We have received many questions regarding text message advocacy about the constitutional amendment vote. This thread is intended to answer the two questions we have received most commonly today. #ksleg
First, under current law, text message advocacy about constitutional ballot initiatives does not require paid-for disclaimers.
Oct 18, 2021 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
We have received a lot of questions this year about campaign finance laws in school board races, so let's explain how it works. School boards (mostly) are not subject to the Kansas Campaign Finance Act, but they still have some disclosure requirements. A thread. #ksleg
In local races, our jurisdiction includes counties, first class cities, the board of public utilities, and any school district with a regular enrollment >35,000 students. Currently, only the Wichita School District (USD 259) meets this threshold.
Feb 12, 2019 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
The House Elections Committee introduced bills based entirely or largely upon recommendations made by the Commission in our Annual Report, including addressing an loophole in campaign finance transparency and requiring e-filing for state candidates. #ksleg
HB 2169 provides that political mailings that avoid exact words like "vote for X" or "support X" must still include who paid for the ad if the only reasonable interpretation is to support or oppose a specific candidate. This language is currently used by the FEC. #ksleg