Rajan Naidu Ⓥ Profile picture
#PeaceAndJustice #Equity #HumanRights #BLM #ClimateAndEcologicalEmergency #Vegan #HS2Rebellion #FareFreelPublicTransport #XR #Democracy #Community #NHS #BDS
Jul 7 29 tweets 8 min read
@Megatron_ron We who value ethics, integrity, reason, must always challenge/oppose antisemitism and never fall into the horrible trap of equating being Jewish, or indeed Israeli, with being a supporter of Zionism, a dominionist ideology that requires ethnic cleansing, genonocide, land theft

@Megatron_ron @AJEnglish @btselem @BtSIsrael @JustJewsUK @andrewfeinstein @SenSanders @pappe54 @levy_haaretz @mikopeled @JewishSocialist #Naamod
Jun 26 5 tweets 1 min read
Difficult decision. I'm more aligned to the Greens👆🏻, don't like Starmer and his cronies much but have to be assured the Tories get crushed (- figuratively speaking, of course)... Image The Tories are so incredibly unpopular right now there's no realistic way they can win many seats. More than enough people will vote in a huge Labour majority, which means those of us who want a democracy not an oligarchy can very safely
Jun 23 4 tweets 2 min read

UN investigator Chris Sidoti lambasted the Israeli army as “one of the most criminal armies in the world" during a press conference discussing a report on abuses that have taken place since the 7 October Hamas attacks and Israel's subsequent war on Gaza.instagram.com/reel/C8fOef7Po… Sidoti sat alongside Navi Pillay, lead investigator on the UN’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, who added that the report represented the UN’s “first in-depth investigation” of those events
May 26 8 tweets 7 min read
American citizens, including very many Jewish Americans, are now experiencing having very forcefully pushed into their faces a fact they cannot easily ignore. That is that the Apartheid State of Israel has become for the people of America,

who are in the main not supporters of institutional racism and the holding of millions of people in the concentration camp Netanyahu and his gang have made of Gaza, and randomly bombing them, a luxury that has turned unbearably sour and toxic on them.

May 22 7 tweets 2 min read

“Israel's got its hand in the cookie jar, and it wants three things. It wants to be a democracy, a Jewish state, and have the land,”

#BDSinstagram.com/reel/C4C80TkrI… Reverend Dr Stephen Sizer, a retired Church of England priest, is well known for his opposition to Christian Zionism, which was also the basis of his 2004 PhD thesis. He is also the founder and director of the Peacemaker Trust, a registered charity since 2017.

May 21 4 tweets 4 min read
@BrennanMatin @BeckettUnite @declassifiedUK None of them condemns human rights violations, war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, infanticide by starvation and disease, genocide by trauma and attrition, land theft, when those crimes are inflicted on the Palestinian people by the Apartheid State of Israel.

@BrennanMatin @BeckettUnite @declassifiedUK #BreakingTheSilence


May 10 18 tweets 5 min read
Zionism is a supremacist, expansionist, dominionist, institutionally racist, ethnic cleansing, land stealing, ideolgy that must never be conflated with Judaism or with being Jewish.
Adey Lienz And it most certainly must never be conflated with Judaism or with being Jewish. #ApartheidState #Israel
May 1 4 tweets 1 min read
The number is growing rapidly of caring and courageous people of conscience who will no longer remain silent, docile, compliant in the face of the Apartheid State of Israel's war crimes, crimes against humanity, supremacism, dominionism, institutional racism, ethnic cleansing, infanticide by starvation and disease, genocide by trauma and attrition, all to facilitate a massive land theft from the Palestinian people.
Apr 29 9 tweets 2 min read
Here is the full story, uncovered by Al Jazeera, outlining the final and absolute ideological demise of any left-wing narrative within the Labour Party and, by extension, British politics. Essential viewing, exposing the Blairites tireless efforts to prevent not only then leader, Jeremy Corbyn, from effectively running Labour, and having any real tangible influence over the parties MPs, of whom 172 were loyal to disgraced former leader and ex MP, Tony Blair,
Apr 27 6 tweets 1 min read
The concentration of human beings in designated "safety zones" where they are deprived of the essentials of life and massacred at will by occupying forces who are driven by a fanatical, supremacist, exceptionalist, nationaliatic, hate fuelled, land grabbing, dominionist, institutionally racist/xenophobic ideology is a phenomenon not new to anyone familiar with recent history. It is a phenomenon we all know could be largely prevented/mitigated by concerted solidarity and pressure from the international community, that will be horribly familiar
Apr 25 4 tweets 3 min read
@rpancost @ScientistsX When bodies like the @gmcuk shirk their moral/ethical duty to support the outstanding integrity, compassion and courage of individuals like Sarah Benn in face of existential threats, eg Climate & Ecological Crisis, 6th Mass Extinction, The Genocide, they betray us and our world.

@rpancost @ScientistsX @gmcuk @TheBMA @TheLancet @democracynow @JustStop_Oil @DoctorsXr @XRebellionUK @PlanB_earth @DefendourJuries @ChrisGPackham @NASAClimate The history of Medicine has seen individuals so dedicated to the safety and well being of humanity that, at great personal risk for themselves, they have embarked on novel, untested courses that had potential to save the lives of millions. Sarah Benn is among such special people.

Apr 23 9 tweets 2 min read
Ironic that Germany, the nation responsible in the 1930s and '40s for the genocide known as the Holocaust is now brutally suppressing any reference to, let alone discussion, of the latest Nakba, or ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people, by the Apartheid State of Israel. Fascist repression of free speech by a "civilised", supremacist, institutionally racist, hate driven, militaristic, expansionist regime is happening once again.
Apr 12 5 tweets 1 min read

#TheRaggedTrouseredPhilanthropistsbbc.co.uk/sounds/series/… 1 - Pity the poor painter
Apr 10 36 tweets 8 min read
Mar 29 8 tweets 2 min read
#ApartheidState #Israel
#Infanticide by starvation and disease
#Genocide by trauma and attrition
#BoycottDivestmentSanctions #BDS
Image #FreePalestine
"Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, according to the UN experts’ statement. Women are often executed together with family members, including their children:
Mar 25 4 tweets 1 min read
More and more people, among them many Jewish people and Israeli people, are beginning to feel that, as a matter of conscience, as a matter of personal integrity, they must speak out and act against the injustice, escalating militarism, and pathological selfishness that underpins Image the supremacist, institutionally racist ideology of Zionism and of the armed wing of Zionism, the settlers and the #IOF, that now tragically dominates and steers War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu's Apartheid State of Israel.
Mar 21 12 tweets 2 min read

Right Hon Femi Badenoch

Please take every action you can to stop Netanyahu's Israel’s acts of infanticide by starvation and disease, genocide by trauma and attrition, against the Palestinian people.act.globaljustice.org.uk/node/3286 Please, in the interests of ethics and humanity, call for the suspension of the UK’s trade agreement with Israel and a halt to the trade talks you are involved in.
Mar 21 21 tweets 5 min read
Corporate Pillaging
Corporate Neocolonialism
Endless War
Profit before people and planet


Image Andrew Feinstein on the error or dishonesty of conflating antiZionism with antisemitism:
Mar 20 10 tweets 2 min read
A Bank Holiday music & arts festival & fundraiser in Kings Heath. Image 🇵🇸 *Saturday 30th March* 🇵🇸

3:30pm-4:30pm @ How Brave Is The Wren bookshop.
By Storytellers Studio. All ages welcome
(Free event/donation)
Mar 18 4 tweets 1 min read
What is your view about the @sciencemuseum's director's ignoring the Climate Science and taking #greenwashing money from fossil fuel corporations Adani, BP, Equinor to make the Science Museum into a dedicated propaganda channel for Climate Criminals?

theguardian.com/culture/2023/f… thetimes.co.uk/article/scienc…
Mar 13 6 tweets 1 min read
#ApartheidState #Israel

‘Conservative Party took £1.3m from donor group linked to Israeli settlements

The Tories took more than £1m from a British construction giant and its directors after the UN linked it to the destruction of Palestinian villages. #Infanticide
#Genocide by trauma & attrition

Digger firm #JCB was one of 122 firms identified in a UN report 4 years ago after photos showed its machinery being used to build Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.