How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Russian milblogger amplified a post from an unspecified Telegram channel, which criticized several prominent Kremlin & Wagner-affiliated milbloggers for contradicting the 🇷🇺MoD’s narrative regarding a successful defeat of a 🇺🇦 landing on the left bank.… is part 3 of the @TheStudyofWar's study into the Russian military command changes since the start of the full-scale invasion. Please check out my previous 🧵for a recap of Russian command changes in 2022. leader Ramzan Kadyrov claimed on May 31 that Chechen forces received a new order and assumed responsibility over the Donetsk Oblast frontline & that Chechen units need to start “active combat activities” and “liberate a series of settlements.” thanks to @georgewbarros for the accompanying maps and gifs that best illustrate this overly-ambitious Russian operational effort. military officials reported that Ukrainian forces control an “insignificant” part of southwestern Bakhmut City around the T0504 highway — a tacit acknowledgement that Russian forces have secured the rest of western and northwestern Bakhmut, if not all of it. responded to a media inquiry on May 17 about several allegations from Russian Telegram channels — which are reportedly affiliated with the Russian Presidential Administration and the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) — about Prigozhin’s political aspirations in Russia. reported that Prigozhin offered the Ukrainian intelligence information about Russian troop positions in exchange for a Ukrainian withdrawal from Bakhmut & two Ukrainian unnamed officials confirmed that Prigozhin had spoken to GUR officials on numerous occasions. thread covers Russian command changes between August & late November of 2022 in response to Ukrainian counteroffensives. thread covers the first two phases of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine - withdrawal from Kyiv and Russian summer offensive period. Group financier Yevgeny Prigozhin is likely attempting to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin to go over to the defensive ahead of a potential Ukrainian counteroffensive. political scientist Aleksey Mukhin—who contributes to the Valdai Discussion Club and Russian state media—commented on Prigozhin’s March 11 sarcastic announcement that he will be running in the Ukrainian presidential election in 2024. Russian MoD – specifically Shoigu and Gerasimov - is likely seizing the opportunity to deliberately expend both elite and convict Wagner forces in Bakhmut in an effort to weaken Prigozhin and derail his ambitions for greater influence in the Kremlin. Telegram channels began increasingly advertising for recruitment into existing volunteer battalions after ceasing such recruitment calls in September 2022 at the start of involuntary reserve mobilization. likely began to run out of combat-ready forces by late May 2022, forcing Russian President Vladimir Putin to decide between launching a volunteer recruitment campaign or ordering an unpopular involuntary reserve call-up. Here are the indicators: has placed himself in the position of articulating maximalist & unrealistic objectives, calling on his government and military to achieve them—yet refraining from making the costly decisions the large & protracted conventional war he has embarked on likely requires. decided to misconstrue Girkin's persistent criticism directed towards Prigozhin's political aspirations &exploitation of the info space as an attack on Wagner fighters. Prigozhin then accused Girkin of abandoning positions in Donbas in 2014 & invited him to join Wagner. & Shoigu acknowledged some problems such as mobilization failures & lack of drones - echoing criticism from prominent Russian milbloggers. Zelensky was in Bakhmut, Putin decided to award Russian occupation officials, a propagandist, and a milblogger on the 300th day of his 3-day invasion, likely as part of his recent public appearances relating to various undertakings aimed at improving the Russian war effort. our assessment with the amazing @KarolinaAHird & @TheStudyofWar Russia Team on fragmentation of the Russian nationalist information space & how the infighting among nationalists can have significant domestic impacts and could even affect the stability of Putin’s regime.’s persona is likely aimed to pay lip service to milbloggers' requested operational changes following the defeat around Kharkiv Oblast to regain their support given that the Wagner Group has been able to make some incremental gains in Donetsk Oblast. 2/7 Russian MoD failed to acknowledge the developing situation around Kharkiv Oblast and failed to establish a desired narrative, leaving milbloggers to fill this gap with criticism of Russian forces. 2/8