S.L. Kanthan Profile picture
Columnist, blogger, podcaster. Less ideology, more facts. Host of Geopolitics Demystified: https://t.co/BBwFJ9L0hs
37 subscribers
Feb 10 5 tweets 2 min read
In 2024, US produced 82 million tons of steel… which was the same as it was in 1944!

But in the 1940s, America’s global market share of steel production was whopping 50%.

The deindustrialization cannot be reversed by Tariffs man Trump, who’s like Don Quixote. Image Now, China is the world’s leader in steel and aluminium production, accounting for more than HALF of the global market share.

In steel:

China 🇨🇳 = 12x USA 🇺🇸

In aluminium:

China 🇨🇳 = 50x USAImage
Feb 8 4 tweets 2 min read
Two maps that reveal incredible racism in the US.

Look at the electoral maps of 1960 and 1968.

For decades, Deep South was very "blue" -- solid Democrat base due to progressive help for workers.

1960 -- JFK versus Nixon.

Arkansas, Texas, Alabama etc.... all blue states! Shocking, eh?Image Then, in 1964, US passed the "Civil Rights Act," which gave blacks the right to vote.

And racist whites in the South could not handle it.

So, they gave up on economic interests & switched to far-right George Wallace, who famously said:

Segregation now, Segregation forever!Image
Jan 25 9 tweets 3 min read
Short but fascinating history of the founder of DeepSeek, the AI model that has taken the world by storm in the last few days. 🧵

It was founded by a rather eccentric hedge fund billionaire, Liang Wenfeng! Image In 2008, Wenfeng understood the potential of AI.

For many years, he tried to find the perfect niche market to use AI.

After failing multiple times, he settled on finance — trading stocks.

He used AI (deep learning) to detect patterns. Image
Dec 29, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Unbelievable racism in America.

Listen to this guy talking about Indians.

I don’t understand where so much hatred and misunderstanding come from in 2024. x.com/kanthan2030/st… x.com/kanthan2030/st…
Dec 25, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
The Struggle for the American Soul 🧵

“America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy" -- John Quincy Adams, 1821.

But that's exactly what happened.

Trump embodies this conflict between nationalistic America First versus the imperial American Century.

This consequential struggle for the American soul will reverberate across the nation and the world. Darkness from the Start

Of course, USA has been a land of contradictions from the start.

For a nation that arose out of fighting colonialism, the US grew in size tenfold within hundred years after the founding in 1776.

Americans came up with all sorts of excuses – such as the Manifest Destiny – for this relentless expansion.
Dec 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Six charts that explain the performance of China's economy during the "lost decade" under Xi Jinping.

💠GDP: 110% growth
💠Manufacturing Value Added: 75% growth
💠Number of Fortune 500 firms: 94% growth

("Lost Decade" according to Wall Street Journal) Image China's economy 2012-2023:

💠Exports: 60% growth
💠Retail Sales: 120% growth
💠Car Exports: 1000% growth (!) Image
Dec 21, 2024 19 tweets 7 min read
Whatever your belief system might be, many things about COVID-19 never made sense.

There are countless theories, but here are some irrefutable facts about the coronavirus, reactions, studies, death statistics, and vaccines… to make you question everything: 🧵 First, was/is COVID dangerous?

From the beginning, the virus/disease killed primarily old people.

Here's the chart for who died in January 2020 -- one month after the pandemic broke out.

Nobody under the age of 30 died. And 95% of those who died were over the age of 65.Image
Dec 20, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Perhaps you hate propaganda and you would like to detect it. Or, you want to hone your propaganda skills!

Either way, here are the four characteristics of successful propaganda: 🧵 Image Before we go further, the quotes in the above tweet might be propaganda! 😆

Perhaps Hitler and Goebbels were describing the West. Who knows?

History itself is propaganda written by winners.

Okay, now, let's get to the list
Dec 19, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The Empire of Chaos is on a roll 🧵

Geopolitical events in Syria, Ukraine, Bangladesh have proved that the US deep state has not lost its Midas touch for coups, color revolutions, and proxy wars.

But it does not guarantee the extension of the American Century. Here's why: First, the plan to conquer “7 countries in 5 years” was delayed, but is still progressing relentlessly. That's a huge strategic win for the globalists.

What’s next for the Galactic American/Israeli Empire?

Answer: Iran
Dec 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Use of chemical weapons in Syria. Short 🧵

When it comes to use of chemical weapons, the mainstream narrative has amnesia.

The "rebels" - Al Qaeda, ISIS, HTS, Al Nusra, FSA - have produced and used sarin, chlorine and mustard gas in Iraq and Syria for a long time.

#AssadImage Many chemical attacks were staged or faked by the jihadists in Syria.

Like this one in Khan Sheikhoun in 2017 was staged to force Trump to respond.

A little pothole on a remote road was supposed to be a chemical weapon attack. And a guy wearing sandals and exposed body gathering "evidence."Image
Dec 9, 2024 29 tweets 20 min read
50 photos and other media to illustrate the truth about Syria and Assad.

Long 🧵 Image
What happened since 2011 was NOT a civil war.

It was a proxy war waged by 100,000+ jihadists flown into Syria from all over the world. Image
Dec 8, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Thank God, Assad and his family are safe in Moscow! 🙏🏽

Russian state media has made the announcement.

For 10 years, Assad (and his wife) did amazing things for Syria. As a doctor in London before, he didn’t even want to get into politics.

Syria’s proximity to Israel made Assad a target. Anywhere else, he could have done an amazing job.Image Assad’s eldest son graduated with a math degree from Russia!

Classy family. Who needs the headache of trying to civilize jihadists and Islamic fanatics? Image
Dec 2, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Can Save Trump Save the Dollar with Threats Against BRICS?

I cannot remember Trump ever talking about BRICS, but the first time he did was to threaten the multilateral organization with 100% tariffs, if it creates a BRICS currency.

Why?Image America’s prosperity depends on the “exorbitant privilege” of USD

This allows US to run massive budget and trade deficits every year.

Trump knows it.

"If we lose the global reserve currency status of the dollar, we will become a third-world country! "
Nov 28, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
🧵Is China “stealing” foreign talent in tech industries?

Hypocrisy from America, the land of immigrants is shameless.

New Wall Street Journal article has a sensational title: "China is bombarding tech talent with job offers. The West is freaking out."

Really? Let's Analyze:Image Consider that:

💠70% of the Silicon Valley workforce are foreigners

💠20% of Fortune 500 firms in the US were founded by immigrants. Another 25% by children of immigrants -- like Apple and Amazon.

How about the contribution of Chinese immigrants? Highly successful companies like Zoom and DoorDash were founded by immigrants from China.

Even the iconic semiconductor firm Lam Research was founded by a China-born engineer.

If you look at the top AI researchers in the US, 38% are from... China!

Nvidia and many other firms were founded by Chinese from Taiwan.Image
Nov 25, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
Why the US cannot decouple from China

Let’s put this fantasy to rest once and for all. There are two types of Americans who would wish to decouple from China:

💠Warmongers who know they cannot start a war with China, if the US economy is dependent on the geopolitical rival.

💠Those who wish to reduce US’ trade deficit and bring manufacturing back.

However, here are the reasons why trade wars with China are not easy and cannot be won:

1) This has been tried for the last 8 years with Trump tariffs, Biden tariffs, sanctions, friend-shoring and re-shoring. US imports from China have been stubbornly hovering around $450 billion a year since 2016. (see chart)

2) Note that this $450 billion translates to perhaps $4 trillion of sales and millions of retails jobs within the US economy. Like, how Trump pays $3 for a bible printed in China and sells it for $30!

3) There are many products for which China accounts for 50-100% of the US imports. It has been impossible to find alternate suppliers.

Some of these products include critical minerals and medicines, which are indispensable for normal functioning of US economy. Simply imagine the riots in the US if the shelves in Walmart, Target etc. are empty.

4) While the US has greatly increased imports from Mexico, Vietnam, India etc., guess what? Those countries buy intermediate goods from China, assemble them into final products, and export them to the US.

Thus, the supply chain is still dependent on China.

Americans are simply buying Chinese goods through a third party. This is why China’s exports to those countries have increased a lot since 2018. Fact is that nobody can match China’s scale, speed, price and quality. (see chart)

5) Companies like Apple and Tesla cannot survive without China. Those two companies have a combined market cap of $4.5 trillion!

Consider that one-third of all Tesla cars in the world are made in Shanghai; and 80% of iPhones are still assembled in China.

Then, there are companies like Starbucks, KFC, McDonald’s and countless American retail, fashion and hospitality (hotel) companies for whom China is the #1 or #2 largest market in the world. Same holds true for US tech giants like Qualcomm and Nvidia.

The S&P 500 companies earn $1 trillion from annual sales within China.

As Tim Cook said today, “We (Apple) cannot do what we do without China.” Heck, even the US military industrial complex depends on China – as Raytheon’s CEO admitted that his company depends on thousands of Chinese suppliers.

6) All the allies and vassals of the US are also highly interconnected with China. For Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia etc., their #1 trade partner is… China!

7) Finally, the big picture: China is the world’s largest trading nation. It is #1 in manufacturing, #1 in exports, and #2 in imports.

China's primacy in manufacturing will keep increasing. By 2030, China will account for 45% of global manufacturing! (see chart)

China is also #1 in patents and #1 in scientific papers. This is why Europe is now begging for technology transfer from Chinese companies to figure out how to make EV batteries, solar panels etc.

The US could have decoupled from China 30 years. However, now, it’s mission impossible.

Interestingly, as China becomes more independent and catches up in semiconductor technology, soon, the reverse could be possible – that is, China could decouple from the US!Image
Two more charts:

How China’s exports to Mexico and India have skyrocketed since the US-China trade wars began: Image
Oct 19, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
YouTube deleted a video of @AndyBxxx. Why?

It debunked US propaganda re: Xinjiang.

You can criticize what the US Empire does, but they don’t care much.

But if you debunk their lies, especially their atrocity propaganda, they get really rattled! 😆

There’s a science to this. Image US has great soft power, so it doesn’t care if you say things like the US is a warmonger.

Even Palestinians & Lebanese will line up in front of US embassies tomorrow if they are given green cards.

But one of the secrets of US’ image is its demonization of other countries.
Oct 7, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Three scores and a decade ago today — Oct 7, 1952 — a boy named Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born in Leningrad, Russia.

He went on to save his country from evil globalists.

Here’s my article on how Putin made Russia great again:

Happy Birthday! sputniknews.in/20240519/how-p…Image Photos of Putin when he was a boy: Image
Oct 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Leaked documents show how the US went against the interests of India and carried out a regime change in Bangladesh.

“It is necessary to COUNTERBALANCE interference from regional powers (India).”

What kind of a friend is America? 🙄

#NED #IRI Image IRI is a subsidiary of NED. They specialize in color revolutions — like they did in Ukraine in 2014 and Sri Lanka in 2022.

In Bangladesh, they even funded & promoted rappers to foment anti-government protests.

Like this guy Towfique Ahmed: Image
Sep 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Can #China's #GDP grow 8% this year? 😱

Here's why that's possible!

Say, the #economy grows 5% in yuan terms.

And then the yuan appreciates 3% against the dollar (already happened).

Thus, when you look at the nominal GDP in dollar terms, the GDP growth will actually be 8%.

This happened from 2017 to 2018, when yuan became strong, and China's GDP jumped a whopping $1.6 trillion!Image Why is it a likely scenario?

Because the Federal Reserve Bank has cut the rates by 0.5% points and is likely to do more cuts this year.

This reduces the value of US dollar.

So, if PBOC (China's central bank) doesn't cut the rates, then yuan will end the year stronger.
Sep 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Developing nations are clueless puppets - a short 🧵 on how US/UK manipulated Iran

🔹In 1978, Margaret Thatcher (not yet the PM) visited Iran and said Shah was one of the “greatest statesmen.”

🔹UK was also training SAVAK, Shah’s brutal secret police, on torture, counter-insurgence tactics etc. and sold all sorts of weapons to Iran.Image 🔹But… within a couple of months, MI6 concluded that the Shah was weak and decided to support the opposition! 💥

🔹So, the radio station “BBC Persian” started supporting Khomeini. It became known as “Ayatollah BBC”!

This was huge, since the Shah had shut down virtually all radio/TV stations.

In Jan 1979, the Shah fled the country and Khomeini returned to Iran to become the new leader.

Sep 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s game over for USA!

China now has its own DUV lithography machines; and a patent has been filed for EUV.

Right now, there’s only ONE company that can make EUV — Dutch firm ASML.

Soon, China will make every chip that the US can.

Nvidia, Apple, Qualcomm… all their chip advantages will vanish. Also with their share prices!Image Economic and geopolitical shocker.

America’s China containment policy failed miserably.

In 2019, Trump prevented ASML from selling an EUV machine to China.

Since then, all the Chinese semiconductor chip firms have been under US sanctions.