Katy Shanahan Profile picture
ohio til I die | lawyer | basically here to create chaos | contributor @democracydocket | she/her
Jan 19, 2024 51 tweets 9 min read
Hello from a candidate forum for Franklin County’s prosecutor’s race hosted by where Tamala Payne, mother to Casey Goodson, Jr. who was killed by local police who have yet to be held accountable, is providing powerful opening remarks about the impact of this officeholder. Image I’ll be most interested to hear from those candidates who currently serve in positions of power to hold our local police accountable - whether bc they fund them on Council or bc theyve overseen similar cases around Ohio - to see how they plan to approach the position.
May 10, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
The Ohio House is going to pass SJR2 today, but there are some lingering questions about whether they're going to also force the issue to appear on an August ballot.

I've got some theories about their potential legal arguments if this goes to ct, so *cracks knuckles*

a long 🧵 SJR2 - as passed by Rules Cmtee - puts the issue on the next special or general election's ballot.

Right now, the next election is this November. But a lot of Rs don't want to wait that long bc they want to derail the abortion ballot measure.

But! There's a hiccup.
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Wonderful profile of Adrienne Hood who is running to unseat incumbent Emanuel Remy to represent a new majority Black council ward.

And a solid critique about why our new council structure is more tall than walk and why we desperately need better representation locally. It’s so incredibly damning for the Democratic establishment that they work so hard to fight against a people-powers democracy here in Cbus, bending over backwards to defend a racist at-large council structure that undermines the power of our votes.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When I say that Frank LaRose has no commitment to election integrity or to strengthening our democracy, this is what I mean:

This press conference will likely be the announcement of GOP plans to gut our ability to amend the constitution through people-powered ballot measures. Image Our right to amend our constitution is ESSENTIAL in a state like Ohio that has been gerrymandered to hell by Republicans and who push policies through the legislature that we voters don't want, support, or need.

The ballot is our path to having any say in our political process.
Nov 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

Fewer than 24 hrs before the hearing tomorrow (& notably *after* testimony is due), Rs dropped an updated version of HB294 and it's...worse!

Check out details below and call cmttee members to tell them to vote NO on HB 294!

New version of HB294 (in add'n to original):

❌Eliminates SOS's ability to proactively send absentee ballot apps to all voters

❌Ballot drop boxes only used for ballots (no longer for voter reg forms)

❌Shortens time to accept mail-in ballots

Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

This Thursday, the House Govt Oversight Cmtee will host a hearing on HB294, which - in totality - is a bad bill that will make it harder for esp youth, elder, Black & brown, & rural voters as well as for folks w disabilities.

🗣️ It’s action time 🗣️ Personally I reject framing this bill as some good, some bad bc the reality is this:

Bill Seitz and the GOP will *never* strip out all the bad voter suppression bits and only keep what folks might actually support or need.

🗣️Call the Govt Oversight members TODAY to oppose HB294
Nov 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
In a state that’s voted just 54% Republican in the last 10 yrs, passed 2 constitutional reforms to ban gerrymandering, & despite 7 rulings agnst illegal maps, the OH GOP will hold:

❌ 67% of congressional delegation

❌ 67% of OH House &

❌ 79% of OH Senate

Fucking criminal. Before I digress, let me say unequivocally that:

Ohio is worth fighting for. Our democracy is worth fighting for. And progressive values are worth running on here.

Our work to make this state a better & more just place for all who call it home continues bc, well…it has to.
Nov 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Grateful to have been a part of this episode so more folks understand just how brazenly lawless Ohio’s GOP is in their unending quest to maintain their outsized & illegal grips on political power.

Give it a listen & then let your rage fuel your trip to the polls to vote them out These Ohio races will directly impact our upcoming mapping process (bc, yes, we still have to fix our illegal maps!):

Gov (@nanwhaley), SOS (@ChelseaForOhio) , Auditor (@TaylorInSEOhio), Supreme Court (@JenniferBrunner, @JGTERRIJAMISON, @vote4JudgeZayas), state House and Senate.
Oct 17, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
Finally reading through the Ohio GOP's 'appeal' to SCOTUS for the congressional map and their arguments rest on the idea that SCOhio took away the legislature's (or, relevant here lol, the Comm'n's) authority to... partisan gerrymander despite a state constitutional ban on that? What it really boils down to is:

"Listen, SCOTUS, we really wanted to rig out maps 13R-2D, but SCOhio won't let us bc of this reform that we helped write says we can't gerrymander. But...we want to! And we have the federal right to do so bc only the leg is in charge here!"
Mar 29, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
While we wait for the Comm'n to come back, worth noting something:

Hired mappers (D and R) drew maps that were fair and could've gotten bipartisan support.

But the GOP just passed a set of maps that is 99.74% identical to the ones SCOhio just struck down as unconstitutional. They changed just 5 districts on the maps and those changes still reflect 90-100% matches to the last set of maps that were passed on Feb 24 and that were struck down by the Court just 10 days ago.

Now, if it were me I wouldn't worked harder to change them, but WHAT DO I KNOW?!
Mar 29, 2022 28 tweets 8 min read
Good evening from the Ohio Statehouse where the GOP Gang of 5 on the Commission might force a vote on “fixed” maps that have been entirely invalidated by SCOhio just 10 days ago as being unconstitutionally gerrymandered.

No one has seen these maps & no public input will be taken In case anyone needs a reminder about why we’re here - 5 days after independent mappers worked tirelessly to pump out new fair maps - it’s because the GOP refuses to accept reality that #FairMaps mean they lose power they don’t deserve in the first place.
Mar 28, 2022 34 tweets 8 min read
A couple hours more 😭😭😭 It appears like Huffman’s biggest concerns are how best to protect his GOP incumbents - in direct conflict with what SCOhio just told him 1.5 weeks ago was NOT an interest rooted in the constitution.
Mar 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Redistricting Commission has before it yet another reasonable set of state legislative maps to consider.

The only thing standing between Ohioans and #FairMaps is - as has always been the case - the GOP Gang of 5 insistent on gerrymandering our maps and undermining our vote. Image My full statement (thread to follow):

The Republican Commissioners have had everything they need to draw fair maps for months: clear guidelines, a selection of perfectly reasonable maps to choose from, and Democratic colleagues ready and willing to negotiate.
Mar 28, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Good morning from the Ohio Statehouse on the day our fourth set of state legislative maps are due because the GOP refuses to pass the #FairMaps voters deserve and that our constitution requires.

Hearing pushed back already to 10:30am so…things are lookin’ good lol! Additional context for today:

Faber was just in the mapping room saying he doesn't think they will land the plane today.

FWIW not landing the plane isn’t actually an option because LOL the Court ordered them to pass maps by today.

Tick tock, folks!
Mar 27, 2022 85 tweets 20 min read

Comm'n poised to meet today at 4pm to hear from outside mappers on their full drafts.

Reminder - #FairMaps have:

4️⃣5️⃣D House seats
1️⃣5️⃣D Sen seats

& (among those) toss ups that reflect the purple parts of Ohio (not given to just 1 party) Here's out the ind mappers' maps stack up to those #FairMaps numbers:

McDonald House
51 safe R, 3 competitive lean R
42 safe D, 3 competitive lean D

Johnson House
53 safe R, 2 competitive lean R
41 safe D, 3 competitive lean D
Mar 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

Eagerly awaiting public access to the independent mappers’ draft House and Senate maps, so we can try to analyze their impact on our communities and their constitutional compliance! This is based on 2016-2020 statewide stage and federal election data (same data Commissioners use) and competitive seats fall somewhere between 48-52%.

Notice how many fewer toss ups there are and how evenly split they are between Ds and Rs.

Rs have some ‘splaining to do 😳
Mar 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
“Repeated failure to draw constitutional maps is closing off options. Was that the plan all along?”


The Rs - from the jump - have done all they can to try to maintain as close to the status quo as possible to undermine our democracy. cleveland.com/opinion/2022/0… “The evidence for this is unclear but suggestive -- although the process is far from over.”

The evidence is NOT unclear!

They didn’t convene the Comm’n until AUGUST of last year (less than a month before first map due date). Hearings didn’t start until 1 week before deadline.
Mar 26, 2022 75 tweets 17 min read
Hello from the Ohio Statehouse waiting for the (now) 4:30pm commission hearing to start and watching the tech folks figure out how to use Zoom for virtual testimony and dying a little inside thinking about how we should’ve had this all along 😭😵‍💫😭 Image How well timed - just realized I released this statement ONE YEAR AGO in conjunction with testifying on Rep. @brigidekelly’s HB55, which would’ve allowed for virtual testimony for all legislative hearings to #KeepDemocracyOpen and safe for all of us 😵‍💫🥴😵‍💫🥴 Image
Mar 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
*clears throat*


And, yes, move it back for *all* races. There is plenty of time to do so and 2 Dem-sponsored bills waiting for consideration.

GOP needs to stop playing politics with our democracy - that includes you, Frank 😑 A reminder about for what reasons we have recently moved the primary:

The Ohio GOP moved our presidential primary in 2016 up to March so that John Kasich could win Ohio and to fit in with national GOP primary rules.

They’re not moving it now to maintain gerrymandered power. 💀
Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ngl having a hard time concentrating on anything else in the midst of OH’s constitutional crisis.

This sentiment would be outrageous from any legislator with its open irreverence to a co-equal branch of government, but it is particularly jarring coming from a licensed attorney. The Sup Ct is exercising its constitutionally-granted jurisdiction over our mapping process & told Ohio GOP something they’ve rarely heard in the last 30 years: “No.”

But the GOP doesn’t care. Not abt us voters, not abt our constitution, not abt the ct, & not abt our democracy.
Feb 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
LOLOLOL what? I’m…sorry?

We just ignoring the Court at this point?

For what? Political points post-endorsement?

My god, Frank LaRose is such a threat to democracy in Ohio.