Kathryn Tewson Profile picture
Good in a crisis and at no other time.
Mary Waggener Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 24 12 tweets 2 min read
So! What do we think the WaPo article is going to allege?

I’ll go first. “This reporter has been working on a story about me for two years. After two years of trying to get me to sit with him for an interview, he contacts LSU on Tuesday…”

She’s known this story is in the works for two years, and at no point does she say the questions are new.
Dec 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It is kind of appalling how many people don’t realize that the Colorado District Court held an entire-ass five day trial on the disqualification issue. Much of the docket is even online! courts.state.co.us/Courts/County/… Look, here’s Trump’s Motion to Dismiss! courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file…
Dec 2, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
This may be the most appalling attorney misconduct I’ve ever heard of. s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2417… I don’t even have it in me to snark. The plaintiff, Alice Bianco, was employed at the Trump National Gold Club as a server when her boss began sexually harassing her. Image
Nov 21, 2023 38 tweets 11 min read
So yes, I will obviously be talking about Elon’s dumbass lawsuit against Media Matters. Akiva and Mike have already done threads on Bluesky (hmu if you still need a way in) but I am gonna talk about it here.

But first, I want to talk about Up Goer Five. xkcd.com/1133/ Up Goer Five is an XKCD comic in which the author, Randall Munroe, describes the Saturn 5 rocket using only the thousand most commonly used words in the English language. Amusingly, “thousand” isn’t one of them, so he has to say “ten hundred.” Image
Sep 27, 2023 31 tweets 9 min read
Holy crap I got so wound up in all the RICO and defamation and stealing classified documents that I forgot that Trump was in court for bank fraud too. Summary judgment today; looks like it went poorly for him. Let's talk about it.

s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2399… this is on page 2 of 35

this is not an auspicious start Image
Sep 21, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
This is an amazing thread, which you should read. It links to a long-form piece on the topic of lawyer training, which you should also read. But I also wanted to offer my perspective as a paralegal who graduated from an ABA-certified two-year-degree program. “Lawyer” is a profession, and a discipline, but it’s also a job and a business, and if law school prepares its students poorly for the first two, it prepares them not at all for the second two. AFAICT, the ABA certifies paralegal programs in part to make up for the lack.
Aug 26, 2023 37 tweets 11 min read
Nick Rekieta of @RekietaLaw, a small law firm in Central Minnesota, is bad at personal jurisdiction. Let me give a little background here. Nick's talking about Jamie @marchimark Marchi's motion to compel in the collection efforts against Vic Mignogna, who has been ordered to pay her $100k+ in legal fees as a result of filing a meritless defamation suit against her. Image
Aug 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I am thrilled, although not a little surprised, to see the Fifth Circuit so explicitly recognizing the reality that online speech so frequently consists of high-context communications, and the importance of understanding and evaluating that speech within that context. High-context language has been a thing since forever — Cockney rhyming slang is a good example — but in the era when nearly all human communication was done orally, it was almost always delivered and received in an environment where everyone understood the context.
Aug 17, 2023 29 tweets 10 min read
So, about that. . .

For the old #Threadnought crew, NEW FILINGS! What's this that just showed up on the old Mignogna v. Funimation, et al. docket down in the 141st District Court in Tarrant County, TX?

Why, it's a Motion to Compel Vic's Post-Judgment Discovery Responses!

Let's take a look.

Jul 29, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
House Bill 2282, codified at RCW 19.385.010 et seq., is a net neutrality law. Read the whole thing at . https://t.co/IEWaVFKPYlapp.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.as…
@JulieMFaenza @endomorphosis @Lormif1 @riScorpian @chadcmulligan @col_bosch @schwatd2 @JosephPoulin175 Although that seems to be kind of a theme for him
Jul 12, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Good afternoon! I'm taking a moment to highlight a win we got yesterday on behalf of @Bungie, who sprang into action to ensure the safety of an employee who was targeted for racist harassment and threats last year. After working with MANY outstanding professionals to identify the culprit, a racist shitstain of a human being named Jesse James Comer, we filed a complaint in King County Superior Court to hold him liable for the damages Bungie suffered due to his sociopathic conduct.
Jun 18, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
This is true.

It is also deceptive. Like on its face, yes, extremely accurate. The states that reliably give their electoral college to Republicans also reliably receive more money in federal spending than they generate in federal taxes.
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is 100% accurate. And for those of you reading and thinking “but aren’t you …?” YES, OF COURSE, that’s how I fucking know!
Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
So I read a lot of speculative fiction generally. Love the stuff. I like works that are creepy and weird and unsettling, which is one of many reasons why I read a lot of T. Kingfisher, also known as @UrsulaV. the other reasons are that her books are sweet, solid, a joy to read, and have delightful worldbuilding and rich, vivid characters. The unsettling elements are a little frisson of uncertainty, it gives dimension.
Apr 24, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
The biggest of oofs I did some more research on this.

First of all, I was able to replicate this result. ImageImage
Mar 22, 2023 29 tweets 11 min read
Several people have asked me if I'm upset that the court denied my petition for pre-action discovery from @DoNotPay.

Short answer: No
Long answer: Lollllllll, no When I filed the petition, I knew for sure that there was fraud involved -- that out of "World's First" "Robot" "Lawyer," at least one of those three things had to be a lie. But I didn't know which one.
Mar 8, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
Here’s the thing about AI / machine learning / neural networks /whatever you want to call it: all of those names are bad.

It is not intelligent.

It does not learn.

It does not have neurons. These types of technology result in outputs that superficially resemble those generated by a mind, but they are not minds. They do not think, they do not hypothesize, they do not have judgment or reason.
Feb 11, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
@tombeckettcat They advertise that they have a robot lawyer powered by AI that can offer legal advice and perform legal services for you for a fraction of the cost of a human lawyer, even to the point of drafting court filing and giving you a script of what to say in court. @tombeckettcat I wanted to see if it was everything they advertise, so I created an account and paid my $36 and gave it a whirl. I tried three different products, and filled out the prompts for each one with facts that would need a lot of analysis to give me the kind of document DNP promised.
Feb 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Well, this aged poorly, huh, Josh? For those who did NOT just get emailed a copy, which would be everyone not named Joshua Browder:
Feb 11, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Wow, @DoNotPay, that's pretty shitty, presuming the implication is true. Can you even do that? Well, let's look at what the TOS says. (I'll put it in in archive link, because he changes it so often.)
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
OK y'all watch this. This is Joshua Browder talking about his plan to have @donotpay's "AI Robot Attorney" represent a defendant in a speeding ticket case in New York traffic court.

I'm going to eat dinner. Y'all play "spot the yikes" and I'll be back in a few to go through it. DING DING DING DING DING WINNAH