Katie Schmuecker Profile picture
Principal Policy Adviser at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Commissioner on the Scottish Poverty & Inequality Commission.
Jul 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Poverty is deepening, as our report highlighted yesterday.

Disabled people are at the sharp end of it as @prospect_clark and @StatsPeter highlight in this blog


Short 🧵1/6 As @jrf_uk has long highlighted, more than half the people in poverty have a disabled family member.

Barriers to work, discrimination, health and care services, the social security system & the higher costs of being disabled all play a part. 2/
Jul 25, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
Why is the cost of living crisis wreaking such havoc?

On one level it’s obvious: prices.

On another it’s about exposure. New @jrf_uk work charts the deepening of poverty over 20 yrs. People in very deep poverty rose to 6.5m pre-pandemic.


jrf.org.uk/report/going-w… We often talk about going without the essentials now, & choosing between heating & eating. But as you dive down the income distribution this experience isn’t new. It’s everyday.

The 🚨🚨have been flashing for some time. Foodbank use, homelessness, malnutrition in hospitals… 2/ Image of a foodbank