Garry Kasparov Profile picture
VP of @WLCongress. Chair of @Renew_Democracy, board of @HRF. Activist, author, speaker, 13th World Chess Champion. Telegram:
306 subscribers
Jan 16 5 tweets 2 min read
My response in @welt to Musk's promotion of AfD in Germany and his broader support for illiberal parties and causes. Bashing the far-left is well and good, but promoting far-right extremism is not, especially via misinformation.… The old liberal world order is dead, the challenge before us is what should replace it. Is it the autocratic vision of might makes right of Xi and Putin? Or can the free world protect its people and interests while maintaining the rights and freedoms that make life worth living?
Jan 8 5 tweets 2 min read
"Russia felt threatened by NATO!" is nothing more than a Kremlin loyalty test for Western billionaires, academics, and politicians at this point. As with most old, refuted propaganda it stays alive due to the ignorant and the propagandists who exploit them. It's like when a public figure talks about an amazing story and it turns out to be The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or Mein Kampf. The bigger question is where they got it, not just why they believe it. When Trumpists regurgitate the NATO myth, it came from somewhere.
Dec 18, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I only wish the American security establishment supported my views as much as these trolls always say they do so I could stop complaining about them! 🤡😂 At my age, I almost enjoy the nostalgia of outdated Kremlin talking points, back when anyone opposed to Russia (or any former Iron Curtain nation) being a dictatorship was called an agitator under the influence of the Americans. I spend years blasting Burns and I’m still CIA?!
Dec 12, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
My congratulations to @DGukesh on his victory today. He has summitted the highest peak of all: making his mother happy! Gukesh impressively surmounted every obstacle and opponent in his path, especially considering his age, and nothing more can be asked. My thoughts on the historical world championship lineage with Magnus outside are known, but that is not the story today.
Dec 10, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
This post provokes strong reactions, least of which is the difference between the Russian and English, with content for the respective audiences. Lamenting RU expenditures & casualties in Syria in the Russian version plays politics when there are no politics in Russia today. 1/7 Image Russians dying in Syria isn’t the problem, Russians killing Syrians is. We should not express regret over Russia showering Assad’s regime with money, but over Russia showering the Syrian people with bombs. For generations they will curse the Russians who murdered so many. 2/7
Dec 7, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Had Obama had the courage of his convictions, or any courage or convictions other than US power is bad, Assad would have been gone in 2013. Countless lives saved, refugee waves limited, and likely Putin never attempts to take Crimea. Inaction can be a deadly choice. This isn’t just hindsight, of course. It was obvious to me at the time that letting Russia help keep Assad in power would have a disastrous legacy.…Image
Dec 3, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Biden should have stepped down and let Harris pardon Hunter. This would also 1) deliver the first black woman president and 2) ruin all of Trump's made-in-China "45th-47th President" merchandise! More seriously, the pardon undercuts partisan debate re politicizing the justice system. Trump isn't going to do anything differently, but it is vital to keep principled arguments against it front and center. "Everybody does it" is a streetlight on the road to Hell.
Nov 28, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
America, this is your next four years, or longer. Oligarchs protected by Trump accusing former public officials of the gravest crimes without evidence or even pretense to provide any. Trial by social media, which of course is owned by said oligarch. Russia in the Wild West 90s. Naturally, this is the sort of garbage produced by the Kremlin–and in fact was solicited by Trump emissary Giuliani & Co against Biden ("I would like you to do us a favor though"), leading indirectly to Trump's impeachment. Vindman blew the whistle & now the payback escalates.
Nov 21, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
This disgraceful ICC decision is the last nail in the coffin of the international order based on Yalta-Potsdam arrangements. Politicizing & criminalizing self-defense against terrorism also discredits previous judgments against real war criminals like Putin. I'm no Netanyahu supporter, but like any sovereign nation, Israel has the right to defend itself from existential threats. The ICC, like the UN, would like Israel to just disappear, which is exactly what would happen if it stopped fighting for its survival.
Nov 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Exactly. Escalation has come from Russia for over 10 years because the West has not provided Ukraine with the weapons to deter, to halt, and to win. We have the benefit of hindsight now but still pretend to be blind. If you think the nuclear threat is greater now than 5 months or 5 years ago, your case against Western arms has been refuted. Russia has escalated, bombing Ukrainian civilians daily. Iranian weapons, NK troops, Chinese supplies. Due not to Western arms, but the lack of them.
Nov 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
From Russia with love. Gabbard would be too much. Hesgeth may not be typically qualified but he's not a cheerleader for mass murdering dictators and I doubt Trump wants to pick such an bad fight with the Senate.
Nov 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s not that they think they wouldn’t be confirmed, at least not in most cases. It’s that they want to plant a big flag early that there will be no transparency or oversight of Trump's wishes and power. Everything will be like this. Putin steadily reshaped Russia's fragile democracy with the willing aid of the Russian Duma (Congress) and courts who didn’t want to cross him. Power is voluntarily ceded to the president and an autocratic vertical is created. Federal over state power next.
Nov 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I’ll be writing on the election soon, but a few thoughts. Beyond the tactical, the resounding result is more evidence that far-right success follows far-left overreach. The media normalized Trump, but also downplayed how strongly many Americans disliked leftist agitation. 1/7 I.e., the prevailing tone was that leftist social agendas were simply progress, and anyone who didn’t embrace them was a fascist or dinosaur. But even if that’s an argument to be had on a talk show, it provokes moderate resentment and is a losing proposition electorally. 2/7
Nov 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
American elections vote for people, not parties. This isn’t complicated. I supported GOP candidates almost exclusively before Trump, even meeting with some of their campaigns. Trump and the MAGA GOP have nothing to do with those good men or their policies. If you had bothered to learn anything about me, my background, and my decades of public writing and speaking on politics, or even read my article you replied to, you would realize how dangerous Trump must be for me to endorse Harris. But Trump makes it obvious and necessary.
Nov 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
When I was forced to escape Putin's crackdown in Russia and made my home in America, I never imagined I would be warning my new home about the threat of authoritarianism. But thanks to Trump, here we are. My article:… My endorsement of Harris is an endorsement of democracy, of institutions, of the country I grew up admiring from afar. America must not fall into the corrupt oligarchy that MAGA wants to build, one modeled on Trump's idol Putin, btw.
Oct 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Like the Russian oligarchs, Musk sees himself as part of a shadow government—outside and above, unaccountable. It would be far worse with him inside Trump's government, operating with great power but no transparency. I’m sure Putin is a valuable mentor. I called the Putin system an unholy mix of Adam Smith and Marx; they nationalize the costs and privatize the profits. They loot the state and then turn the state into a looting machine. Look at how Trump runs his campaigns, his foreign policy. Friends & family for profit.
Oct 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dictatorships export sabotage, murder, and terror into the free world, and not only against dissidents like the brave Masih. Unless there are real consequences, such campaigns will only spread. It’s the democratic world that often downplays and covers up these attacks against their citizens, residents, and sovereignty. To avoid "escalation," of course, meaning having the courage to actually do something. This creates impunity and escalation by the terror states.
Oct 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
More stories about Trump sending scarce Covid tests to Putin than about his secretly staying in touch with a dictator hostile to the US after leaving office. Another reminder that the "Russia hoax" was never a hoax at all, and what we don’t know is even worse than what we know. Image Like Putin and other autocrats, Trump is not primarily a political figure in that he cares only for himself and all political calculations are 100% self-serving. Attempts to justify his personal loyalty to Putin as US or GOP interests have always been transparently ridiculous.
Sep 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Trusting a KGB thug like Putin out of optimism was forgivable once. But only once. He’s broken every deal, exploited every concession and agreement, and the West keeps lining up to be conned again, this time with Ukrainian blood on the line. They know, of course. Some are corrupt, happy to sell out Ukraine and Europe. The others are just hoping to pass the buck on Russian aggression like their predecessors did, which is how we got here. And Putin knows it. This is the price of appeasement, and it always goes up.
Sep 28, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Uncertainty is better than dictatorship, than terror, than war and invasion. There is opportunity in change, never certainty. Hope, not impossible guarantees, not a failing status quo, but hope. You must take chances to change the world. Those safe in the halls of power and wealth in the free world tell the people of Iran and Russia and Venezuela that they must live with their dictators. They tell their victims in Ukraine and Israel and Syria and Lebanon that making deals is less risky than taking action.
Sep 23, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Providing a platform for authoritarian regimes to have equal status with democratic nations has turned the UN into a cesspool. It was designed to freeze the Cold War between nuclear superpowers, and it mostly worked. The model became obsolete & toxic when the Cold War ended. It may not be worth the effort of disintegrating the UN, as corrupt and worthless as it is becoming. But there must at least be an alternative organization where dictatorships aren't running human rights committees & authoritarian regimes can't gang up to condemn democracies.