Direct Truth. Conquering the Mind. For Life. And Elite Human Performance. Advisor. Kings. Queens. CEO's. Performing Artists. Professional Athletes.
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Dec 3, 2023 • 16 tweets • 2 min read
As can be gleaned from my recent Q and A for business leaders,
Business leaders succumb to all manner of problems.
They have been conditioned by experts to believe that these problems are "business-related."
Thus, they higher experts, business coaches, and advising teams to solve their "business-related problems."
The business leader who hires such experts, coaches, and teams has bought into various notions
Even before he hires such people.
Nov 30, 2023 • 15 tweets • 2 min read
A recent interview between @andrewrsorkin and @elonmusk was brought to my attention.
There is much to say about this interview. And I may (or may not) write more about it later.
This interview is a shining illustration of human conditioning, interpersonal human dynamics and so many other things.
Sep 1, 2023 • 15 tweets • 2 min read
Is there a benefit to being Wealthy and Successful.
There is a massive benefit.
The benefits are, in fact, innumerable.
However . . .
Those benefits exist purely upon a material plane.
The benefits, thus,
Are all Material benefits.
Feb 4, 2023 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Employers have great respect
For fancy tower university.
The public has great regard
For fancy tower university.
The student
Wishes to be a fancy tower university student.
Because it makes him feel special.
Dec 25, 2022 • 17 tweets • 2 min read
Humans enjoy giving advice.
Parent to child.
Friend to friend.
Spouse to spouse.
Person to strangers.
Author to reader.
Speaker to audience . . .
Why shall anyone give advice
He desires to lessen his suffering.
If man's pursuits, be they in acquiring happiness, joy, money, freedom, success, peace or anything else,
Are based upon notions and foundations that are not True,
Suffering, disappointment, and failure
Are his only possibilities.
Sep 26, 2022 • 14 tweets • 2 min read
All that is the world
Is an entertainment.
Books, media, podcasts, articles . . .
Made by entertainers
For those seeking entertainment.
Why are books long and thick.
Because of anything and everything that has nothing to do with the core of the message.
Apr 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Inevitable Consequence Of Prescriptions
“Venerable sir, I have been practicing for 5 years and have gotten nowhere”
Teacher: Keep practicing
“Sir, it has now been 30 years and I have gotten nowhere”
Keep practicing
“I am now at the end of my life and have gotten nowhere”
Meditation coach
Breathing coach
Sleeping coach
Walking coach
Mindfulness coach
Tooth brushing coach
Shampooing coach
Speaking coach
Yoga coach
Earwax cleaning coach . . .
Apr 4, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
He spoke openly
And stated,
“I do not want to be afraid.”
He did not want anything from this life.
Or anything in this life.
He simply wanted
To no longer be afraid.
He did not wish
To face his fears.
He did not wish
To conquer his fears.
He did not want command
Or prowess.
He simply wanted
To no longer be afraid.
This is all he wanted
In this life.
Mar 11, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Society creates the masses.
Then conditions them.
It creates form, principle, belief, and ideals
To condition them.
Then austerity, action, hack, method, and prescription
To imprison them.
A prisoner will tend to the prison for all of his life.
He will not feel the need to question
Or walk away.
For the prison
Has become his home.
Nov 10, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Siddhartha left the palace, shed his princely robes, and entered the Forest to find Enlightenment.
He was immediately met with "experts."
These experts were the ascetics.
Experts do the only thing they know how to do:
Give Prescriptions.
Following their prescriptions . . .
He sat in meditation day and night.
He ate one grain of rice
Slept on nails
Drank his own urine
Jul 4, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Throughout the annals of human history
There have been rare portrayals of Pure Truth.
One of these is rare jewels is Jianzhi Sengcan's, Hsin Hsin Ming.
Abstract and opaque, it cannot be understood by a prescription-seeking Mind.
Truth creates a cataclysm within the human constitution.
It is like a quake that shakes the foundation of Mind.
The Hsin Hsin Ming is one such document.
Many have "lectured" about it, failing to see that it cannot be explained in such ways.
May 9, 2020 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Human life is wasted to bits.
500 page books that could be reduced to a page, but which are Padded so that the spine is thick enough to accommodate the title.
Articles that spend the first several paragraphs restating the obvious, and dilly-dallying in order to create a cheap and wholly ineffective "build up" toward an anemic, prescriptive, and worthless climax.
Apr 9, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
This is Not an offering to the world
Or an attempt to "help."
There are indeed a handful of Serious Humans living today.
Serious human with a burning question
Pledges a serious pledge
I will address his Question via email.
I do not know "when."
It will come when it arises.
No follow up questions.
No debates.
No discussions.
No philosophy.
One response
Of Truth.
He may be Ready to hear it
He may not be.
It is what it is.
Apr 6, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
It is a mistake to believe that you Understand what the messages in this Account are truly saying.
Another may use the very same words, in the same order, and the meaning would be far off from the meaning intended here.
There are but only so many words in the English language.
Overlap is inevitable.
Mar 29, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
As you come upon the messages in this little corner of the universe
Allow me simply to say that what you think I mean
Is invariably . . . miles from what is truly being said.
You are viewing these messages through a societally-conditioned Mind.
There are a finite number of words in the English language
Therefore, the words stated here may overlap with those you have used.
Their meaning, however, does not.
Dec 12, 2019 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
The man who holds the greatest advantage,
Is the one who is least conditioned by his culture
Least attracted by his beliefs
And most attracted to what is True.
Humans have become societal
Societal humans are conditioned to mimic and compete.
Where there is mimicry and competition,
There can only be Parity.
Sep 30, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Society has always been unfit for man.
It has now devolved to subhuman levels
Like an undercurrent, it has washed away the qualities of man.
The modern generation is the most degraded of generations
"Texting" has robbed it of the proper use of language
Beginning email messages with "Hey,"
Using acronyms rather than full words
Using two words as a stand-in for a full sentence.
All things devolve.
Humans have hit their lowest point in human history
Even lower than the days in which they hung suspected "witches"
Sep 12, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
For those Serious
About moving away from the evils of Prescription.
For those Genuine
About lifting the veil that has forever blinded them from the Truth.
I will set aside this moment in time
To push your boat toward The Great Ocean of Truth.
You may ask
If you are Sincere
Perhaps it would be wise
To read the message above
Before penning a question.
A lasered focus
Creates fire.
Sep 7, 2019 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
A quote from the magnificent film, Moneyball:
"It's a problem that you think we need to explain ourselves. Don't! To anyone. I'm going to see this through, for better or worse."
In order to become a true pioneer, a man is either All-In