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Jul 2 6 tweets 1 min read
I've read the Federalist Papers, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. But maybe I missed where the Founding Fathers supported the idea of immunity for the president. Can Justice Thomas or other supposed originalists shows us where it was mentioned? They are always referring to 18th century documents to validate everything from gun rights to states' rights, so I'm sure I must have missed something. Perhaps in a letter from Jefferson or Madison? Such a revolution requires a clear historical basis, does it not?
Jun 29 4 tweets 1 min read
An accurate description of Trump, but the chicken is now expired! Most of us hoping Biden steps down do so not because we like Trump, but because we oppose him so vehemently. If avoiding the shit & glass is what matters most, and it is, Biden running is a betrayal of that goal. The stakes are high. Trump has his fanatical MAGA base while the most energetic part of the left hates Biden. Biden's weakness will suppress Dem turnout and not only return Trump to the White House, but wipe out good moderate candidates who need those votes.
Jun 28 11 tweets 3 min read
Last night's debate turned the candidate dilemma into a crisis. Trump's energetic lies versus Biden's feeble truth is a catastrophe for America and the free world. A raving crook with no self-control and a shadow of a man being treated cruelly by those around him. 1/11 The people who have propped Biden up as a candidate to maintain their own power are accessories to the murder of US democracy and should be held accountable. If you can't walk or talk, you shouldn't run. 2/11
Jun 18 5 tweets 1 min read
Putin has been selling off Russian resources, land, and autonomy cheaply to China for over 15 years. Now it it accelerating because his war on Ukraine & the resulting sanctions have increased Putin's need for Chinese political support, tech, cash, and weapons components. 1/5 Remember that Putin and his mafia cronies don't care about Russia or Russians at all. They are fodder, especially anywhere outside of Moscow & St. Petersburg. The state is only a front for his mob to pillage. 2/5
Jun 15 5 tweets 2 min read
New aid & more weapons to Ukraine and stronger sanctions on Russia, so you know what that means. Time for "peace" talk by Putin with the Western media dancing to his tune with moral equivalence and headlines only a war criminal dictator could love.
Putin started this war and invasion unprovoked. Russia has murdered thousands of Ukrainian civilians and kills more every day. Intentionally. Russia could stop bombing Ukrainian cities & withdraw its forces from Ukraine and end the war today. Putin chooses not to.
Jun 13 4 tweets 1 min read
The latest US sanctions are deliberately late because they are aimed at forcing Putin to negotiate. Undoubtedly, Russia was warned in advance, otherwise the effect of these measures could be devastating. 1/4 Biden's definition of victory is a ceasefire in reasonable conditions, both in Ukraine and Israel. The free world has managers, not leaders, and they are addicted to the status quo, no matter how bad it is. This allows their enemies to change it at their convenience. 2/4
May 31 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm loathe to attempt to be a voice of reason on a day like today, but must try after seeing so many outrageous comments about the Trump verdict. I have mixed feelings, as anyone who cares about American democracy must. 1/7 The easy part first, that I would have voted "guilty" had I been a juror. Even Trump's most devoted partisans shift the focus to should the case have been brought, or why it was, and not the overwhelming evidence that he did what he was accused of. 2/7
May 27 5 tweets 1 min read
Olaf Scholz as a mirror of the impotence of the Western political class. Instead of being ashamed of it, he's proud of all the concessions he continues to make to Putin and Russia's continued terror war on Ukraine.… "No need" to give Ukraine more weapons capabilities or permit their expanded use against Russian targets, Scholz says. No? Ask the families of the thousands of dead Ukrainian civilians, of an entire European country under daily bombardment and told not to fight back.
May 10 5 tweets 2 min read
🎯Over-cautious, piecemeal aid has allowed Russia to keep the balance instead of losing decisively and quickly. Western self-deterrence has cost thousands of Ukrainian lives & will cost the West many additional billions because Putin winning would be far more expensive. He says "West" but means the US, of course. While Biden is worried about destroying Hamas in Rafah, Putin has been destroying Ukraine. While Ukrainian towns are being turned into desert, thousands of US tanks & drones are collecting dust in the western US deserts.
May 6 7 tweets 2 min read
Is Xi the one who wrote this pathetic statement for Macron? China already chose a side in this war and is helping Russia destroy Ukraine to destabilize the free world order it wants to destroy. But instead of sanctions to deter that cooperation, more concessions and more talking about what the West won't do to defend itself.
May 1 8 tweets 2 min read
With many of these college protests, I wonder how much they are drawing attention to the plight of Gazans versus to themselves, and distracting from those with real struggles in a real war zone to advocate anti-Israel, anti-Semitic platforms. Ask for humanitarian aid for civilians, for Hamas to release the hostages, not the surrender of the side that was first attacked in this war, let alone its extermination. Protests for Gaza that don’t address Hamas aggression aren’t anti-war, they are pro-war. The real one.
Apr 28 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the elements that put the lie to pro-Kremlin advocates like Vance and Musk and their "Ukraine can never defeat Russia!" BS. Ukraine doesn't have to conquer Moscow. It only has to make the Russian invasion & occupation unsustainable and unprofitable for Putin. So tighter sanctions, esp secondary ones on middlemen, are as important as battlefield gains. Putin's oligarchs and Russian society more broadly must feel the pressure. When Putin sees that continuing the war is a greater threat to his power than ending it, it will end.
Apr 12 5 tweets 2 min read
When I bash the Trump-led GOP for blocking Ukraine aid I get criticized for not bashing the Biden admin enough for withholding weapons. When I bash the Biden admin, I get attacked for not blaming Trump & Johnson. I get it, but this is the partisan BS that Putin is exploiting. When casting your vote, yes, "who is better" is a relevant question. But in advocacy, you should speak the truth about all sides. It doesn't "help Trump" to point out the Biden DoD should be doing much more to help Ukraine and US security.
Apr 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Stop waiting for the history books, I'm happy to blame him now! But the President of the United States cannot blame a feeble Congressman from Louisiana for failing to defend US security & the entire democratic world order against a hostile dictatorship. The buck stops with him. Turning Ukrainian lives & global security into a domestic football is immoral and idiotic. Trump and his GOP are doing the Kremlin's bidding for election help and cash. Biden feigns helplessness to score points against them as Ukraine burns. Inexcusable.
Mar 24 4 tweets 2 min read
My WSJ op-ed on the Crocus terror attack, how Putin will exploit it in his total war in Ukraine, and how the Biden admin must take immediate action instead of blaming the American betrayal of Ukraine on the GOP.… Putin will escalate, as he always does when he senses opportunity and weakness. Ukraine cannot become a political football. Instead of telling allies like Ukraine what they can't do, give them the support they need to do what must be done.
Mar 24 5 tweets 1 min read
A new loyalty test has arrived from the Kremlin: blaming Ukraine for the Crocus terror attack despite no credible evidence or time yet to make up the usual fakes. Let's see who parrots this homicidal garbage for no reason other than that their master in Moscow says it. The deep historical connections between Russian intelligence and Islamic terror groups are well documented. There are also many shades of complicity, from collaboration and cover-up to ignoring warnings and delaying response.
Mar 23 5 tweets 1 min read
You can tell it's AI because there is blood on all six of Putin's fingers... Image The worst terrorist of all is right there in the Kremlin, no need to search or make up convoluted stories that contradict each other more every hour. It's all bullshit, trying to gain sympathy, distraction, and time Russia will use to escalate its war on Ukraine.
Mar 22 10 tweets 2 min read
Attack in Moscow the day after Peskov used the words "we're at war" for first time and a big new mobilization was announced. Can't help but note this is the same formula Putin used when he came to power 25 years ago with the KGB apartment bombings.… Russia is preparing to annihilate more Ukrainian cities and will continue to escalate in the face of allied weakness. It appears the Biden admin is okay with that because gas prices are more important to his reelection campaign.…
Mar 20 4 tweets 1 min read
Many years of German prosperity were built on cheap Russian gas. Putin used that money and lack of international pressure to destroy Russian civil society and build his war machine. Since 2014, Ukrainians have been paying for that German prosperity with their blood. Scholz & others are still hoping to get back to business as usual with war criminal Putin. Why else would they be so pathetic? The Russian $300 billion has been frozen but only the interest can be used? A few arms found here and there sent, but not huge NATO stockpiles? Absurd.
Mar 13 6 tweets 2 min read
Travel day, so a summary thread:
- Ignore Putin's "election". It's a joke and even pointing that out associates a dictator with a democratic process he has destroyed. However, it's useful to expose his sycophants in the West who love to say how popular he is. 1/5 - Putin again refutes his eager propagandists in the free world by stating his intention to destroy Ukraine as a people & nation because they don't deserve to exist. Talking about NATO expansion or saving Russian speakers should be humiliating at this point. 2/5
Feb 21 5 tweets 1 min read
Every time new sanctions on Russia are announced or new weapons sent to Ukraine, it gives the lie to the claims the West was doing all it could before. It's been two years of Russia's all-out war & Ukraine's allies are still holding back. Why? Hoping for a deal with Putin? Ukrainians are dying every day while the the most powerful militaries in the history of the world ponder what would be proportionate. NATO knows the threat is escalating but still treats the front line of Ukraine like a buffer instead of a vital interest.