Kartik Raj Profile picture
Work: poverty, inequality, human rights in Europe @HRW. Non-work: bad puns, African football, #AFC. Migrant. Pedant. He/him. Dormant account. Now over on Bsky.
Jun 21, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
1/8 The UK government plans to replace the #HumanRightsAct with a #BillofRights. The UK government wants to bypass full legislative scrutiny by Parliament. This is bad news.

@HRW today joined 150 organizations today asking the Justice Secretary to think again.

Thread👇🏾 2/8 Our friends @libertyhq have shepherded more than 150 groups and individuals who lead on human rights in the UK, to say clearly -- in one voice -- to the government that a change that is so fundamental should not be rushed through without full scrutiny. libertyhumanrights.org.uk/issue/what-are…
Jan 30, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
A thread /

1/ One of the perks of this job I have is I get to talk to and learn from some phenomenally inspiring people. People like Usman Camara, an organic farmer in Madrid, originally from Mauritania, help restore my faith in humanity, when it is sometimes challenged. 2/ Usman is now in his mid-50s. He left Mauritania as a young man and arrived in Spain in 1995, and then worked in all sorts of jobs here and in France until 2011. At that point he was out of work, and started farming this plot south of Madrid.
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read

This defies belief.

The 🇬🇧 UK government's educational authorities have just announced that free meal coverage for kids🧒🏾 from low income families in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 won't continue over the February half-term break.

Instead some other winter grant scheme may kick in. 2/3 I'm appalled. The government has tried this before, making last minute u-turns -- at significant cost to families living on very low incomes and school staff -- after outcry.

Children have a #righttofood under intl human rights law. Like they have a #rightoteducation.
Jan 13, 2021 21 tweets 19 min read
Out now.

@HRW's annual review of #humanrights around the world: #Rights2021

Read @KenRoth's introduction, the individual country chapters, and a curated selection of thematic essays on rights challenges and trends here:

thread to follow 👇🏾 2/ Advance warning/apology - this will be a narrow, parochial thread.

Read for yourself the bigger #Rights2021 report, and the chapters that interest you.

What follows below is just on issues I follow (as perhaps you may also do, seeing as we're connected over twitter)
Apr 25, 2019 18 tweets 14 min read
Thread #UKPoverty #FoodPoverty 1/ The scale of food poverty in the UK, the fifth richest economy in the world, and its rapid increase over recent years is staggering. I've been researching this for @hrw for just over a year. hrw.org/news/2018/11/2… 2/ So many important things are happening today on this issue, each one of which on its own should make the government and all of us sit up and take notice. There is no excuse for looking away.