Karl Brophy Profile picture
CEO of 🚩
Jun 28, 2024 103 tweets 24 min read
Ok, here goes....

This is a live thread about driving from Liguria in Italy all the way to Dublin in a really terrible electric car with a yellow dog called Honeycomb and some other people. Image You may remember me from such live threads as:

"Driving from South Dublin to Italy with a yellow dog and a 12 year old daughter in an electric car"


"My car is a heap of c**p and the dog won't s**t on the boat."
May 31, 2024 141 tweets 32 min read
This is a live thread about driving from South Dublin all the way to Liguria in Italy in an electric car with a 12 year old daughter and a yellow dog called Honeycomb. Image The car is a Tesla Model X. And it’s a heap of absolute crap. It has two motors and within two and half years of ownership three motors had to be replaced. Which is remarkable because it’s driven for less than 10,000km a year.
Oct 17, 2022 15 tweets 8 min read

Big news for @ThisisRedFlag.

We've won a huge global award. For doing something good.

And we got to pick it up in New York.

prnewswire.com/news-releases/… We collected the prestigious @PRNews Platinum Award for a global Public Affairs campaign for our pro bono work on the @callrussia initiative at a, very swanky, gala awards evening.
Mar 5, 2021 32 tweets 8 min read

Last week - 100,000 (Missed by 18,000).

This week - 92,000 (Will be missed by a lot, apparently).

Next week - 84,000 On the 23rd February, just 10 days ago, @MichealMartinTD told us that we would administer 1.25 million vaccines “by the end of March”.

merrionstreet.ie/en/news-room/s… Image
Mar 4, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Ireland has received 520,000 vaccine doses since December 26th. We have administered about 52,000 vaccines to people who are not frontline healthcare worker or residents in long-term care facilities. Proportionally, Malta, also in the EU, has administered approximately 70% more vaccine doses than Ireland has even received in to the country.
Mar 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The Pfizer vaccine is approved by the EMA and Malta, also in the EU, appears to have just paid more than double the dose price to get its hands on more vaccines. They’re just paying an extra €16 per dose.

Mar 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Amazed that in all the coverage this evening on the #rtenews there was no mention of us missing, by a lot, our own modest vaccination target of 100k for last week.

We’re quick enough to publicly hammer citizens for prolonging this pandemic but not others, it seems. Maybe it was covered in the earlier bulletin.

I did hear @kierancuddihy on @NewstalkFM cover it strongly.
Jan 7, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a good deal.

But it does show how the economics of newspapers have changed dramatically.

This deal works out at about 17 cents an edition for digital access.

The cover price for a physical Indo or Irish Times is €2.20, thirteen times more expensive. When newspaper sales starting falling it wasn’t actually that fewer people were buying them.

It was that they were buying them less often, known as Frequency of Sale.

Monday editions were particularly interesting. It used to be a very big sale day.
Dec 30, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
People need to know that pressure groups and anti-scientific campaigners are particular experts at manipulating the media at this time of year.

There are a number if reasons for this: People have had weeks (up to a month in some cases) of over indulgence. Loads and loads of nice stuff.

They’ve probably put on a bit of weight and all.

It’s from this week that people start planning to be virtuous.