Kat Coffin Head of the Tortured Scholars Dept. Profile picture
Writer, musician, CS Lewis scholar, Fantastic Feministic, Heretic Autistic. Repped by @cardenaschristi. Two Bit Harlot. 2024 Winner of the Antichrist Awards 👹
Apr 30, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
*cracks knuckles*

Eric was responding to @ostrachan , who said “Christian women aren’t birthing machines”.

Clearly Eric believes his wife absolutely is a birthing machine and was deeply offended. He then intimated that C.S. Lewis would have attributed this
to Screwtape. 🧵 I genuinely not sure how to even start this because I have plenty of doctrinal disagreements with Owen Strachan and as darkly funny to me that @Eric_Conn is so angry that Owen would dare to say such a radical leftist disgusting take that…Christian women aren’t breeding machines.
Mar 24, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
9 Lies I Was Taught As An Evangelical:

1. C.S. Lewis was an Evangelical and his theological views would be compatible a right-wing conservative American Evangelical fundamentalist literalist worldview.

Nope. Image 2. Evolution is an evil liberal lie full of death and struggle and despair.

We were full young earthers—creationist books, idolized Ken Ham (I think it was the accent Australians just sound affable) even took a summer vacation to the creation museum.
Mar 5, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
All right. Time to talk about Jory.

Because it is not enough to just dismiss her as someone deeply mentally ill.

We are watching an antisemitic radicalization in real time and you are not immune. 🧵 Image Jory Micah came onto the scene around 2016ish. She had completed a masters on female affirmation & was vivacious and passionate about women. She did not affirm LGBTQ, but like a lot of women in ministry, was open to engage & listen.

Her tagline was “breaking the glass steeple”.
Jan 5, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
C.S. Lewis scholar here! Let’s dive into this…I’ll be generous and call it an unusual application of this quote… 🤣

Been home for three hours and already we’re starting the new year off with misapplied CS Lewis quotes … 🧵 incoming… Josh here (why is it always a Josh) is quoting from chapter seven of Mere Christianity, where Lewis discusses the Christian notion of forgiveness. (Page 64 if you’d like context!) samizdat.qc.ca/vc/pdfs/MereCh…
Nov 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The ridesharing app @lyft was created as an alternative to Uber—a safe alternative for women after Uber drivers were sexually harassing and assaulting women passengers.

Here is what occurred 1 hour ago when I called a Lyft at 2:30AM to take myself and my female friend home. 🧵 The Lyft arrived. My friend and I started to get in. Before I shut my door, I asked him to confirm his passenger’s name—standard safety question for every ride sharing app.
Jun 19, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Dear Matthew West, it’s me Kat, I think it’s time we had a talk about how this kind of purity culture rhetoric really damaged me in high school... I’m a fan of @matthew_west , I really love his music.

His song “Family Tree” still makes me cry and helped me believe I could break the generational abuse in my family.

I’m not being snarky about this.

I’m showing you my wounds in an effort to spare your daughters from them.
Jun 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Made therapy appointment.⭐️

Made psych appointment. ⭐️

Filled out paperwork for therapy. ⭐️

Shoutout to @JenniferNeyhart for holding me accountable. TW: suicide

In 2011, I swallowed a bottle of Tylenol PM. I texted my friends “I love you”. And then I hoped I would fall asleep forever.

Hours later I awoke at 3AM & barfed all the pills up.

I lay shivering on my bathroom floor and decided I needed to do something.
Jun 16, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Yes, I’m going to watch “Her Deadly Sugar Daddy” because I love @BrentMBailey THAT MUCH, and love equals sacrifice. This exchange will haunt me for the rest of my days. ImageImage
Jan 29, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
When I was little, my older brothers were diagnosed w/ Asperger's. This was in the 80's & early 90's when we didn't know much abt the condition. But my mom--I got lucky w/ my mom. She did tons of research on the condition, she never shamed my brothers, & welcomed it as a gift. When I was 9 or 10, my mom had me tested. I am an outlier in autistic women; I got my diagnosis as a child. This was around 1998-1999, so they talked about prescribing medication for me since I wasn't doing well in school. I firmly, firmly refused. I promised I would do better.
Jan 23, 2020 29 tweets 5 min read
When I have a moment today, we’re going to discuss C.S. Lewis, misogyny, and the false notion that he hated women. As some of you saw last night, I popped off a little at someone who deemed C.S. Lewis a "monstrous misogynist" and bigoted homophobe.

The Lewis quote in question was a particularly bad take in "Preface to Paradise Lost".
Dec 27, 2019 45 tweets 9 min read
Okay! Let's talk about the ABC show Once Upon A Time, how to redeem a villain, and why it went south. OUAT was a show with a fun (and familiar) concept--original takes on fairytales, how would characters from legend react in a modern context, etc.

We've seen this with the comic series Fable and the miniseries 10th Kingdom, and OUAT follows pretty closely with their themes.
Dec 6, 2019 23 tweets 4 min read

Why Ron Weasley rocks and you are all just mean - A thread. I've been in the Harry Potter fandom a while. We're talking Livejournal days. And if there is one thing that has gotten progressively worse as times goes on (and as more people remember the films over the books), it's people's attitude towards Ron.
Sep 17, 2019 30 tweets 6 min read
All right guys, since you all are being so amazing in helping me defeat my nemesis, and because I turned 29 last week, I've decided to do a little introductory thread. Just so you all know what you're in for.

29 things about me! 1. I am a writer. I wrote a fantasy novel two years ago and I signed with my agent last February. It's currently on submission to publishers.

Now that you follow me, you're legally obligated to buy it once it's published. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Jul 27, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
I once told you all that I didn’t understand Communion. Like I’d studied it, I understood the context (impossible not to when you attend a Lutheran school for ten years) but I never really GOT it. Not in my body and bones.

I think I’m ready to tell you something. When I attended RHE’s funeral, I was in despair. I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to do this whole God thing anymore.

The funeral was more powerful than words can express. Stories, Scripture, music...Rachel was all around us.
Jul 22, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
I've seen a lot of really interesting takes on the Mary/Martha story in the last week,, particularly towards Martha. A lot of women see themselves in Martha, hosting, cooking, getting everything ready with little to no help. Lord knows the church runs on women getting shit done. But I wanted to offer an autistic perspective--of how I always read the Mary/Martha story. I'm not a theologian or a pastor, just a woman struggling with Christianity like anyone else.

You see, I always identified with Mary.
Mar 12, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read

After having a marvelous time listening to that goofy Lewis album, I decided to compile all my favorite Narnia/C.S. Lewis songs I know. Feel free to add your own if I haven't listed them! First, to start off, my friend @theheathmcnasty 's C.S. Lewis album is beyond compare. "The Weight of Glory". Each song is based off a work of C.S. Lewis and is phenomenal. "A Grief Observed" is my favorite but "Screwtape Letters" sends CHILLS down my spine.
Dec 27, 2018 30 tweets 5 min read
Many moons ago (I think like two weeks) I gave you guys a semi-drunk thread on why you are all wrong about Susan Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia.

Here is my more eloquent scholarly thread on why you all are still wrong about Susan Pevensie. *rustles up academic papers* There are a few common complaints about Susan Pevensie, i.e., "The Problem of Susan", that have absorbed themselves (however annoying to me) into the popular consciousness. In a Time Magazine interview, JK Rowling described her debt to C.S. Lewis: