #raceandjusticeconvo
Jun 3, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
If you have just over the last few days or weeks really become aware of who and what America is, I want to welcome you to an important and ongoing conversation.

I want you to know that I'm glad you're here now.

BUT... (a thread) If you're feeling the ache, the heaviness, scrambling to buy the books and say/do the right things:

Don't rush out of those experiences.
The grief, the anger, the heaviness, this is lifelong work.
Choose NOT to step away right now.
Feel it.
Engage it.
Name it.
May 31, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
In #NativeBook I write about how I have to prepare for November every year, for my inboxes to be full of white people asking to be educated about all things Indigenous.

I'm seeing this happening right now with my Black (and some other IPOC) friends.

DO NOT DO THIS. It is SELFISH and WHITE-CENTRIC to find a Black educator/author/leader and decide to enter their DMs to ask them to clarify or explain or give a list of resources to you.

May 30, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Black people are already out there doing the work, sharing the work.
Support them.

Here’s a place to start, with @ToriGlass

patreon.com/toriglass And here’s another. Make sure you’re following
@ blackcoffeewithwhitefriends on Instagram!

May 26, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
I don't have words today for everything happening.
So I'm going to share some lines from my new book #NativeBook that will name some of what is happening.
#GeorgeFloyd #AmyCooper

America cannot know itself if it doesn't recognize itself.
So, here we go: "Genocide of Indigenous peoples, the slave trade, masters proclaiming salvific dominion over other human beings through the power of whiteness--these are elements that have led us to a white supremacist/individualistic faith, and we are separated from truly practicing community."
May 21, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
I was very intentional about filling #NativeBook with Indigenous authors so that after you read it you can support other Native authors and learn more.

If my book is the first by a Native author you read, *PLEASE* don't stop there. Here are some of the authors from my book: First and obviously, Robin Wall Kimmerer and her book Braiding Sweetgrass, which has taught me so much as a Potawatomi woman.

EVERYONE needs to read this book.

May 13, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
Okay. A thread.

I'm so tired--of being erased by a settler colonial government and nation that chooses again and again to ignore us, oppress us, commit genocide against us.

So, get out your wallets.
When the government won't give, the people need to.

cbsnews.com/news/doctors-w… If you haven't read the piece I just posted, stop and go back to read it.
Take in what's happening, because if you don't, you won't understand.

You need to understand that this is a continuation of the way Indigenous peoples have been treated in this country.
May 11, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
“There is no doubt that Christianity has been the handmaiden to the destruction of Indigenous nations. Native is...an indigenization of faith and, more important, a moral call...for the Christian church.”
@nick_w_estes Migwetch for this endorsement of #NativeBook, Nick. I struggled so much with the intended audience of this book.

Obviously I published it with a Christian publisher, but I'm not evangelical, and I knew that some people would get that impression from the label of Christian.
May 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I got invited to a FB group for memories from my Baptist youth group.

There are so many memories there & incredible people that I love. But it’s painful to remember how we were taught to love/colonize.

So much of my new book is trying to gracefully unpack some of that. I mean...some people might not want me in the group now
May 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#NativeBook is still #1 new release of Christian spiritual growth, and even though it’s just a category, I find it ironic.

I’m at the top of books by mostly evangelicals who teach Christians to “grow,” and what I write is that growth comes through the pain of acknowledgment. Image I’ve written a book that says we have to name and face the origins of a colonized Christian faith before we can truly grow.

I’ve written a book that challenges us to ask hard questions, in hopes that we leave behind colonization and choose something better.