Katie Hern Profile picture
Professor of English at Skyline College, Co-Founder of the California Acceleration Project
Eric Martinsen Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 16, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Another thread from a community college prof supporting #AB1705, the follow up bill for #AB705. Let’s break down the main datapoint cited by opponents @ASM_Irwin @AsmJoseMedina @AsmStevenChoi68 @ChrisHoldenNews @FrankBigelowCA (1/10) Opponents point out that success rates in transfer-level courses declined after #AB705. When you look at students *who were allowed to enroll directly in a transfer-level course* you see that the % of students passing has dipped statewide. This is true. But also misleading (2/10)
Apr 14, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Whew – there is a LOT of misinformation about #ab1705! As a community college prof, I’m frustrated that faculty organizations are opposing the bill. Here’s a thread on why we must support #ab1705 @ASM_Irwin @AsmJoseMedina @AsmStevenChoi68 @ChrisHoldenNews @FrankBigelowCA (1/13) By ensuring that capable students weren’t trapped in remedial courses, #AB705 dramatically increased student completion of transferable, college-level English and math (2/13) Image