Dr Kate Dommett Profile picture
Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield. Digital campaigning, political advertising, micro-targeting & data. Ex-Spad for @HLDemoDigital. Cyclist 🚴‍♀️
Oct 7, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Fascinating looking at the @ElectoralCommUK data on spending at the UK General Election. Forcefully shows how little spending returns reveal about spend on digital content and the flaws of current disclosure requirements.
Thread 1/11 Let's take a simple example - if we search for spending with Facebook, first of all there are 7 ways Facebook is listed in the results - so little consistency in reporting.
Nov 1, 2019 13 tweets 8 min read
This week I've been asked a lot about the lack of regualtion around online political campaigning in the UK, so I want to lay out my thoughts based on some work I've done as Special Advisory for the @HLDemoDigital Inquiry. Over the last decade pressure has been growing on the Government to regulate online campaigning, but since 2017/8 this pressure has really ramped up. And yet no action has been taken. As part of my SpAd role, I conducted a review of 14 recent reports that have recommended change